Why the FUCK are there no good Lord of the Rings games?

Why the FUCK are there no good Lord of the Rings games?

No, SoM doesn't count. Its shit.

shameless bump

BFME2 with the edain mod is goat.

So much care and love in it.

Playing as mordor feels so nice.

There's the mod for Mount & Blade.

Battle for Middle-Earth.

nigga the EA two towers and return of the king games were great

>The Two Towers
>Return of the King
send ;)

BFME (Both games)

Get fucked

Third Age: Total War

co-op return of the king was soo fucking fun

The pseudo "free" still pay to save a fuck load of time from Lotro is what kill it for me.
It's mostly like Warframe in regards of time spent to farm to play. Difference is I can do a lot of stuff not related to farming and still farm.
I can't do jack shit on Lotro once I hit the level/region wall but farm.

war in the north is fun with friends


the rpg with ffx combat

Bitch please

>Two Towers
>Return of the King
>The PC Adaptation of Fellowship
>BFME series
>War of the Ring
>Third Age
>TA mod for Medieval 2

>edain mod
Why did they have to take away the customizable base building and bring back the old static system of BFME1? It's such a downgrade.


Why not read some fantasy actually meant for adults and not manchildren with nostalgia for some mediocre early 2000's movies?

Shadow of mordor is fucking amazing only that ending

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.

Thats pretty fucking hot actually

Got a month of good playing ouy of LOTRO, it had style.

But BFME2, though. That was the game that forced me to learn how to tinker with PCs. I had this shitty pre-built Walmart rig, and installed a new graphics card and some memory in it when I was like 13. God-tier expansion pack too.

God, that game was great.

War In The North is good, even better if you have friends

I think it allows for a better variety of buildings

It also emphasizes the value of settlements and how hard is to siege them, i fucking hated how in vanilla BMFE2 the AI went straight to the resources and since it was imposible to keep them safe, it turned frustrating.

>tfw no PC version
Come on, Demon Stone is on GOG, so why not these? Or the PS2 Baldur's Gate games for that matter...