What's the ideal rpg party size and composition?

What's the ideal rpg party size and composition?

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the platonic ideal of the rpg party is 1 fighter, 1 cleric, 1 thief, 1 magic-user.



Did season three already come out?

What class is Murasaki supposed to be?

Warrior/Warrior/Warrior/White Mage

3 fighters in the front ( One can be a paladin)
1 healer,1 nuke, 1 utility in the back


i like you

it's fucking obvious

I put it all on BLU, baby

5 people. Hero (any class), warrior, thief, black mage, white mage. If your party multiclasses then have the white mage be a monk and the thief learn black magic.

Over-time have released the first 2 episodes but nothing else so far. The bandits are better this season, though.


What ever it is, it isn't 3. 3 man parties are the most boring ones.

30 crossbowman
50 Knight
40 Man at Arm
2 medic
1 Engineer
A ruler

Yes, not all of it, but yes
Thief, but she doesn't steal jackshit

A bard can be substituted for the thief if you're feeling saucy but that's pretty much it.

Four, with all four being varying melee types.

White Mage
White Mage
White Mage
White Mage

>with all four being varying melee types.

pure magic is for wusses and everyone knows what they say about healers

I'm still kind of mad desu. But it's pretty clear he just wanted to get it over with since he had long since moved to better things at Marvel.

It's still not as much of travesty as how Bob and George ended.


Someone is subbing up to episode 7 but their translation quality isn't the best. Still good though.

Good, me and my mom binge watched the first two seasons. Best (sorta) vidya game thing we've done in a while, comfy as hell.


If it's in your head still, was FF Village second season?


That confirms it I guess. Time to rewatch.

>Season 3
How did I not know this was a thing. Got a link?


You can stream it online but quality varies, best to dl the 1080 raws and the subs this dude provides (also links to the 1080 subs in the thread)

4-6 members

1 main fighter
1 healer
1 rogue
1 mage
2 offhand fighter/rogue/healer/mage

Tank, healer, burst DPS, sustained DPS

pretty much this

thief to pick locks, sneak past enemies, and disable traps

some healer type cleric or priest to heal/buff the party and deal with pesky undeads

magic user for long range and area effect for crowd control

tank to lure enemies and protect the healslut

If party members affect cutscenes and dialog in the plot an it has party limits then it an objectively shit game.

A Thief, a Tank, a Healer, an Off-healer/Util, a Warrior, a Mage

Your opinion is shit.

7 or 8

KKK team is the best

Who said anything about choices? Are you retarded are something?

I loved Lotros 6 party cap with the Fellowship Conjunctions, then 12/24 man raids.

1 warrior/tank
1 mage
1 priest/healer
1 thief

rangers are stuped xd

>If party members affect cutscenes and dialog in the plot an it has party limits then it an objectively shit game.

Examples include most RPGs.

Don't see anything about choices there. Unless you mean choosing party members or choosing to watch a cutscene. Guess you are just retarded.

whoops wrong thread

depends on the mechanics, and world

Saying a game is shit because you have to choose your party members and will miss dialog because you didn't pick a specific person is stupid. You not being able to see that is a reflection on your intelligence.

Horrible party, would synergize too well and say fuck the quest and just go raid villages and pillage and shit.

5 Party Size.

Ice Mage, Ice Mage, Ice Mage, Ice Mage, Ice Mage.

Who needs tanks or healers when everything is frozen.

4 party members, 8 people to choose from is a fair size, but honestly i like having lots of party members

Depends how specific the classes/characters of that game are. As a rule of thumb I'd say 3 decent sources of damage, so usually 4 (usually broken down into 1 physical, 1 magical, 1 tanky, 1 healer). Etrian Odyssey has 5 because you'll generally have a 2 dedicated supports, most modern Final Fantasy games get away with 3 because either everyone does everything or you can swap out in battle to what you need, or both.

kek. You got proven wrong like a retard and now are trying to save face changing the argument. Go home kid, you lost.

>ice dragon

u fucked kid

Solo all day everyday.

