Dude I like love Fallout

>dude I like love Fallout
>only played from 3 and beyond though but it's like my favorite franchise ever
Why are fake fans so obnoxious?

Why is that fake?

>likes the series
>fake fan

This is why every girl is a GUURRL GAMURR and everyone with a smartphone is a filthy casual here. Let people enjoy your hobby because the vast majority aren't mega-autists like us who know every bit of minutia from sixteen games and look down on others for not knowing it.

You're the reason gaming is shit.

I often don't care about your opinions, but what is the Sup Forums consensus on Fallout: Tactics
Personally I liked it more than 1 & 2

ok anita

Gross. Please don't post shitty opinions in my thread.

I'll post whatever I want in your fucking thread you little shit and you'll fucking thank me for the (you)s

>dude I love Elder Scrolls
>only played from Morrowind and beyond but it's like my favorite franchise ever

But FO3 to 4 are objectively better though. They're the only ones I've played though. I couldn't figure out the controls for 1 when I got it last week. Looked boring af. Not even trolling.

Not as bad as BoS

seriously todd fuck off. Nobody is going to buy your shitty old games. Nobody cares

Dumb frogposter.

>Dude I love Wolfenstein!
>Only played from 3D

>Dude I love STALKER!
>Never read the book

>Dude I love Planescape: Torment!
>Never played /tg/ Planescape

We are all guilty of it.

they're more like fair weather fans which is worse.

>people that post on cuckchan unironically are fans of the whole series and not just new vegas

The third was my first and I loved it, so I called up eBay and told them to give me the first two on VHS disc. And then I bought a USB disc drive and put them on a little 9 inch laptop and played those and liked them too. THEN I played New Vegas because that was real.

I'm obviously not a real fan because I didn't love them in 1996, like you pros.

Doesn't really bother me that much. You have to start somewhere, and I know some people who outright cannot play some of the older games. For example, I tried having a friend play Silent Hill 1 and he said the graphics actually strained his eyes a bit. Fallout 1 and 2 (maybe Tactics) are fantastic games, but they're not for everyone. After all, they're isometric turn-based RPGs whereas FO3 and further are light ARPGs. That shift in genre may mean that older games don't appeal to some people. Not because they're bad, but because they don't play in a way they enjoy.

So long as they can carry a conversation and maybe even looked into what they missed by skipping past games, then I'm cool with it. I'd like to know they at least tried the games or read up on the stories, but it doesn't matter.

Now what does annoy me are people that say they know EVERYTHING about a series or are experts when they haven't played the games. I once came across a guy who was a self-proclaimed expert on the Elder Scrolls series. He was making a D&D campaign based around the games that took place in Skyrim. When he started talking about dwarven enemies (not machines, dwarves) I politely declined participation.

So I started 1 the other day.

Fuck random encounter 4 radscorpians at level 1.

This was on the way from shady sands to Vault 15. Were vault experiments established at this point? Because I don't think Vault 15 had an experiment.

Yeah, most older RPGs either require you to build very specific combat-focused characters or be ready to save/load every five seconds. Thankfully, also like other RPGs, Fallout 1 becomes piss easy a few hours in. Just gotta break through.

And yeah, it had an experiment. Copied from the wiki:

>Like many of the vaults, it was part of Vault-Tec's grand social experiment. The Fallout Bible (by Fallout 2/Van Buren) says the experiment in this vault entailed that it was to stay closed for fifty years, populated by vault dwellers of extremely diverse ideologies and cultures. The situation caused by the experiment led to a great schism, during which four groups ultimately left the vault to brave the wastes during the spring of 2141. Three of these groups became roving gangs of raiders: the Jackals, the Vipers, and the Khans in the winter of the same year. The fourth group settled down a few miles west of the vault and founded the village of Shady Sands in the spring of 2142.

Save more. Use pretty much every save slot you got. Because the game either fucks you with random encounters, or with game breaking bugs, or some other shit.

>Todd Howard, Fallout mastermind

It got better when I got level 2, found the SMG and hired Ian.

Is there anyway to have companions store their weapons other than taking it off them? Ian always gets me into trouble.


I forget, can't you talk to them and ask them to stow it? Been a while since I played FO1. Might just be that you have to take it off them, the game is old after all.

But yeah, companions are fucking great. My first playthrough I tried to avoid having companions (for fear of them dying) but they really help out.

There are Fallout released before Fallout 3?

