What is your opinion on the trend of "artificial, cold, autistic girl slowly develops emotions over time"...

What is your opinion on the trend of "artificial, cold, autistic girl slowly develops emotions over time"? Why does this seem so common in Japanese works but never in Western games?


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> trend of "artificial, cold, autistic girl slowly develops emotions over time"?

Pretty sure that's called kuudere.

>Why does this seem so common in Japanese works but never in Western games?

The Japanese value femininity in its traditional sense. Whereas Western games are all about depicting women as "strong", "independent", etc.

>Why does this seem so common in Japanese works but never in Western games?
Because we're currently stuck in a culture where 'muh strong, independant women who don't need no man' are automatically deemed well-written characters and shoehorned in to boost review scores, which means no room for anything cutesy or sexual. Especially Japanese tropes.

only when brownie sharkteeths

>Pretty sure that's called kuudere.
Is the T-800 a kuudere?

Can you really say it's a "cutesy" or inherently feminine trope though? It doesn't seem so to me at all.

I wish I was Ramlethal's boyfriend. I would feed her so many burgers.

>Anime female is distant at first
>Get to know her
>She gets flustered sometimes
>Eventually confides in you

>Can you really say it's a "cutesy" or inherently feminine trope though?

Sure. The coldness and "autism" of these types of girls is a kind of moe thing right? Guys like it because it conveys a sense of of vulnerability, either because the girl secretly has emotions that are waiting to come out, or because the MC can teach her to be emotional (and thereby vulnerable) via the "power of love" or whatever.

What are these images called with this gorl


user pls I'm away from my computer

Take this as a bribe

Mokou is Mokou!


Yes but image format of these collection is there an imgur gallery??

W-what is she planning to do with that piece of candy?

>What's wrong with your eyes?
Just imagine r63 version in a dating sim. It would be amazing.

Store it for later of course

Gimme your pixiv/twitter/tumblr/whatever link faggo

Are you a fan?

I liked Shanoa, but that was a case of her emotions literally being sealed away by magic

You are a good lad. Like the other user, I have been looking for sauce on this meme for ages. Its the only meme I actively collect.
Thanks. Although this takes the adventure out of looking for these, I appreciate it.

Heres autor

I know right? I've been collecting them for months now it feels cheap to get them all at one location.

I want to fap to your art

because japan has lower standards in the character development department
not saying all japanese games have bad character development, but most do

Here we go.

More like this

There's an imgur gallery that includes a bunch of edits if you guys want it.

Thanks a lot asshole I just got fired.

Hope you enjoy~

Have to go lewder.

I meant to spoil it but I'm too tired ;3;

Moukou edits are cute


Maybe cropped lewd?

Japanese devs don't know how girls work.



what are these two pics from? i need it for... science
no really, i like drawing and i'm diggin the artstyleit's porn isn't it

Yeah, so I likely won't be downloading them from the Pixiv. I also don't have an account and am too lazy to set one up to get full resolution
Good luck on your meme search fellow wanderer.
>There's an imgur gallery that includes a bunch of edits if you guys want it.
Yes plz.

>gets one lewd drawing
>misses the others
Sasuga hot pockets

Here comes the plane!


>load 228 remaining images

you're a cool user, thanks

Good shit. God bless u user-sama.