Thoughts on this game?

thoughts on this game?

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Sorry only the generation z inhabit this place. You're shit out of luck

ok I apologize

Not true, theres alot of us 30+ here. I haven't played that game though desu.

probably have better luck on /vr/

I'm nearly 40 and I didn't play that one. Many others of that generation and prior.

penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis penis :D

it's interesting to say the least. It's rarely ever spoken about.

Cover art is bad fucking ass!

In Outlander, the player drives along a post-apocalyptic road in either first-person view (Genesis) or third-person (Super NES). Bikers and trucks attack the player's car with gunfire or ramming. To fend them off, a car window is displayed allowing the player to fire a shotgun to the left or right. The car is also armed with a forward-firing machine-gun. Enemy vehicles destroyed in this way result in an explosion that may damage the player's car.

The car's fuel is consumed over time, and the player may either stop to refill, or run out of fuel. In either case, on-foot gameplay ensues. In this section, the player must avoid chain or petrol-bomb wielding bikers, landmines, and armed hillbillies. There is also opportunity to collect health, fuel, and ammunition before returning to the car.

The player may also stop at towns, another on-foot section that allows resource gathering. Items include ammunition, food, water, fuel, surface-to-air missiles, armour, windshields, fuzzy toys, tires, and geiger counters. The geiger counter is used to detect contaminated food.


Seems like a crazy ass game, but i've never played it or heard of it either.

I played and finished it over the course of a weekend rental like 20-odd years ago, but I haven't played it since. I remember thinking it was really neat. I'm pretty sure I didn't figure out that you could stop and get out of the car for a couple of hours.

There are poisoned health pickups in that game though, which is really stupid and annoying because they look identical to the normal ones.

it really is a weird fucking game

Bump for actual game discussion. A rare comodity on Sup Forums

you have to use the geiger counter on the health pickups

I remember seeing this game now in magazines but still never played.

Loved this game as a kid, but never came close to beating it. The wasteland wears you down to a point where there's no recovering if you slip up too much.

Yeah I guess I was too retarded to know that as a kid.

Hahaha! You can also hit the brakes when you see a biker in your rear view mirror. Always shouted "ha!" when i watched them fly over the front of my car (genesis). Always thought that feature was bad ass!

it's more of a survival post apocalyptic game than all of the garbage coming out now. The game was brutal

just about to boot up the old emu to experience myself

I really liked the mad max game on NES

Kinda looks like Terminator 2 for the SNES

I didn't know the Genesis and snes version were so different.

In the Genesis version it's first person while driving. The snes version is entirely in third person.

Why were multi plat games so radically different from each other back then? Is there any particular reason?

Dude.. You are going to cream your shorts over outlander. Theme music is catchy as shit too


how come this game never got more attention?

It's actually good and had gameplay that was unique back then.

a victim of being a little too ahead of its time just like shenmue and others.
I don't think many people fully understood what it was trying to accomplish


was a good thread while it lasted. I recommend you emulate or pick up the Genesis version if you can

