Opinions on rape in modern games

opinions on rape in modern games

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Wtf, rape shouldn't be included period. It could be a real trigger for people who have been raped.

Even ironic shitposting is shitposting


It's wrong.

Name 5 modern (post 2001) games that have rape in their vanilla versions

>playing retail

I hope you made this up

Whenever it's invoked in media and stories these days idiots only use it for shock value and not for adding anything worthwhile to the plot

IE: It's shit

t. edgelord the post

Kind of underwhelming.

>Call out a tumblrpost
>"Woah, what an edgelord."

Go buy a teddy bear

what in the fuck is going on in that video.

Jesus I'd already forgotten what the old blood elf models looked like

It's a sacred cow topic only a few developers funding the right Patreons could ever include without having a baddong campaign launched against them

It's like cheesy "erotic" scenes director hamfist in their movies where two people are awkwardly dry humping each others.
It just doesn't add shit.

VR is already turning into something frightening

It's a pretty cheap/lazy plot device that doesn't do much more than label a character as "UH SURVIVOR" and diminish pretty much everything else about them.

Good if its on lolis

Stream where?

>"erotic" scenes director hamfist in their movies where two people are awkwardly dry humping each others.
>doesn't add shit

sh-shut up


> loli
> fags
Projecting hard I see, cuck

it could be used for dramatic effect in a story

if there were writers for games that were smart enough to effectively cover this subject

You mean done by

yeah, you are raping my eyes user, stop it

never, first I must

git gnodab

Opinion on WoW's gaudy, childish aesthetic.

I play a ton of roleplay games and it sometimes made for compelling RP or at least for as compelling as ERP can be.

You're just a baby boy. You don't know any better.

Fucking philistine, lolis are for gentle headpats only.

This user knows what's up.

What settings you RP and ERP in, user?

Weird shit

Get in the car!
We have beer and some nice rock albums

get in the fucking car oniichan

new vegas gear of war series

>We have beer and some nice rock albums
That'd probably work on me can't even lie.

Even if it was light beer.

As opposed to asking "opinions on rape in games in general"?

Its usually just luring drunk/naive girls into back alleys or into bedrooms. I do remember one particular game though where I made a little smith's apprentice girl and this guy lured me into his house where he handcuffed me and kept me chained to the bed and raped/tortured me for like 45 minutes and broke my legs when I tried to escape. It wasn't hot at all it made me feel sick to my stomach but was definitely memorable.

I dunno that sounds damn hot.
Wish I could get something out of ERPing, the whole idea is kinda lost on me.

I asked for settings, but, shit, aight.

I was onboard until he broke your legs. That's safeword time.


>tfw you are too shy for ERP

dude with weird voice is obviously trolling.
other dude's reaction made me cringe

>tfw you were for years but then you did it several times this summer
It's ez. Just b urself but much sexier

Ask someone who ERPs too much anything

I've got years of experience with non-furry typefucking, you can trust me

I'm just too shy to approach people and I'm not sure if they would even enjoy ERPing with me.

Do you mean like what game it was? Most of it was in GW2/BDO/BYOND games.

So just make an f-list character and wait for people to come to you

I don't actually suggest doing this because everyone on f-list is an idiot

It's all about building confidence, which only comes from trial and error. If you play an MMO with a flourishing RP community, it's easy to get into the groove of it of playing a character. ERP has it's own places to type fuck. Just practice, hash out a basic character concept, and roll with it.

As example, Awkward Pretty Boy Nerd Mage, Intensely Curious Lady Biologist, stuff like that. No matter what concept you have, someone might like it.

Anyone else get pissed when they can't rape/fuck girls in vidya? wtf guys we see that shit all the time in movies but if I want to do it in a game I'm a pos.

Oh. Well, when I say b urself, I mean b urself on an ERP server or somewhere known for ERP (e.g. Moon Guard although I don't recommend it, it's just an example).
Makes it a lot easier. Tell people you're new or something like I did.

I should add it's like dancing. Just have someone lead you and you'll feel much more comfortable very soon.

