Spend years working for a video game design degree

>spend years working for a video game design degree
>realize after graduation that I will never get hired because I'm too dumb to program properly
What does it take to become a video game voice actor?

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Know people and have zero range.

make video games or neck yourself you fucking retard

>Video game design degree

>he didn't go for the computer science degree

You fucked up.

at least it's not cs

it's just a fancy "i have no idea what I'm doing degree"

>video game design degree
You dug your own grave, user.

>dumb sissy white bois

How does a degree in video game design not have classes about programming? What school was this? What are you able to contribute to the game development process?

Oh, just like most art degrees.

If it's an actual undergraduate degree and not a pretend-degree from DeVry, you can actually apply for Law School or an MBA.

You make me feel better user, I studied something I didn't like just because and now I work in something I don't like, but at least I do make money.

Go design a video game faggot, if you ever thought studying that was a good idea you love this shit.

I'm not in cs, but cs is a real thing. Being able to make devices that aren't part of a kit talk to each other is a real, valuable skill. You're not gonna see a mathematician or a civil engineer doing that shit.

I toured a research lab doing work modelling weather patterns in really small areas, and the work of 5 people was being held up because they couldn't get 2 applications to talk to each other.

>spend years working for an industrial engineering degree
>other engineers bully me at every chance they get

Have you looked at smaller studios to work at?

>captcha: images that are romantic

stop being a sissy faggot

Industrial systems engineering? One of my buddies explained it to me because he was in it, and it sounded like he basically spent all day playing factorio.

>I'm too dumb to program properly
>I'm too dumb to do the very most basic shit

Good job taking bait. You sure showed them.


>industrial engineering degree

That's an actual engineer discipline?

I'm a chemical engineer, we bully electrical engineers because most of them get lumped into project engineering on the projects we work on. It's essentially a glorified document assistant job.

This is HALF true. A lot of engineering drop-outs end up in CS.

People with actual competence in programming apply for Software Engineering degrees.

I'm in CS, getting an associate's this semester and either transferring or getting two more associates and then transferring to a major University from community college (I went to UC San Diego out of High School but went to community college after the first year for money/other issues and switched majors), am I fucked? If nothing else I'll be qualified to be the IT guy for a local elementary school or something.

I'll let you suck my cock while I model the recovery process of this reservoir simulation.

CS was hard as fck. I remember when I was in high school I was too stupid to understand algebra and precalc. I went to college, improved on my algebra and managed to make simple programs like hangman but as soon as I took shit like descrete math, studied assembly, or even attempted newtonian mechanics I got fucked over so bad and was demoralized. I didn't want to go back, and as of right now I am unsure of what to do with my life now.

I have done voice work in an indie title and i did the voice of vegeta in a fangame.
Ask me absolutely anything.

>am I fucked?

Kind of? As far as I know actual tech companies high electrical engineers for hardware and software engineers for software.

But if you're some sort of a programming whiz and has released freeware tools in the field of server security or something like that it doesn't matter what degree you have.

> discrete math
> hard

granted proofs are annoying because of the format, but isn't it just little bits of a bunch of different kinds of math?

Did you get along well with the guy that voiced Piccoro?

I never actually met him.

The secret is that everything is actually a fucking huge field. CS in particular has branches like application development, hardware communication, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, pentration testing and malware propagation, etc. Don't just take your classes, find out what part of your major really interests you and pursue that, that's how you get a job you love as opposed to one you just need and actually get value out of your education.

CS guys aren't qualified to be it people through their college education.

>descrete math

>Implying if you ever be a VA/VO, you'll ever do it strictly for video games

Not until Nolan North and Troy Baker, and all the AAA theatre trained actors are dead will that ever happen. You'll be stuck doing any VO work you can get your hands on. Faggy anime, shitty local commercials, whatever you can do to make ends meet.

Cs is still stem. I have respect for Cs and code monkeys.

CS is to Software Engineering what Pure Mathematics is to Mechanical Engineering.

Why do all the autists do that degree?

I'll have to keep that in mind when I transfer, maybe I should be switching to software engineering through a state school or something.

> CS guys aren't qualified to be it people through their college education.
They are if you live in assfucking nowhere. The IT guy at my high school had literally no certifications or degree or anything, and I met him on the bus recently apparently taking a class at the same community college I'm at.

