Dead or Alive Xtreme 3

So I might not exactly being shocking you by saying this... but I got the game for the sex appeal. I know. Shocker.

I love digital women and I have no shame in admitting it's something I masturbate to. But... where do you find yourself actually masturbating in that game? I just always use the poolside since there's no rush with a time-limit or anything like that and I'm allowed to move the camera all over to leer at my girl.

I kind of... wish there more things like that in the game... I dislike that all of the high quality lewd stuff has a time-limit of some kind and I'm always feeling the need to rush things. And I don't like the idea of using the camera. That's just... eh... it defeats the purpose of even running software on a machine.

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Did the other girls get in yet?

i platinumed this game. no regretskies.

What do you mean other girls?

>And I don't like the idea of using the camera.
I should clarify that I meant to say:
"And I don't like the idea of using the camera to take photographs."

Bumping with best girl.

>game literally all about sex
>ayane and rachel both get breast reductions from the game they're in

uhhhh doababs????? hello????

They could have been reduced in their bios but the in-game model's boobs actually look much larger than in the past. I was actually shocked how humongous Ayane's melons looked when I first saw DOAX3, any larger and I'd lose attraction to Ayane.

There's a poser mode where you can choose location, girl and animation and stare as much as you want.

>hair slides through arm

very big question though, is there an english option for all the content inside, cause i really cant read moonrune

This and

>all the girls still have gravity defying balloon tits
>all the girls still look like the same barbie doll model and face
>none of the girls have realistic breast sagging, even old hags like Tina
>no brown girls
>no areola slips
>no pub slips
>no hairy armpit option

I want to jack off to this game as much as the next high test male but there's just so much missing for me to actually enjoy it.

Also Onechanbara Z2 is good for lewd. (And actually fun)

sub question, how much did you pay and where did you get it, cause im really interested after playing the jap demo

onechan bara is pretty awesome, got that banana dlc from the special edition, i have to say though its difficult platinuming the game (taking no damage, and getting all V scores on all stages)

Play-Asia has the Asia version which has the English options (fucking why?)

thinking of buying it is all

Yeah, I don't think I'm going to platinum it.

>dat customizable costumes
>dat putting bows and big glasses on your girls
>dat possibility of using unlocked cosmetic items, changing their siE and shape, and using them as fake dildos, vag lips, or nips

More games need that.

did you do the missions, each one gives one costume part, really great stuff, yeah i like how you can position items exactly like how you want it

>shit taste: the post

They should've put more efforts into gameplay. Maybe some more sports like football and tennis. They had opportunity to make a DoA: Sports game but dropped the ball big time. This is why even if only playing for lewds, I'll prefer playing DoA5 over X3.

DOA5 has superior outfits.

>baited out the Tinabro
I want THIS in the games. Is this for PC? Because Im tired of Tecmo teasing me all the time. They're never going to update to a new DoA with quality jiggle on PC.

Yeah, I love how these simple missions give you little cosmetic items. The game feels good because you're not forced to grind for a few lewd items. You can do the story, do some missions, customize your girls and then go back into a mission with your new equipped stuff. I also have the bananna DLC.


Is there any point to buying this game if I can just launch Honeyselect?

How do you access this? "DOAX3 Poser Mode" isn't giving me anything on Google.

No. DoA is a porn game for people with a fetish for never getting to see nudity or sex.

I'm still waiting for a Ultimate edition with a shitton of DLC costumes.

I think it's called "photo mode".

where my fang gang at

One and only, Miss Americano.

>none of the girls have realistic breast sagging, even old hags like Tina
Why the fuck would you want this

Where the fuck is the VR mode for this game!!

Sure, put the "18 year olds" in the cover

Cancelled due to sjws' complains.

>caring about sjw
I don't buy it, user. Whats the real reason?

>caring about sjw
Guess why DOAX3 is asia only?

Time to jack off.

You can't even mod stupid shit into it, why did you even bother

There's something off about this tree... Hmm...

wanna go deeper?

because they dont care about sjws (americans)

So is VR mode only out in asia? No, right?

Maybe if I just... What's this? Momiji lives here? Why don't I just take a peak inside...

>they don't care about sjws
>but too afraid to release of western release because of sjws

>not a shrine


Dosent even look like Nyo

>implying you wouldn't

Saku is a goddess.

>because they dont care about sjws (americans) and western audience

Because I'm a heterosejual male who understands how breasts work and would like to see less anti gravity balloon tits.

