What will hogfags do when hook is finally nerfed next update?

what will hogfags do when hook is finally nerfed next update?

add melee to the combo more often

play reaper in a w+m1 style

>hookscan meme

play soldier

probably quit, one shotting salty genjis, tracers and tormenting healers in general was the only fun I got out of this otherwise shit game

they will move on to whatever is the next OP thing

nerf =/= rework

if they are smart
they should play paladins the better game
makoa a best

If it goes from literally being able to hook people in the most bullshit way from over a wall, to functioning normally like it should then it is a nerf.

Increase his hook CD by 1 or 2 seconds.
That's literally all he needs. He can still grab and delete people, but can't throw a hook 10 times a minute.

roadhog isn't even OP you bronze shitter

>the one character that enables the triple tank meta to get picks
>not OP

paladins for overwatch is like comparing some miniclip flash RTS to Age of Empires 2

Paladin's fun factor ends the moment you realize how out of balance the game is, how shallow it is, how unresponsive and bland it is

Overwatch is much more fun by a mile, Paladins is a chore.

>the one character that enables the triple tank meta to get picks

The triple tank meta wouldn't exist if Biotic Grenade + Amp It Up wasn't so fucking broken.

>the one character that enables the triple tank meta to get picks


spotted the silver rank player

make his hook a projectile instead of hitscan

It is a projectile.

>You lose sr if you lose when someone on your team dcs
why don't they just flag accounts deduct 100 sr from leavers and ban them from queuing for a day and double it each time it happens within that week. Harsh but if you have shitty internet you shouldn't queue for competitive

i hate the timer or whatever sometimes, like if it is still within the first minute it will just shut the match down. ive had this abused on me before where my team shut them down twice then someone leaves on other team and the game just shuts down. would have been an easy win, but nope.

Good job changing the clock on your system.
In the last 94 days Paladins has been released on Steam, about 2200 hours have passed. You would not even be able to sleep, maintain a job, shower and eat if you played 1600 hours of Paladins since September, you little shit.
And you even stopped playing on November 19th, making this lie even less believable.

That's not even accounting for photoshop. You little autistic shit.

Paladins is garbage, but if you're gonna use a steam screenshot to lie about the state of a game, you should do a better fucking job. You owe it to yourself so I don't go full autism on you.

I honestly think they should just reduce the hitbox of the hook. Scrubs have been able to have fun for long enough with him. Make it so it actually requires skill to instagib

Isn't it just latency that makes the hook function weirdly?

Ana doesn't get picks for the tank heavy meta, she sustains them. Roadhog's job is to hook someone out of position and pick them before Ana can heal them back up.

The triple tank meta obviously exists because of Ana, but Roadhog acts as a dps for that team comp.

>Hog's hook
>ever being a problem

It's only a problem if you're a predictable fuck and stands right infront of him like a blind retard.
Just avoid it or go reaper/zarya/soldier. He's the easiest tank to fuck up.

Hogfag here. Hook is working as intended. Don't go horribly out of position and you won't get deleted.

That said, if he's nerfed, I'll just continue playing hog since he's my favorite tank. Along with Reinhardt. Though I'm loving Zarya a little more.

Now D.va needs to get slapped. I just hate the character's aesthetic and I absolutely refuse to play her on principle. I don't give a single shit about how good she is. I refuse. And we all know every D.va potg is using her ult and getting deleted.

>Can charge like Rein
>Has a fast-charging pocket shield like Rein and Zarya
>Said pocket shield not only eats up fucking EVERYTHING but the hitbox is so big that you can't even shoot PAST it
>Infinite fucking ammo
>And has an ulti that can't be easily countered, cancelled or block, and is a KO for most heroes

Meanwhile you can still countered and cancel Roadhog's ulti to hell and back

>dva ult is hard to block
only if your rein is brain dead

Don't make me post the webms

>right infront of him

Its not like that shit can get your around corners and even through walls.
Nice try Roadhog fag

the real question is

(spoiler)will you stop sucking cock(spoiler)

you won't pussy

>Don't even main him. I eat hogs.

Hopefully not play the game anymore, makes no sense why he hasn't been nerfed at all despite everyone complaining for the longest fucking time

t. 999 SR Season High

>what will hogfags do when hook is finally nerfed next update?