Maybe I'll try it someday, when I have enough confidence and time.

not done often enough

That's pretty much how I started.
Good luck.

this is your life now

try not to be smothered to death by bear pantsu

Are you new to videogames? It's Handibot you dense fuck.

Trails in the Sky The 3rd has a lengthy scene of a six-year-old being raped repeatedly

That's a fancy way of saying it's never going to happen, user

What the fuck is that?

>Not wanting rape in video games is tumblr posting

No irony here, but is this your first day on Sup Forums?

so what

murder shouldn't be included, it could be a real trigger for people who have been victims of attempted murder

>No footage or screnshots of it

>raping loli
Neck yourself, cunt.

Shit storytelling device used to shock the readers and give the illusion of a mature story.

>victims of attempted murder
wow what about actual murder victims shitlord? thats deadist ghosts are still people


I'd ERP with you user.

But I'm afraid to say I end up being best at RPing stupid gay elves, because apparently i'm really fucking good at it

I wish it happened to me more often.

this had me lollin



Fuck you OP I'm not helping you write your tumblr essay for your womyns studies arts degree

rape as a plot device is fine as long as it's done well.


elf boys a best
good taste

Well thank you for that insight, user

holy fuck

fujoshi is that you?

>you will never be a cute elfin boy

end my life

I hate when any medium uses rape as the reason why the woman is a "strong, independent, that don't need no man". It is lazy and a huge cop out.

Never said I wasn't a tremendous faggot


I believe in free speech, not only free from government, but all political/ ideological groups, where it is illegal to censor. Close your eyes and ears, don't cover their mouth you whores

Is it really?


/wowg/ pls go

Can't really think of a time where it was used in a game I've played at all much less a tasteful example of it.

The closest has to be in the Suikoden side story visual novel games where you find out more about Luca Blight and how he watched his mother get gang raped by soldiers representing the city-state the hero eventually sides with. His sister, Princess Jillia was a by product of that rape and Luca and his father the King kinda just had to be reminded of it by her existing and were driven to emotional extremes; Madness in Luca's case.

Also Song of Saya/Saya no Uta deals with rape pretty well.

I'd half warn you to not start ERPing because it's a dark, lurid spiral to fall down. I remember being a wee teenage lad in 2004 or so and some girl ("girl" yes yes) seducing me on the NWN persistent world server. And then another seduced me there and on WOW. Before that I thought "ERP, that's for nerds and virgins!". My F-list account has been in existence since December 12th 2009 at 1:14:30AM10820 views, 149 bookmarks

Do not suffer the sybarite descent of depravity and decadence in hedonistic pleasure. Save yourself, user. Save yourself!

It's not graphic visually, it's mostly dialoge/narration technically a lot of the dialogue is narration too, there's only one image with nudity and it's too dark to make anything out.

I can't believe there are two of you faggots

I bet it's some normie tier shit

Also I should note that this is only in the PC version. All the ports later were censored so the only parts of this scene still in them were the very beginning introductory lines and the scene at the end where the lodge is burned down.

I was being facetious

If you're referencing the one elf shitposter from /wowg/ from years ago, then, yeah, hi, hello.

ERPing is ultimately a hollow venture if you don't make friends that you like doing regular RP with.

If you're able to do plot and sexy typefucking, you're fucking set.

Too hard to do properly so best not to bother, unless it's eroge

It's normie in the sense of not being forevial delitized or prehensile nipples or micro/macro but it's niche and polarizing to an extent beyond the standard faire of heavy dominance/degradation/roughness.

Definitely true, though I've gotten to the hedonistic laziness of being more straight to the point sex driven. But if you can pursue something more plot driven with typefucking then you're golden.

Is it rape if they are asking for it tho?

>tfw found someone to participate in my faggotry
>Reasonable amount of story and sex

Feels good man

I was surprised by how many girls are into RP and ERP. I've been playing for about three months and despite not ERPing often I've managed to snag a good 3-4. Been in discord with two of them.

Video games can be a story telling medium if a creator wants to add an mature theme such as rape they should be free to do so

You have no issues with rape in film or television so why video games?

Or should we ban all adult themes from every type of media?

That's why he called you an SJW your feelings don't get to over ride others experiences


give me your btag