I love Tactics. I actually beat the whole game with just one character instead of a team. Protecting the ghouls base was pretty hard then it got really hard in the later levels.

I bought it for $20 a little after it was released but was able to get this t-shirt

I know you're memeing, but it's seriously kind of baffling Bethesda didn't simply call it "Fallout."

>I politely declined participation.
Your reasoning for doing so is a little stupid but you dodged a bullet in the long run. DnD a shit.

I have the Baldur's Gate books. Same with Resident Evil, Doom, and Shadow Warrior.

Is this ironic?

It wasn't that specific bit of info, more so the idea that I'd have to sit through a campaign of generic fantasy stuff vaguely inspired by Skyrim based on what he said. Hearing him go over the dwarves' place in the world just cemented that for me.

Tactics is a good game that sadly got blasted because it wasn't Fallout 3 everyone wanted at the time. How little did people know what the future was going to bring.

Why can't you just say joking? You make it sound so gross.

I worked with a girl who "loves" Skyrim

"What race do you play as?"
>Oh, I just watch it on twitch

Overpowered as fuck

shoot their eyes and legs you dumbfuck

>Yeah, most older RPGs either require you to build very specific combat-focused characters or be ready to save/load every five seconds.

That's actually not true, though. Older RPGs and games in general expected you to LEARN the system first. Nowadays all games are expected to be so streamlined you intuitively understand them or can go through without really worrying about most of the rules as long as you pay attention to damage you're dealing and your health.

Noting wrong with this.

To be fair, you can love something without playing it. You may not have much to offer in the way of opinions and thoughts based on experience, but you can enjoy what you see.

A good example is when I played Bioshock with my mom during one summer. She absolutely loved the game, but she certainly didn't play it. She just liked the world and story.

So? I love ____ and I never played that.

Tho you can finish the game with high int speech character without fight.

No. Why would it be?

Or like Rule of Rose. I love everything about that game EXCEPT playing it.

Yes, and by learning you will often have to save/load during a first playthrough until you get it. Like I said, either you build a very specific character type or you're going to be saving/loading for a while till you get shit down.

Morrowind is a good example. Build your character correctly and with knowledge of the game, and you can easily hit everything and do damage. But if you have no knowledge of the game and build a random character, you'll probably be missing and dying a lot for the first few hours.

>Why can't you just say joking?
"Joking" isn't as memey as "memeing."

I have to admit I started with Fallout 3 myself, but I actually downloaded and beat the original two after unlike most people who started with 3. I can understand the complaints the old fans have regarding the RPG elements being dumbed down by Bethesda, they even had New Vegas as a blueprint for a more complex modern Fallout and they still fucked it up in 4.

Temple of Trials in F2 is pretty cool when you talk the guy out of the fight.

True, but even then it can be tricky and require some saving and loading.

Hell, you can stealth everything too. You can do a lot.

God knows you don't want to play it. Man that game's a mess in everything but the story/world.

Platinumfags are the absolute WORST with this.
>Dude I love the CHRUAAAAZY games
>I've only played MGR:R, RULES OF NATUUURE
>I want X franchise by Platinum.
>Bayonetta 2 is so much more better than 1

The only way I'd sort of excuse this mentality is when you're watching someone who has a much higher skill than you are. For example, someone playing a stealth game in a weird and wacky way

Skyrim is easy as hell to play, so there's not much excuse to not play it...Other than the fact it's costing money, and stupid simple.


>tfw your sister's name is memey

>dude I love [insert thread] on Sup Forums
>only posted a new one

Why do retards never use the catalog?

I really want to play through 1 & 2, but holy shit it bores me to tears. Is there just a certain point that I need to get past to where to the game starts to really pick up, or am I just a picky cunt.


Guy who complained about Radscorpians here.

Found the water merchants at the hub. They should tie over the vault before I find the water chip right?

Not with 1. But it's short and easy as fuck, so whatever.
Never played 2.

>can't you talk to them and ask them to stow it?
In vanilla F1? You can, but they will just draw it again next time they get into the fight if you don't "steal" or "buy" it off them. If you have unofficial patch (Fixt) or NPC mod you get a little bit more control over them.
There is also an INI option in SFall which gives you direct control over party members. As you can imagine, the game becomes much easier with it enabled.

Yes, you can. And it'll blind them.

