Make a perfect game

>make a perfect game
>put boring unskippable walking session in the middle


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If a perfect game has a flaw, it's not perfect.


Speedrun mode

it's more like
>"holy shit, boss. our game is too perfect it might be illegal. what should we do ?"
>"lets put boring slow walking session with talking rabbit guy in it. that should completely ruin the game"

Everytime I see this game mentioned I suffer ptsd. I played so much because I found it really fun but when I got up to the sniper boss (8th?) I just gave up because of some of the RNG needed. For example even if I made it to her last phase the walls would spawn in random places while she bullet hells you, if they're too far you're dead.

Git gud faggot

It's for tension, nigger.

Hell, you don't even need to play those sections yourself.

Post your favorite track(s)
>when 1:30 hits

It's called pacing. You need some breathing room between bosses. Just press a button and go make some tea.

>unused track
Not anymore boyos

Has this game been on sale yet?

I'm shocked none of the Carpenter Brut tracks are my favorites from this OST. If the soundtrack or aesthetic was any worse by a little, Furi wouldn't be half the game it is. Not a lot of depth, but it's one of those "more than the some of its parts" games, which is fine.

Ordering my vinyl soon.

i cant beat the third boss. can someone give me some tips?

This game gonna be run on the next sgdq. Some people who made this game gonna be invited on the french restream of the sgdq to discuss about it and about runners. (Heard that from a french streamer who know them and who have participated to give ideas how to improve the time trial mode).
I think it's really cool if it's true, to see how will react some game makers about how speed runners break their game.

>xbone exclusive

What are some other games that let me not fall for the morality meme, and do what I want?

Dishonored :^)

New Vegas

>implying the walking segments weren't fucking great

Dramatic MGS trailer quotes from The Voice and neon landscapes with bitching synthwave music

It's chill as fuck and it's a great breather that gets you hyped for the next boss


Charge your dodges faggot

also she's the hardest so don't quit

>DMC combat
>Rip the plot of NMH straight off
>"stylized" cel shading
>"retro" music

Is it THAT easy to please you now Sup Forums?

I'm not even going to give you a (You), guy above me

>being so fat you need breathing room in a video game

It's not a perfect game. It's not even good.

>not wanting a short downtime
>not enjoying the music in those breaks
>not enjoying the color palettes

I feel like the walking sections trigger people way harder than they need to. Like is this HURR I AIN'T READIN' NO BOOK attitude real? Even if we assume the story is bad, can you really not spend a minute just watching the screen at least TRYING to lean back and just pay attention?

There were better ways to handle it. For example making it skippable or making it so that it gave a greater freedom of movement. You can still give the option of pressing a button to make the character walk slowly but there was really no need to force players who didn't want to.

Instead now we have a blemish on an other wise great game. There was really no reason for it.

Oh fuck off. This entire argument is stupid because it's easily solved with a SKIP BUTTON so the player can decide whether they want to listen to the music and look at pretty colors. Just let the people choose how they want to experience the game.

most walking sections had around 20 seconds of absolute silence with nothing happening, and you get punished for exploring because there's nothing to see save for the achievement at the very beginning

the staircase section took almost a full minute traversing one way

The voice gives you extra lines and you get different scenes, plus there's the whole second ending bit on one of the bosses that's decently important

>The entire argument you might like music and art is stupid fuck off with it
What a fucking retarded post, why do you piss on us with words

If there was a skip button (You unlock a bossrush mode, by the way) you would likely have complained about there being nothing inbetween bosses and the bosses lacking backstory or some equally retarded shit

>He(Edge) was the hardest here
>actually is easiest true boss

We don't need the skip button for the first playthrough or even the second when the rabbit's talk starts to make sense. We need it for subsequent playthroughs.

But at that point you have speedrun mode.

>When the rabbits talk starts to make sense

Lack of basic literacy?
On my Sup Forums?

Highly fucking doubt 2 people had YouTube links and gifs at the ready for a furi thread in December.
U samefagging?

Ys has the same problem except it's cutscenes instead of walking sections. I don't understand why the devs haven't added a skip option yet. It's like the only major complaint you see online and it can't be that hard to add.

This picture doesn't make him not right

I'd put my jill in her sandwich, if you understand my meanings.

It was one of the few games which came out this year that I gave enough of a shit to play.


This cunt needs to make a documentary about furi

What? It's boring and easy, why the fuck is it perfect

Hi user, this game isn't easy or boring. You should play it, it's fun.

DMC is straight hack and slash, which this game is NOT. NMH? The story of breaking out and seeking freedom is nothing new. It wasn't the first and it's not the last. The cell shading does the game justice, as it goes well with the theme and tone set by the game as well as the music. If you didn't like the soundtrack, then I don't know what to tell you. Can't fix shit taste I guess

He's probably that autist who claims beating Furi in 2 hours first time

>clench your asshoke because you're on your last block of life
>get it done
>sit back and enjoy some ambiguous story monologue
So what's the problem here?


