Will they ever make a better arcade racer?

I'd buy it if they brought it to a current gen console.

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those times were so good for video games that even shitty developers made classic games like Burnout 3


Only barely related, but you should play ReVolt.




f-zero gx


hit enter too early

burnout is for and has always been for ADHD children who wanna see big bang crashy-boom and can't hit a racing line to save their life

i miss arcade style games

>tfw we will never get hd re releases of any burnout games because of the licensed music

The best racing game of all time.

Intellectual property was a mistake.


Anybody play their new game, Dangerous Golf, yet? It was in the 1$ tier of a Humble Bundle not too long ago, but it is literally Burnout 3 but with golf instead of driving. Its pretty fun and makes good use of the Unreal 4 Engine

>f-zero gx

Good game, but the BO3 multiplayer made it better. Add custom soundtracks to the Xbox version and you have a superior game by far. The traffic was always random, and the drifting did require a lot of skill to pull off.


Fun times but feels kinda soulless unless you're a score attackaholic.

Road rage multiplayer online in Burnout 3 was about the most fun I've ever had in a video game.

What gives a game soul?

Revenge was better.

Will they ever make another arcade racer? I don't know what happened but it feels like we've lost about half the genres from the ps2 days

I have Dangerous Golf and it's obvious it takes some cues from Burnout 3's crash mode. It has DJ Stryker and everything. It's an OK game, got it in that bundle you mentioned a while back. Nothing to write home about. Worth a couple bucks. Feels a tad too restricted and linear IMO.

Back to BO3, so it was the last of the series' main titles to have linear tracks. Revenge brought in shortcuts that were OK but the overall track design was lacking compared to Takedown. I have enjoyed playing through Paradise as well, but it just feels different...the drifting felt bad compared to 3.

Also, another tidbit, Burnout 3 was the last of the Burnouts to have people inside the cars, even though they didn't really react to crashes...my dream game is an M rated Burnout 3 with dismemberment and gore when wrecks occur. In fact, I cannot believe this concept hasn't been fully done in a racing game.

f-zero is for and has always been for ADHD children who wanna go wow fast boosty-zoom and can't hit another racer to save their life

They both have merits, don't be a shit.

>hitting racers
>in a racing game
git gud shitty and stop playing bad games

Paradise was trash, the open world ruined the track design

>people inside cars
Never noticed it, maybe the F1 racer at best

>What gives a game soul?

Complex, yet balanced emergent gameplay loops that keep me coming back for more are probably the #1 thing in modern games that give a game a soul but there can also be proper story and music.

Maybe the devs that dump their hearts and souls into it create the soul of the game? I'm not sure if there's any one thing that gives a game a soul. It's more of a synergy that makes it happen IMO.

>my dream game is an M rated Burnout 3 with dismemberment and gore when wrecks occur.
Every single possibility in the world, the universe, that could have gone through your head for The Perfect Videogame, and that's what you pick as your dream game?

I miss arcade racers that had actual thought put into track design.

This kind of half-baked elitism is something I really hate about 2011+5 Sup Forums.

>Every single possibility in the world, the universe, that could have gone through your head for The Perfect Videogame, and that's what you pick as your dream game?

I guess I'm not very creative. Burnout 3 is my favorite racer of all time and some of the best times online of any game. I could have played that game forever. Adding gore to it and flying body parts would be incredible. Grandiose games that people spend pages explaining detail are fine, for them...I want more Burnout. I want big, linear tracks, breakneck speeds, amazing crashes, and random traffic.

Arcade racers always did it for me. I consider Mario Kart, Sonic Transformed, F-Zero, and, these days GTAV racing superior to any other racers. Never cared for sim stuff. Boring IMO.

there's nothing half-baked about me telling you to get gud and stop playing baby games

This was the shit

>ctrl + f
>zero mention of the new daytona game


>new daytona game

arcade only garbage.

>being mad that an arcade racer is arcade only


Nice b8

>As you progress through the campaign, each new car type has a bit less control and a bit more speed, making it harder and harder to react to danger and forcing you to memorize certain roads and areas
>the end-game cars have both speed and control, and you feel like a fucking god when you're swerving through hazards and incoming cars at 200+ mph

>You feel like a god
Nothing further from truth when you can crash any second even if you know the patterns and shit by memory and that kills all the fun.


If you want a nostalgia bomb.

>tfw had this on ps2 as a kid but never played it online

I just know it must have been the shit. I've since went back and played revenge and paradise which are very good but missing that intangible magic spark 3 had

>I'd buy it if they brought it to a current gen console.
It works just fine on PCSX2, consolefriend.


>Adding gore to it and flying body parts would be incredible.
There is no way to write this sentence that doesn't make the concept sound silly and immature.

>Adding gore to it and flying body parts would be incredible.
No, it wouldn't. That would be missing the point of the game.

God i miss Burnout and Motorstorm.

>what is Daytona

Let me guess, you want a gritty grey and brown campaign like ace combat got?