I noticed my enjoyment of the games increased once I got some good gear/power armor. Until then it feels like a randomized slog where battles will sometimes will be piss easy and other times a brutal experience. Once you get some levels, companions, and gear, you can really just focus on the world and feel like you're being given a fair challenge.

But if the world and characters don't hook you regardless, it may just not be for you. Honestly, even though I love the games, the gameplay is something I could take or leave. It's the world and characters I enjoyed.

Fallout 1 is short, but I guess the "pick up point" is after you get the water chip. You get a huge pile of xp and should be in a position to start buying the good weapons.

Fallout 2 is probably when you get to New Reno. Tons of quests open up and the game really starts laying down the multiple-location quests.

Think user. If you send people to the vault, they'll know about the vault.

I won't spoil anything, but think about what you stand to gain and risk from that.

You get extra 100 days on water chip timer and less time on a hidden timer. Shouldn't be anything you can't handle though unless you completely say screw everything and fuck off somewhere for a couple in-game years.

True, I didn't think of that. Not sure what raiders are going to do to the vault but I won't risk it.

Looks like I'll have to find this chip quickly.

Fallout 3 isn't the latest entry.

But I can't see any eyes on them

I know you got past it already but some encounters were meant for you to run away from, especially on early levels. Also as an incentive to put points into Outdoorsman (which you still shouldn't do because there is a fuckload of skill journals for it).

Just use targeted shots and you'll see

they're right there,user

You are also a cunt.

>dude I love life
>haven't even died yet to see which one is better

I only played the last 3 and the Minuteman are my favorite faction. Fight me.


why don't you tell me how it is when you inevitably kill yourself

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to fight minors in my country.

I've only ever really played 1 and 3, but I like them both.

Should probably try 2 and NV sometime.

2 is more of 1 with a bit less interesting/serious story but a fuckhuge gameworld
nv is simply best fallout story-wise hands down


Now that I've played Underrail I feel no need to ever go back to Fallout 1/2.

Devs admitted later on that they added temple of trials as a mandatory tutorial because it was pushed from the publishers side. That's why it feels kind of out of the place.

That's how I played it through and it gets easier mid late game if you get energy weapons. More so if you find the alien blaster.

>mandatory tutorial
You also can't get critically hit during first 3 in-game days.

What? It was designed as a tutorial? That was the hot property of that era, much like press f to pay respect is atm.

It was mostly done because a crit would more or less one-shot or severely gimp you on first level.
Not a huge boon by all means and you can disable it with unofficial patches if you want to.

Yeah, that part. But the whole temple of trials has that "well lets plaster this on start because they said so" feel to it.

Fallout 1 didn't have any tutorial area. Although one could always argue that the first cave did the trick.

Fallout 1 and 2 is point and click turn based shit that requires fully developed autism to enjoy

Damn, so I can't say that I'm a fan of nearly any franchise because I didn't play the obscure shit from 1856? Fuck off you autist.

Well, if there's one thing Fallout 1/2 does better than Underrail it's combat animations. Combat in UR is arguably better on technical level, but simply not as satisfying.

>first cave did the trick
It was definitely there for that reason. You're instantly getting screwed by rats if you have Agility 1 or something.

I genuinely enjoyed the combat improvements. The world building and writing and the "combat zone only" map level design was shit, but the combat was certainly a step in the right direction, even if the tacked on real-time combat was only good for grinding or preparing ambush/baiting.

>Dude I love STALKER!
>Never read the book

The game has almost nothing to do with the book though, just some ideas/concepts.
Same with the movie.

But those three are must-read/see/play.

>t. Turboautist

>Implying NV isn't a great action RPG

take off the nostalgia goggles user

I tried playing the older fallouts. It handles like a brick covered in shit and my crappy PC was too advanced for it to play.

Fallout 3's atmosphere was amazing and still is a Go-to game i play around Christmas. NV would be the better of the two but love them both. Maybe enough to buy a ps4 and play FO4 on. I dont give a shit about the plot but the atmosphere is something i miss.

You should probably take a hot bath with a toaster.

i had fun with tactics but i enjoyed 1 & 2 more, they arent the same type of game anyway

I have yet to try it but everyone fucking shits on it.

Why is that so?


took me a while to get into F2 aswell, in my opinion it gets fun when you reach The Den

>muh timeless classics
user FO 1 and 2 are average, nobody outside of niche gamers play them anymore.

You have shit taste and are most likely underage.