"Dude I love [franchise]!"

>"Dude I love [franchise]!"
>"I've only played [latest entry] though"

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That's right user you show them who's alpha nerd around here, fuck encouraging them to try your favorites amirite?

the ONLY Zelda game I have ever beat was Wind Waker

I found every single other game too boring to play, and I've played every single mainline zelda game

What if the franchise only has one entry?

I'm quite excited for DQXI and have never played more than 15 minutes of any other DQ.

Dumb frogposter.

you're part of the problem this board is facing. Instead of actually playing video games you just come here to shitpost all day

u mad, bro?

Teresa nothing more cancerous than people who played human revolution and mankind divided without bothering to play deus ex

u mad

>I love Kingdom Hearts! I'm so hyped for Kingdom Hearts 3!
>Have you played the side games?
>No lol

>without bothering to play deus ex

How could you?

This whole post is shit posting but nice try.

I didn't think hearing somebody start playing Castlevania with Lords of Shadow II would cause [internal screaming]

Boy was I wrong

and this is why WW babbies should not be taken seriously

Yes, yes. Well done, my boy, HOWEVER. I'm not new like you


The side games are such aids and apread over multiple platforms. Using a PS2 and PS4 you can play the important ones that aren't "lol it's a dream" and "edgy stuff that happened in the past".

There's nothing wrong with that and actually the opposite of the OP, you're not claiming to be a fan of DQ to begin with

>What, you didn't buy a gameboy advance, a playstation 2, a nokia phone, a psp, a nintendo 3ds, a playstation 3, and a playstation 4 pro?

I don't care about the shitty portable side games faggot. I played 1, COM, and 2. Why can't I be excited for 3 after 12 years?

>"Yeah like I really enjoy games with deep lore and good gameplay"
>"Yeah Skyrim is like my favourite game of all time"

Fuck you man I'm not putting myself through Days and whatever the phone game was called. Playing 1, CoM, and 2 is enough. Birth by Sleep and 3D are fine too.

can't fault TES for lack of lore, pepe

>Love Kingdom Hearts 1 because it was all well made Disney levels with Final Fantasy mixed in
>Everything fits in with that Disney renaissance artstyle, even the two original worlds
>Has a total of four original characters, the rest are Disney/FF characters or well designed monsters
>Play KH2
>Turns out you have to play a shitty spinoff/remake game for GBA where you go through everything again but now with more original characters!
>Want to play 3?
>Well you gotta go through FIVE MORE spinoff games!
>All of them but one are shit!
Kingdom Hearts is the worst fucking series and it pisses me off that I love the original and sort of like the gameplay enough to just wikipedia the dumb-as-shit story to play the third.

you can play KH 1.5 and 2.5 and 2.8 coming to PS4...

I tell everyone I love XCOM.

I've only played the old ones for 15 minutes before getting bored.
But I've beaten the new ones on the hardest difficulties/iron man.

I say I love Fallout.

In truth, I only love New Vegas. 1&2 have cool stories but old CRPGs are a massive pain in the ass, and 3&4 are trash.

Fight me, nerds.

If they were actually worth playing, they wouldn't have decimal points in the name.

KH 1 FM is shit compared to KH 2 FM. Its aged like fine wine while KH 1 FM aged like shit

>Caring about the story and not just being excited to visit cool worlds and fight shit

They have the final mixes + the other games in them silly billy. The whole series right fucking there

>Final Mix
They should've just gotten it right the first time.

Wind Waker is one of the best Zelda games.

But I really think you should play through Link's Awakening.

1.5 + 2.5 HD and 2.8 is literally the entire series right there



re4faggots when re5

>"Dude I love [franchise]!"
>Said "franchise" only has one game though

I beat human revolution first then played Deus Ex afterwards, and enjoyed it.

That said I see nothing wrong with people avoiding it, it's very archaic. It's sad that people care about what other people enjoy.

>tfw HL is actually my favorite series

Dude I love Guild Wars!
I've only played Guild Wars 2 though.

Consider suicide.

What is a CRPG?