Honestly any STEM degree is good if you're a people person. I'm an engineer and our project manager has a degree in chemistry.

He's just a very likable guy, and that kind of explains why they made him middle management without having an MBA.


I don't think we can understate the exponential leaps in quality that furry porn has taken in the last half-decade. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that they'll be looking for VA talent soon.

Yeah, but like I said I was always struggling with the math and it pisses me off because I always looked up to more successful members of my family (cousins and etc) that managed to pull off engineering degrees. Whenever I was in a high school math class my instructors would tell me if I was related to some and it made me feel like I was only their shadow. I didn't give up on the other subjects like the calc courses but as soon as I saw the wall, I couldn't keep going at that point. I was just never going to make it in the field. Despite my failures, I still respect my family members that did pull it off though, and am very happy for them because I know it wasn't easy.

>take infocomm security major
>hates programming
How fucked am I, what certifications should I even go for

Yeah, cause mathematicians can make a six figure income by working in risk assessment for banks.

Where I went to school the banks practically bring suitcases of money with them to math grads.

And they deserve it, honestly, it's a miserable major.

>ITT: normies who think a degree will guarantee them a job
>wasting your limited time on this earth reading books just so you could end up working for Mr. Goldstein
>he doesn't know that education is a meme and the only way to get a good job is through connections

Enjoy your mediocre life future wagecucks, I'll be sitting here feeding of off your endless slave work.

To all wagies reading this:

Tick tock wagie, tick tock. Better hurry getting ready for work, wouldn't want to get screamed at by Mr. Goldstein for being 5 minutes late.

Also, don't forget.
Another day, another dollar.

people that do these edits are fucking retarded, this edit butchered the whole fucking defining message of the meme.

christ, reddit really did kill Sup Forums.

>leave school as a freshman and do Training courses instead
>dick around from business to community services to automotive
>left with the lowest degree in all of them and no proper accomplishments.

who /jack of all trades, employable in none/ here

>What does it take to become a video game voice actor?
Be Nolan North.

Download Game Maker and just start making shit.
That's what I used to do. I'd probably be churning out decent games all the time if it wasn't for my full-time job, crippling depression, and lack of ambition.


Why in god's name would anyone do that. Did you just have a lot of money to spend in tuition or something.

How'd you get into? Just someone posting asking for VAs and you decided to help out? Did you get paid for the indie title?

How did you get to do that, did you shill a demo to some /agdg/ peeps or was there an audition or what?

>tfw I am going to school for game design next year

I know it is retarded. But I am confident I can work with other students, and make real games. Build a portfolio. Actually get hired. It is going to be a lot of work. But at least I already have some experience with maya, unreal 4, and unity. Going to spend now until the fall working my shit job and trying to get build a game and put it on the app store

You don't actually have to be good at anything to get a job with video games. As long as you're okay, know the right people and do a LOT of dick sucking, you can get anything. Bonus points if you're a minority.

How old are you user?

young me was retard

enjoy the neckbeards and sjws


Yea there was an audition on youtube and my friend sent me it, I landed the part.
>Did you get paid for the indie title
I did but it wasn't that much, I enjoyed it alot more doing the vegeta in the fangame though, even if i didn't get paid, it was alot of fun.

Save your time, money, and effort. Anyone who "teaches" a game design course is highly likely to be less qualified to talk about video games than half the fags here.

Good for you being so optimistic at that age, godspeed

>Graduate with Computer Engineering CS focus
>Realize midway that I hate programming but finish it anyway because I have no aspirations in life and would NEET if it came to it
>Get an unrelated job anyway that I enjoy and browse Sup Forums all day
Lucked out.

Nice, any advice on making connections? How about any voice techniques you like to use? I wanna do VO as a career at some point, assuming i get a bit lucky of course, so im trying to sponge what i can

>final year of cs degree
>only know VB
No ones going to hire me right?

How's your Vegeta?


>>final year of cs degree
>>only know VB
What the fuck?

>I can do a good Drummond/Griffith-style Sonic voice
I could be a VA for autistic Sonic shorts

How did you even manage to do that

If you look to your right, you will see a faggot who never did higher education to commit anything to society.

