Don't think we don't know what Sup Forums is

Due to NDAs, I'm not allowed to reveal my full identity nor my job title. Because of this, I am keeping myself anonymous. However I will say this, I'm an employee at Nintendo of America.

You may be asking, what is an NoA employee doing here on Sup Forums? Well I'm here to tell you this...have you all played and enjoyed Super Mario Run? If so, that's awesome!

Speaking of Mario platformers, expect a pleasent surprise on January 12... ;)

Other urls found in this thread:

Release the fucking Android version already.

fuck mobile games

give us a new IP you fucks

or at least a new metroid

When are we gonna get a new type of mario. A mario that gives an impact like mario 64 did in 1996

>Speaking of Mario platformers, expect a pleasent surprise on January 12... ;)


:x ? :o :D :DDDDD XD

Go and fuck yourself.

How about you make more New 3DS units available for Christmas so scalpers can't profit off of hopeful parents? That's a pleasant surprise that we could actually use.

NoA has no power in the company. Begone-- you're say is worth about as much as ours in what Nintendo makes nowadays.

>Implying the 3DS is going to be relevant after the Switch comes out

>Don't think we don't know what Sup Forums is
we sent iwata a gaddamn get well card

>another new smb game with the same reused assets and engine as nintendo has been using since nsmb on the original ds

Clearly only a Nintendo insider could have predicted this.

Doesn't stop kids wanting that Pokemon fix now. Also

>Implying that a system gets worse over time

If it's good now, it's good later. A lot of kids are going to get a 3DS as their first handheld, possibly even their first system. Don't you love your first system?

>Don't you love your first system?

You're right, I do. My old NES still lives and is hooked up in my living room as we speak.

>tfw nearly 30 year old system still provides me with so much joy.

Should've convinced the boss to release shit on Android instead of iWhatevers.

Just in case you're for real:

Your company has been shit for years, an this new console is just another gimmick doomed to fail. You will never regain your glory from the old days, and you should just die quietly or stick to mobile games or some other casual-pandering garbage, you cunts.

Sell your IPs to companies that will actually innovate with them, not just shit out the same thing for years. Fuck off.

Thank you, have a good night.

fucking lol retard


Is this post-meta bait?

Super Mario Run Switch


Please stop fucking up localizations.

leak something you retard

>A shill outright admitting that it's a shill on the OP
>faggots reply seriously
What the fuck happened when I was out?

I'm inclined to believe the OP. Don't undermine how dense NoA can be.

And binding of Isaac is a better Zelda mixed with smash TV without stories or puzzles or a big world.

Binding of Isaac is like one continuous Loz dungeon

And look how that turned out. Sasuga, Sup Forums.

I think Mario run was kinda fun. At least it's a better mobile game compared to poketurd go

New! Super Mario Run Switch

you a red, green, gold, or rainbow?

fuckin guaranteed replies. well done, op.

how to make Nintendo great again
1. Let people use their old assets they don't give a fuck about and make their own games have Nintendo over look their projects so it is not developed poorly
If it is good enough sell it as stand alone products

Hire those people to make innovative games thats something Nintendo is lacking now a days.

Have a streaming service pay per month to play ALL Nintendo games from all consoles. It could be put on all systems from PC to Xbox to PlayStation to tablets.

Make the controls match the system they relate to.

Make vr only Nintendo titles released for PC

have the full version of Pokemon go and Mario run on PC PS4 XBOX1 with limited GPS maneuverability and a way to hatch eggs without the GPS.

Make games easy at first and not hand holding easy but make the games nes and Snes like difficulty and make it infinitely difficult towards the end of the game.
This is something that is lacking in modern titles
It would make a reason for nintendo to stand out from the pack again.
If you want an easier route make it purchasable like dlc
Virtual amiibo instead of having a amiibo use a avatar instead and do not limit people who don't have amiibos


>NoA employee
You're either lying or new, NoA don't refer to themselves like that because of how many associates there are versus internal.

>Implying a Sup Forums email could cure cancer
chances are if you get a case like that, the 'waah pay for my cancer fees" shit is fake.

Super glad to hear from you.

From the bottom of our collective hearts,

Fuck you.

>I'm an employee at Nintendo of America.
I hope you get cancer and die. ;)

>have the full version of Pokemon go and Mario run on PC PS4 XBOX1 with limited GPS maneuverability and a way to hatch eggs without the GPS.
What the fuck is the point of Pokemon Go if you don't actually ---go--- outside?

Show your hand with timestamp as the proof that you are the real deal.


What does that prove?

So you literally came here just to tell us that you are NoA employee and fucking tell us that we are enjoying Mario Run?

Can I ask you?

Why did Nintendo take the exclusive deal with Apple and release it only on iOS instead of releasing it on both platforms?

So NoA dude, is the switch really Maxwell or Pascal?

Audrey Drake is cute

She has a gay last name tho

I'm not OP but I work on mobile games and I can answer that for you. It's all about analytics and ease of development. For iOS, you never really have to give a shit about specific hardware or device settings because it's almost always gonna be the same, and you get direct control over what devices can use it (firmware after x.x.x, at least x amount of ram) and the only problem you have to factor in is screen resolution. For android, you have to factor in every chink piece of shit that is on the market because your userbase is going to be fractured across hundreds of devices with unique hardware configurations and problems that will simply not be cost effective to develop for. You won't be able to test every situation on every device, and the game most likely won't make enough money to warrant fixing and patching for specific situations and devices.

Also, the average iOS user spends way more money than the average android user. Whales really are the only reason that mobile games exist. An entire industry cannot support itself on ad money, and once those whales move on to something new, mobile games will cease to exist. Traditional video games do not rely on single customers spending tens of thousands of dollars over several years.

And last, a quick google search says it's coming out later for Android, which makes sense since I previously pointed out that android development is a fucking bitch and a half.

>better Zelda
>no stories
>no world

Do you require help to dress yourself in the morning?

Kill yourself retarded underage. You don't have any fucking idea about what you are talking about.

Timed exclusive, Reggie already said.

It's not like stories matter much ever since windwaker
And the world to
All of it feels like something is wrong or missing

Where boi goes to the bread and butter of my favorite part of the Zelda series.

And perfects it. I will put loZ alttp enemies and mini puzzles when afterbirth plus comes out

I do know what im talking about
Let's compare two nintendo eras

ÑÈO Nintendo
Golden age Nintendo

I know I am totally right about my subject Nintendo is out of touch with reality

long story short, OP is a faggot

Oh your first Nintendo console was the game cube imo that was the decline of nintendo

Endless runners are garbage.