Some of you fucking suck. I bet you're real fun to hang out with. Why would you get angry if they actually like the series you enjoy, even if they've only played the last game? Why not show them there is more to love in the series? I will never understand this exclusive mentality. Maybe I'm the fucking normie here, but christ almighty. If somebody says they like shit I like, of course I fucking sperg out, but I don't bar them out, instead I let them borrow games.
InB4 "you'll never get it back because normies don't return our precious vidya gaymes"

>"Dude I love [franchise]!"
>"I've only played [crossover game featuring one or two characters from it] though"

What if it was the latest game when I played it but it's been a few years and there's a newer one?

Because I do like FE and monster hunter yet I've only played awakening and 4U (and the beginning of gen)

>Maybe I'm the fucking normie here
No, after reading this post, I'm quite certain you're dealing with the opposite problem.

>dude i love these games! game 3 is awesome!
>me too, i liked the part when (character from game 1) blew up (the plot device that affected the next games) and they added (interesting mechanic in game 2)
>what???????? when did that happen??

>recently had to inform somebody HR/MD were prequels
>they hoped that the original game would be retconned to give Jensen a happy ending

You start to doubt your levels of autism when you see people more autistic than yourself.

To be completely fair to you guys, I can understand why you wouldn't like the fact that they claim they're a fan before even having played the other games in the series, but is that really a bad thing? What if that one game is the thing that gets them to enjoy/expand the fanbase in more positive ways?


can fault Skyrim for fucking up the lore, faggot

>Dude I love [franchise]
>Me too!
>Oh please I bet you only played the latest installment. You're not a hardcore fan like I am.

>why would you get angry if they actual like the series you enjoy

But they don't. they can't they like a fucking series if they only played one game.

>Dude I love Kojima and Metal Gear Solid! xD
>I've only played Metal Gear Solid V though!
>What's Ground Zeroes?

Fair Point.
But like I said, why not just introduce them to the rest of the series?
I'm actually having a hard time understanding why that might be a concept completely lost to some people.


Those are two different things.

The OP, I and some others are complaining how it's stupid and hypocritical to claim to like a series of you only know one game of it.

Where does this imply that I deem introducing them to the other games is impossible?

>dude I can't wait for Skyrim 2!

Someone post that woman from reddit who admitted that she didn't even finish Portal 1 despite cosplaying Chell.

delete this post please, you don't know how triggered I am. I played this game when I was a fucking kid for crying out loud. How do these people have a problem with playing the original Deus Ex? If you're having a fucking problem then watch a playthrough jesus christ.

>The Cake is a Lie!
>What's Portal user?

I think the point I'm trying to convey here is completely lost, and that's fine. I'll take my lumps and be done with it.

>"haha i can't wait for Skyrim 2"

i envy the people that didn't play DDD

>Dude i love SMT
>i like the social links

but the turret user

It hurts

>dude I love final fantasy
>yeah I just got ffxv the other day, it's great
>are the other final fantasy games any good?
>thanks user, I might try them out
Was that so hard?


too slow pepe


>implying most people won't drop the game 2 hours in for being wayyyyy too different

>I love Final Fantasy VII
>btw I only know Cloud from Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children

Will their war ever end?

nobody is shilling for fallout 1 and 2, because nobody is paying people to shill for games normies don't give shit one about
what are you implying. don't overuse shill to the point where it becomes a buzzword

>Can't wait for Skyrim 2!

am i a normie if i only loved silent hill 2 and kinda liked 3 and 1?

Several layers of irony.
You can see who's cluelessly imitating and who's /s4s/ posting.

A lot of fags on Sup Forums secretly use reddit and i believe they are the one who "despise" reddit the most

not gonna lie this is me. i only started using reddit this year but jesus christ do they make me so fucking angry. real shit i love Sup Forums so much (you guys were my only friends when i was in HS) and to see any sort of indication that it's been flooded by those people just makes me sick. it actually makes me depressed sometimes which is super pathetic but this site is something that's super close to me and it really made me who i am.

Who cares?