A degree shows to people hiring that you know how to dedicate/apply yourself. It's proof saying 'I am not a completely lazy retard'

Would you want to hear it?
I'm mostly an impressionist but being that gives me a good amount of range.
VA is not a steady career for starters, it could be months or years before you get gigs and even then they can be very slow or really bad pay, but if you really enjoy it like me i'd say go for it, it's a ton of fun connecting with people over voices and doing voice work in general.
I'd like to hear drummond sonic desu, I've tried to do shadow but it doesn't sound right.

That's pretty much the only thing I can do personally (impressions) but it's fun. I can do a few off the top of my head
>Eddie Murphy
>Itachi Uchiha

Voices like those, I like entertaining my family when they want me make an impression

tfw didn't go to college
tfw I just got hired by a government company
tfw living the wage cuck life but at least I'm making decent money plus benefits

Honestly I didn't know what to do with my life after deciding not to go to college. This just seemed like the best bet.

AHAHAHAHA that's hilarious man, but i love me some crispin freeman, i'd like to hear that some time.

I know this feel
Granted I mostly deal with supply chain and various projects so I can see why would people consider it a glorified business administration degree

Yeah im completely aware, i made sure to try and redpill myself as hard as possible on it before seeing if it's something i'd like to do, mostly so i dont have any delusions about it, i figure i'd probably be working a normal white collar in the meantime and if it happens it happens

What job?

Yea that's the best way to look at it, not sure if you know who billy lush is but he played the outsider in Dishonored 1 and they fucking kicked him off of 2 for some reason and he's fucked, it really sucks because the new guy is absolute ass.

>Tfw actually want to voice video games and don't have a single fucking clue where to start

Even in community college, I didn't get it. Once I got to university, I started to see it. A college degree doesn't just say "I sat through lectures". It means you've made deadlines, adapted to changes, worked with all kinds of people, showed up to meetings regularly, pursued interests and accomplished a moderate - term goal. This shit is no joke.

You'll feel the strain when you decide to settle down. Most government jobs can't sustain a mortgage where I live.

You better marry someone who has a comparable income if you ever want to own property.

Are people going to post their impressions in this thread?

firsty besty

java ;_;

Drama classes and do plays and what not. You have to train your voice to have various range. Also for the love of god don't be picky with any work you get, you need to build a portfolio of all your work. After that its probably just finding an agent or joining that shit union where people are protesting right now.

Honestly there aren't good ways to do this, unless you have connections or something you'll probably take a long time, the best i can give you is make a youtube channel and try to get a bigger following, you'll eventually get your name out there and people will find you.
Sure i'll post my vegeta

>starting CS next semester

Did I fuck up?

Nah. If someone like me can graduate with a degree in EE. Any retard can.

Take an acting class, get really good if you can, befriend everyone, it's likely at least one person in the class has SOME sort of connection

Unless you plan on eventually getting a PhD. I have to ask; why didn't you do Software Engineering instead?

He's half-right. A degree gets you a qualification, but real people skills are still needed if you want any kind of advancement.

I know people in my field who has PhDs, published in well-known journals, and regularly receive industry awards but they're still the first on the chopping block when lay-offs hit because their inflated ego prevents them from forming any meaningful relationships with middle and upper management.

Whereas personable young graduates get groomed for middle management straightaway. And if they play their cards right, eventually into higher management.

>Tfw never did any acting classes
I just always loved doing impressions. I still love trying new voices for better or for worse.

what country are you from?

in america, computer science is engineering


>I have to ask; why didn't you do Software Engineering instead?

Not him, but very few schools let you specialize in your first year for engineering.

Also the bar for software engineering is quite high for most schools. Whereas it's a low barrier of entry for CS

>tfw marketing

No, it is not.

for most of the world, there is no difference between CS and software engineering.

most CS students dont spend 4 years learning about P = NP or the halting problem. They actually make software

I used to have a recording somewhere but I can't find it, so I just went out to my car and recorded this real quick. Quality is kinda shit. Don't want to wake up the whole complex by shouting as Sonic at 3am!

I bully EE where I work. Most of you guys get delegated to document administration instead of actual work.

Just loving to do impressions isn't nearly enough. You HAVE to build a portfolio of all your work and by work, I mean official work. The more experience you get, the more likely people will consider you.

Basically what said. The bar for engineering is insanely high and CS is the next best thing.

I assumed you could be a Software Engineer with a CS degree anyway though?