Game ends with protagonist looking off into the distance

>game ends with protagonist looking off into the distance

Who are you quoting?

Greentext is meant for quoting people, not summarizing events.


"Greentext is meant for quoting people"

>Greentext is meant for quoting people

>implying greentext is for quoting

Ya es hora?

>>Greentext is meant for quoting people

>greentext is meant for quoting people

>tfw game ends with Mario with the 1000-yard stare, standing over Bowser's body and thinking about the long 8 worlds behind him, before walking home with his brother, singing the mickey mouse club song

>Sup Forums doesn't know this meme

Who are you quoting?

>green text is meant for quoting people

This nigga

Full Metal Jacket

>tfw he doesn't know who


>game begins
>there is no menelegue

Who are you quoting?

alright faggots, how do i get a gf like star irl?

>game asks question
>answer yes
>always get told that my answer is wrong

>game ends with the protagonist just getting started

Who are you quoting?


>thread about video game situations
>weeaboo faggot keeps asking if I'm quoting someone

Who are you quoting?


Only westacucks are that autistic though.

Weebs would just post a smugnep or one of those animalpajama moeglobs.

Be rich.