You can only post in this thread if you post a good game

You can only post in this thread if you post a good game.

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No one here has played this, so you cant actually tell if its good or not! everything made in the last ten years is out?

okay that sounds like no problem

Hellsinker's my favourite shmup though.

tfw tonnors too busy working on some shitty loli rpg instead of a sequel

That hill would be absolute hell in the wintertime.



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Well fuck, someone who has actually played it.
Why are you guys more common than I thought.
Link me to that rpg user, I have to see what this guy is working on these days.



>the guy who made THIS is now doing loli porn
Really fires my neurons.


What's that from? I know the game but is it a secret game over screen?

That souncloud tho, he hasnt lost his touch even after all these years that fucker.

How many of you fuckers beat this on S. Hard.

sure thing buddy



>t. westshit eater

Okay, now what?

Excellent taste