>implying you just wouldn't out freeze it's freeze
>he doesn't want a harem of qt ice girls

>all those ice waifus

Whew lad

Really need to buy a PS4 soon.

This has long been debated and the answer always comes back to the same number, 8.

8 characters fully playable is the perfect size for any party. Any larger and you start getting too many repeats and commanding them all becomes unwieldy, any smaller and you don't have enough room for all your unique character types.

Shit like 5-7 are acceptable, but only if characters are being added and removed from your party by the story. If they're just sitting there on the sidelines the devs can fuck off.

4 and below is literally garbage, not enough room for anyone and most of your party are apparently just setting on a bench somewhere twiddling their thumbs. Of course one slot is reserved for our hero so really you've only got 2-3 people to pick from. No fucking excuse, especially in this day and age.

I felt saucy when I started my first Pathfinder game as a bard instead of a thief. Been regretting it ever since.

When the hell does that happen? I'm already post-timeskip, and never got that cutscene. I'm guessing it's cut content.

6 party members. Tank, dedicated Healer, and then the rest need to buff, debuff, use status effects, do magic and physical damage, and be able to heal in emergencies. Someone that can pick locks and disable traps is usually somewhat required, too, if the game has that.



4 paladins 1 cleric

>any smaller and you don't have enough room for all your unique character types
This would mean something if any unit type other than DPS and healer were worth a damn.
>I can buff my allies so we take less damage!
>I can put the enemies to sleep with my dances!
>I can steal a potion and add it to our other 500 potions!
Or I can just bash the enemies head in and move on.

Spirit Master
Time Mage

This is all you need to be doing max damage and also be untouchable

Mah righteous nigga

Five, featuring strength-based DPS, magic-based DPS, either dexterity-based DPS or a dedicated buff/debuff class of some sort, one tank, and one healer

>not Dark Knight/Dark Knight/Dark Knight/Spiritmaster
Weak shit.

About 4


Monks have dark arts as secondary obviously.

Time mage is so you can just burn through turns and have infinte BP, but I guess Spiritmaster could possibly have time mage as a secondary to make up for that

as many cute girls as you can have

>Missing out legendary weapons because you didn't bring a thief
For shame.

It's when you summon Shiva you dumb nigger.

6, and anything you can make work, from a pool of 50+ optional playable characters, in a larger pool of 108

>Playing the GBA port of the first final fantasy.
>Decide to have a Monk in the party.
>About halfway through the game weapons for him plum stop showing up.
>Have awkward useless party member that can't do shit because the game forgot he exists.

To this day, wonder what was up with that. Were monks in the original version?


You're supposed to let him fight bare-fisted

I had the same problem until I took his weapon off of him and he started doing like 20 hits


Oh you dear sweet summer child.
Monks fight better bare handed.

No really.

when he upgrades from blackbelt to monk you stop using weapons like mentions, dingus. However, 2 Knights are far superior.


Well, That officially makes me a dingus summer child. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

As big as possible, all multiclassed half elf fighter/mage/clerics.

about tree fiddy

Wizard Transmuter w/ Golems
Wizard Illusionist/Diviner
Wizard Necromancer w/ Skellies
Wizard Enchanter w/crafting
When's the next season airing?

It's already out? neato, I heard they were STARTING filming this season.


4 wizards

1 tank
1 dps
1 support / healer

anything more is bloat and the preference of cuckolds

>3 Charisma

Actually, I'd say 9 for dungeons

Three on the vanguard
Three covering the backguard
Three auxiliaries who aid/rest as needed

You don't need three on your rear, if you know what you're doing you're probably not going to be taken from behind in which case having just as many behind is a total waste.

fighter, cleric, thief, mage

2 mechanics

4 members. Interchangeable classes.

100 000 Cav archers

What are magical melee dps classes?

1 guy and 3 girls

fast guy
slow guy
ranged guy

name a better comp i dare you

Muscle Wizards
Rune Fencers

1 hero male (male), 1 male wizard (female) and 1 female support (female)

Hero can do everything but excels only at dps.
Wizard can do stat debufs and burst dps.
Support do buffs, heals and sustained DOTs.