I played it and beat 5 bosses. And it doesn't even got better, so I don't like it
Of course

>I played it and beat 5 bosses

>And it doesn't even got better, so I don't like it
Why are you posting here, then?

i just try to lend a hand

Wrong person, carry on

>making games without boring unskippable content in 2016

get with the times user


the game of being a fedora-wearing neckbeard

This game made me think
>we build prisons to lock away monsters
>but aren't those who guards the prison just as much as prisoners as the actual person inside
>for they too are bound to the prison
>but aren't we all bound to prisons of rules in society
>mayhaps the prisoner is truly the one free for he chooses to be a monster while the rest of the world are bound by invisible shackles
Yeah, I was high when I played it

>tfw you die to the tutorial boss

Prolly will be available as DLC later on.

I did not really gave a fuck about the story and rabbitman speeches but the moment with please, hold my hand gave me an unexpected feel.
Great game.

The game has even bigger flaws. What the fuck were those last 3 bosses? Dull as fuck. Especially snow chick and paddle faggot.

>can you really not spend a minute just watching the screen at least TRYING to lean back and just pay attention?
Even if we assume the story is good, it's all besides the point. It doesn't matter if the story is good or bad (by the way it's bad), all that matters is if I care about the story or not. There is absolutely zero reason given by the game to care about the story and subsequently I do not care about the story. Forcing me through the story when I don't care is wasting my time. The complaints about the walking sections is less about them being boring and more about they are actively and aggressively wasting my time and that's insulting. It makes zero fucking sense for there to be a skip cutscene option but force these slow stupid fucking walking sections. Any argument you could have about downtime or how they want you to experience the story the first time or anything else is completely and entirely negated by being able to skip cutscenes. The distinction between cutscenes and the walking sections are completely arbitrary.

>People like this fucking exist
>Murder isn't legal despite these people existing
>And being in roles they have no reason to be in
Please tell me this faggot lives in Canada. I'm making a list for this Christmas and I still have space.

Holy shit you are 14

Don't talk shit about the paddle faggot, he's a really fun fight.

How fun is this game? I'm looking for stuff to play on my PS4 and it seems pretty cool.

How well does the game run on PS4

Is it worth the $15 since it's on sale right now?

I love boss battle games (e.g. SotC), but I hate literal 30 minute fights where you can die at the end and have to do it ALL again

Hes more cut scenes than fighting. What a fucking waste these fights were. Anti climatic as fuck.

I guess.

If you can take it for what it is, it'll either be amazing or meh. If you're very into twin stick shooters or action games and want to try this to see how it is in terms of those genres, it does a bad job at both.

Only good game to come out of France in like... Ever.

What are considered good action games? MGR?

>I love boss battle games (e.g. SotC), but I hate literal 30 minute fights where you can die at the end and have to do it ALL again

So long as you aren't a complete mongoloid this is only a problem on the hardest difficulty.

>8 hours into the game
>just beat boss 2
>stuck with boss 3

I hate the line.

Any actual action game. Like obviously this was never going to be a DMC or a bayonetta, but it doesn't match up to MGR or God of War either. It's basically on the level of a beat em up, but the cool thing about beat em ups was crowd control and level layout, which this game has none of.

What? Why are you so triggered by a guy saying diversity is more interesting?

>It's basically on the level of a beat em up
The fuck are these implications? Old school beat em ups are far better than most newer ones, especially third rate half finished mindless button mashers like MGR.

DMC is a hack and slash plush juggling simulator
MGR is a hack and slash that wants to be a movie simulator
God of war is a hack and slash that wants to be a violent boring move simulator
Furi is a hack and slash and a bullet hell game that forces you to play a walking simulator.

I mean yeah sure if you care zero percent about combat depth. I love beat em up games but you're fucking delusional if you think they are the pinnacle of combat design. That's the point I was making, the combat complexity is on par with beat em ups, which is to say there is no complexity at all.

Also, as stated, the good things about beat em ups are not present in this game, so if you're real big into beat em ups this is not going to scratch that itch since you just jump from boss fight to boss fight in a small arena.

Furi is for people that would rather play MGR with nothing but boss fights and just skipping the filler minion parts.

Having a variety of moves does not mean depth or complexity. MGR has a lot of moves but in practice the combat boils down to getting up to an enemy, mashing attack (usually with the polearm weapon) and then parrying. It's fucking dumb and boring. Meanwhile something like Final Fight has constant crowd management, moves that all have practical utility, enemies that don't fuck around and in general a high level of challenge that always keeps you engaged and tense. The only reason anyone would prefer shit like MGR over old school beat em ups is if they've never even attempted to 1cc them and just credit fed through them, removing any kind of punishment for mistakes.

>>DMC combat

Fuck, I should have bought this ages ago.

And yes, yes it is.

>DMC combat
lmao no
the "combat" is literally one combo

Deus Ex


You live under the illusion of control. Abandon the fight.

literally everything you said is wrong

You still need to beat the game normally for some achievements.