Cry and have it made re-broken...... again

Besides exceptions, the hook works as intended, ie. you hit a portion of the person and it reels you around obstacles.

You fail to acknowledge that
>Roadhog can move during a hook
>People can get knocked back during a hook

If hooks couldn't go through walls, NO ONE would be hooked unless you were in the complete open.
And for that matter, why should Rein's hammer swing clip through walls NERF NOW!!

not him but thats not how spoilers work newfag

t. Roadhog tank abuser

>try to hook you
>if fail he will hide behind a wall
>wait for hook to recharge
>try to hook again

Roadhog players are literal cancer.
Cut the hook distance by half or double the time to recharge it.

I will

I like this new roadhog hook

we both know you won't


Wait, you can do that??
Thanks for the tip. But yeah, no. I've played the game for 1600 hours, I am a neet and I play videogames somewhat professionally.
Calling me autistic when you so hard try to prove a point yourself.
Your sperglord meter just went off the charts.

I spam R2 during recharge, but it's a shame anyways since the drop-off is so fucking ridiculous that even pausing to aim allows most heroes to escape a one-hit kill, and proceed to get away by facerolling their keyboard

Now one thing I would like to see is a 'pro' mode where there is a spread penalty for moving. Why facerolling your WASD/Space keys is considered a legitimate tactic, I'll never know


Your salt feeds me.

I love this game but honestly I dont even know how its now a e-sport when it has characters this broken.

Do or do not there is no try

Hog isn't the problem, the game only having one character that can deal with tanks effectively(he really can't) is the problem.

This Quad-tank meta would die overnight if they had another character besides reaper who could shit all over their faces. Even then Reaper gets fucked by hog/D'va/Zarya because he simply can't kill them quickly or before he gets put in a dangerous situation, and the biggest issue you can only have one reaper.

This game is honest to god trash though, and Blizzard will never make it passable. Ranked is fucked, Meta is fucked, alternate game modes are fucked, Jewboxes have taken over all development space rather than new maps and modes.

>people defending hook every time despite it obviously being a broken piece of shit
It also has a fucking six second cooldown cause the game babies you if you miss you still can one shot shit and try agian

So what is the so called "nerf"?

My idea for the fix is to shorten the hitbox on the hook, and increase reload time a bit.

No reloaderino nerf, just make the hitbox smaller.
Separate the shitters from the real hookers

Symmetra is up there, but Rein's run speed and swing radius is so fast and wide that he can keep up with most heroes.

What they need to do is
>Slow his run speed, nerf his melee
>Buff his shield
Effectively make him useless beyond tanking choke points and tactical situations, like charges and ulti's

>Make hooks work through bubbles
>And for that matter, allow you to knock her back during bubbles
>Maybe nerf her damage

Where do I fucking begin

>get hooked
>walk away with 100 health because of symmetra shield and trojborn armor

Blizzard only made sure that roadhog gets his hook. If he hooks you before anything else happens like you running around corner with using an ability to escape the hook you still get hooked. Because he hooked you before everything else.

or the hook was literally cut in two by an ice wall, whatever

As I said, everything that happens after the legit hook got negated.

None of that would be needed if we had another character who shit down bloated HP characters throats like it was nothing.

Hooks bend time and space, he should know this by now

But you can't effectively do that without one-shotting other heroes
It's their bloated HP that's a problem, but the moment you nerf ANY of these heroes, and the vocal minority would be up in arms

it was a mei on the same team as the hooker.

It doesnt matter.


%HP skills exist exactly for this reason user. Same with making those abilities or abilities in general short-ranged or inaccurate. Reaper blows the fuck out of anyone 200HP or less, but has piss range and accuracy to balance it out. No reason they can't work within that area to make something new that functions similarly.
Hitbox doesn't match the visual, its got a good vertical box to it. Hell 90% of this games shit doesn't make sense at all, anything projectile based has a hitbox the size of texas in really wonky ways.

Hooks are simulated projectiles aka delayed hitscan.
If a hog uses his hook and it would hit, it will hit regardless of what happens a half second later.

If a hog uses his hook and it would miss, it will miss regardless of who walks into it a half second later.

