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The PS4 Pro sure is a piece of shit. I would feel like a retard if I bought one. HA HA!

Hello, reddit.

I was just installing D2 on an XP machine, I forgot how much those ancient CD drives sound like a jet engine taking off.

for what purpose are you posting this meme again? do you want it to get stale by next week?



>pepe the frog is a Sup Forums meme
>newfags think its a reddit meme

it feels like summer in here....



>newfags THINK it's a reddit meme
Um, user...

It looks like you didn't have to buy a ps4 pro to be retarded

reddit merely adopted the meme
pepe was born on Sup Forums. molded by Sup Forums
the normies didn't see its beauty till recent times


You've been shitposting this thread all day. We get it. You don't like Sony consoles.

In all seriousness why did Sony think that all chips would overclock to the same frequency without a problem?

Yeah you like that butterfly FAGGOT??

Well, it's shit now.
You faggot redditors keep spamming him EVERYWHERE on this board in an attempt to fit in.
You're making Pepe go the way of rage comics and coolface without even realizing it.

It's pretty much become a reddit meme now due to overuse there

Alright, fuck! I'm Gay! Okay, I said it.. I'm fuckin gay. Whatever man

>I buy first generation hardware when it first comes out

what you just posted is off topic and not video games.


This is happening with almost every fucking console that's released now, why do people keep fucking buying them, they get away with this shit when they shouldn't.

>some autistic faggot was triggerd enough by memes on Sup Forums to make this image

This and the wii u sound piss me off so fucking much, turning on these things will take out all the silence of my room.


that's a weird looking jet engine

Another reason not to buy consoles. The PS3 and xbox did the same bullshit. Leadless sauder and ceramic based thermalpaste sure do work wonders in destroying your fucking system in less than a year.

Video game consoles are just as bad as shitty prebuilt wal-mart laptops now.

Is this another pccuck containment thread? Good

ITT redditors who watched CrowCat faggot video


Yeah man PC are totally not loud amirite XD

>I paid....$400 for a pieca shit that don't fucking work


>when you
Literally facebook-tier garbage.
Why are you even here, normalfag?

You seem upset

You done it now. Linking Crowb's videos summons a horde of butthurt fanboys and shills every time.

Depends on your set up, my PC isn't quiet, because I own a cheap-ass case, with those terrible built in fans. Still, it doesn't face any problems apart from being noisy.

>im not normal, im a special snowflake cause I post on a image board

The thing that irks me the most about the PS4Pro is how DigitalFoundry is making videos exclusively about it. The Sony shilling got so bad, even DF Retro is talking about PlayStation games.

Now if Microsoft did this people would call them out for being literally worse than Hitler or whatever.

Being loud has nothing to do with anything. Laptops are shit to, all of them. Even a 1200$ gaming laptop. They're just flawed by design because you're cramming a bunch of shit into a small space so of course it's going to overheat..

Not to mention the PS3 slims had a cheaper quality of disc drives manufactured so they broke even faster. Seems like Sony once again does not give a shit.

That's what you get for buying a pre built piece of shit shiny plastic box.


t. Sonyggers

>crying over common memes while posting a common meme

>anime poster
>thinking there better than frog posters

at least frog posters are just using stale memes
anime posters are smug fags

>being a normalfag

>look guys, I posted it again, am I cool yet?

It originated from here, reddit is full of nothing but memes stolen from Sup Forums.


>Im not normal cause I watch anime

>doesn't eat the butterfly

HahaHA! yes!


>newfag thinks memes "belong" to places
You sure as hell weren't around when rage and troll faces were all around 4ch, and after that horse reaction images, before this shit went all over the web and anons decided now they dislike this shit.


it irks me that he doesn't eat the butterfly

a frog would do that, damn it

Keep telling yourself that, Reddit. Maybe one day you'll create your own content.

>itt: asshurt sonyggers upset over a video, so they falseflag to derail the thread

*refuses to turn on*

whoops hehe... lets try again

*jet engine noise*

there it is haha... gonna play some gam...

*disk tray doesn't open*

t-that's normal...

*10 min loading screen*

whoa... f-for sure it's a big game...

*artifacts appear on the screen*