It's sexy when the tiddi that's supposed to be fat and heavy has actual visible weight to them.

No Rachel, no buy.

>sex appeal

>of poorly rigged motion capture on same face dolls

DOA and particularly the Xtreme games are a fucking freakshow.

You can beat it to whatever you like dude, but to me it actually remains a shocker that people can get it up to these puppeteered corpses.

>no labia majora indication

>super tiny nips

Truly Barbie dolls for men.

Small nips are sexy though.

So, is there any difference price wise between buying whole game or buying stuff for f2p version?

Puffy nipples are superior though.

I'm not buying it because they aren't going to patch it for PS4 Pro or add UHD textures or anything

I just bought this stupid 4K HDR TV and Sony's devs are all stuck in 2010

Puffy nipples are clearly low tier along with saggy tits.

>Onechanbara Z2

doesn't look very lewd to me

>I just bought this stupid 4K HDR TV
You got memed, my friend.

>Whats the real reason?

Base PS4 doesn't have the horsepower, man

Tecmo really should have waited and just released the fucker on the Scorpio and PC

Nigga shut the hell up.

Let me upload a screenshot.

It's a Momiji shrine!

This is where she comes to worship!

The lewd things I would do to her...

>tfw all I wanted as a kid was to see some yelow bush on Tinas unzipped costume

Also fun fact: DoA for 3DS is very solid if you're on of the 10 people who still play DoA for the game play.

Still no best girl.

How much Aerosmith is in it?

And what stages are in it except, hidden nija village from doa4, and the pyrosphere?

Dunno can't say, dream on till yur dream come true.

I don't understand why they don't just do away with the volleyball pretense and just make a full-on hardcore sex game because that's really the only reason anyone's playing these games.

>since there's no rush with a time-limit or anything like that and I'm allowed to move the camera all over to leer at my girl
Unlock Photo Mode (level 70 or 80 I think) and you can set any girl in any position (as long as she has the card) at any place.

To quickly rush to level 100 use RCQ method - start new vacation, go Rock Climbing then quit the Activity, rinse and repeat. This should allow you to finish a run with in 15 minutes 500-800k Z$ (depending on girls level).

For limited time stuff - RCQ until you have money (again, 1-2 vacations depending on girls level), then buy the stuff and gift it through Hotel menu (do not gift directly) - if she rejects, the gift will come back wrapped and you can try again.

If you have extra money, you can get CronusMax to automate the RCQ process:
there are simple time based scripts (several in this thread):
and there is also fully automated autogrinder (but the author locked the functionality behind a paywall not that hard to get around that tho):

I've been running the autogrinder on and off for the past month, I have every LTO suit on every girl, usually when new set appears I just leave it running for a night or two and I get 9 sets ready to be gifted.

Tina is quite the slut so she is totally smooth down there.

Not the biggest one though.

How much sluttier is Lisa though?

Not by a lot i wager, but they're pretty big whores.

They've had the opportunity to add more sports in every Xtreme game. The fanbase has made tons of suggestions (ie: surfing, since there's surfboards stacked up around the sports shop already). They're just not interested in making a sports game.

How do they compare to this mix of german and japanese perversion?

A lot of fisting required to reach Lisa and Tina's level.

Japs don't, but Sony America does, and they don't want a game-function associated with molesting women grabbing negative headlines when they're trying to launch vr, because some screeching sjws have it on their radar.

That's hardly a challenge for the kraut.

Hey guys! Why aren't you talking about the best, most popular DOA girl in this thread?

If you say so.

Did she complete her daily civic duties?

Yes. The refugees are pleased.

For today.

Best costume!

I have this and want to get the lewd bikinis, but holy I cannot be bothered with the amount of grinding required.

it needs the old minigames back

Is it worth getting PS4 for this?

No. And I say this as someone who has close to 1000 hours in this game, it's not worth it on it's own. Get PS4 for other games first, then get this (if you actually want to go through the grind to get the best stuff).

Otherwise, youtube, various image sites including this one, and Honey Select fill the void.

Is PS4 slim good enough to play this game, bro Sup Forums?

This, Ayane has gigantic tits, literally became my favorite DOA girl just from this game alone

Embarassed Ayane is best Ayane.

Post girls you'd fug and the lewdest image you have of them

But I'd fuck all of them!

Not for Sup Forums

god bless that user from yesterday



Jesus christ, is there an uncensored version?

>Marie with a penis