After that it's up to the pathfinding of the hook. Think of it as a little simulated man grabbing you and dragging you back through obstacles in the most effective way

better skin

>it collides with the robot as a projectile would
>chain clips terrain
>they pull the bot down
The clipping part is the only dumb part. You pulled someone you should have.


You think that'll stop me from fucking your life over?

>not liking tight leather red top with nihlistic boots


>Not liking tight latex

>people actually unironically still play this game

>MONTHS since release
>people were posting "DEAD GAME" since month 2
>it's not dead yet
did Sup Forums lied

marketers lied

>had fun with this game until Ana came out
I SHIT you not it was really fun at one at point and now I'm having a slight little glimpse of hope it could be fun if they knew how to balance

>Reinhardt's charge (when pinned, specifically), which guarantee's a kill on any hero with less than 300 health, has a 10 second cooldown. This will normally result in a dead Rein because he charged through enemy lines.
>Hook, which guarantees a kill on any hero with less than 300 health, has a 6 second cooldown. The Hog will probably live because his team is still in front of him.
>Someone at Blizz actually thought this is OK.

I played for about 3 weeks until I got bored of the exact same thing over and over and over again with very little to keep you playing while the whole thing is wrapped up in a nice little kike package to get you into the shop.

Blizzard will never change but I guess kids havent had the time to learn about their jewery


hahah good meme friend

I just want them to delete Hanamura and nerf Ana. Game would be fine after that.

there's a reason the best mccree in the world changed to roadhog this season.

and at the current tournament his team seems to always do better when he is on mccree. weird.

That's because Dva shits all over mcree

>named file

Skins and lootbox faggotry ruined any chance this game had. No need to have competent game design when you can just distract your retarded fanbase with a shiny new unlock.

>I enjoy spending 10 minutes looking for the right file instead of typing in the name and letting the computer find it for me.
Hey man, whatever floats your boat, dumb frogposter

Actually that's a crop I made myself, it's of Genji asking D.va out on a date in japanese but D.va doesn't speak Jap resulting in that panel, so obviously it does not have a Sup Forums filename.

In my opinion, they should just minimize the hitbox by a tiny amount, and thats all.
Apart from that, they really need to fix matchmaking.
When i just started playing the game, and knew nearly nothing, about lv 15, i was constantly paired with lv 60+ people.
I think that Rein is where he is supposed to be. If he was slower, he wouldnt be able to kill anybody at all , ever. And this is coming from somebody who doesnt even know how to play Rein offensively. When i get him in Mystery Match, i only try to shield some relevant teammates, and thats all.
So for all lof you who really want that nerf, i propose: ok, but, then his shield should be made bigger (area wise, and it should be impossible for enemies to go walk through it)
D.Va only needs a slight adjustment to attack dmg, thats all. really.
Appart from that, people need to realize that its a team game. Team up, have strategies, know them, pull them off. There is a counter for all of those "OP" characters.
But that all shouldnt matter if you play quick play. Just have fun there and hone your skills, and play competitive only with a well known party with who you are chatting and discussing a lot even out of the game.

retard, no one said ana was the one to get picks off the enemy team.

They're talking about ana getting picked alot to enable a 3 tank meta.

all the dps mains, like mendo, taimou and iddqd, are playing and practicing (on stream) their tank game because of the shitty meta

Blizzard will never properly balance the game because they're Blizzard and that's how they've operated for the past 12 years

>people still don't get the connection with latency

Stupid Americans

>any chance

chance for what?

Nobody uses noir.

This is the best one.

To be good.

But it is good.

Playing right now and can confirm it's good.

An acceptable fix would be
>Longer casting animation
>longer time before the target gets to him
>enemies hooks that lose line of sight are released rather than pulled through scenery
>model accurate hitbox
Projectiles shouldn't have larger hitboxes to begin with but whatever

>oh no!! i died to a six second cooldown in overwatch! Roadhog can theoretically kill a retard every Six Seconds!
it's like you don't even understand the game or something.

>confused dva
>lucio confused

either do adjective then noun, or noun then adjective, and jesus christ make some folders

I actually do have a lot of folders, some of which are probably impractical, like pic related or the fact that I have fear, dread, and screaming in seperate folders.