What's the first video game you'll buy for your child, Sup Forums?

What's the first video game you'll buy for your child, Sup Forums?


Borderlands 2



>implying ill impregnate anyone

Gushing Grannies 3: Cum Here Young Man!


Fuck that. My spawn are playing through my N64 and PS2 library before they even deserve something next gen.

>implying I won't force my son into normie-hood

Same, but snes and ps1

Dwarf Fortress or one of the Neptunia games.

My kids play free to play crap on tablets and pirated Wii games. I aint paying for that shit.

Dark Souls.

>not lying.

Neptunia Re;Re;Re;Birth 1

>Having children.

I'm twenty-five, it's too late for that.

25 is the perfect time for children.

kid's gonna buy his own damn games, assuming I even have one (she does't want kids)

My daddy buys me lots of games, the last one he bought for me was the uncharted collection

Nah famalam. If you don't get a girlfriend by 15, you can keep your v card for life.

>too late for children


Not when you're a neet, m8. I would need atleast four years to have any value in my life, and I've already wasted up to seven years doing nothing. So it is too late.

>I wasted part of my life
>instead of fixing shit, I'll just waste the rest of it too

Great logic.


>Implying I said it was broken in the first place.

Wasted does not mean broken.

It kinda does, m8. If you consider your life wasted then clearly there is a way of living that isn't a waste. Instead of changing your life so it is no longer a waste, you continue to waste it. Doesn't make any sense.

>Getting laid one time suddenly validates everything in life.
>When I've already fapped pretty much every day since I learned to masturbate when I was fourteen, twelve years ago.

No bitch would offer herself up to be fucked literally every day like a toy, not the ones that would make women you want to have around family. Besides, my libido has pretty much died from fapping that much. I only get off to women dying, and NTR now.