January looks like such a good month for video games. But only if you own a PS4

January looks like such a good month for video games. But only if you own a PS4.

>not 6
>already have it
nice month

So basically it's shit if it's not on PC? Got you m8.

>January looks like such a good month for video games. But only if you are maximum weeb.

So will RE7 only have VR support on the PS4 or are they bringing that to the PC version as well?

Also looking forward to the PC demo tomorrow.

Only if you're a weeaboo

I agree. February as well.

Nioh and Horizon in February, plus Nier Automata shortly after.

Plus For Honor and Sniper Elite 4.

I think he means it's 99% weeabo shit.

>not 6
0 is the best entry in the series, you pleb.

Though it's irritating that it took so long for 0 to be localized.

>But only if you own a PS4.
>image has games that can be played on PC
What did he mean by this?
check my 2

Look like a bunch of ching chong shit to me

VR support is timed exclusivity

He probably means that you are missing out on 6 out of 8 games that are not on PC. But if you're okay with 25% of the games a PS4 owner gets that's fine.

Looking forward to Fate/Extella. Anyone know how long it is?

I'd say GR2 is the only good game there
I have a PS4 and that's the only game I'm getting
Also virtually nothing is coming next year
2016 wasn't a bad year for games, it's just that the industry has become awful and there's nothing fun anymore except for the odd rare as hell game that comes once in a blue moon that's multiplayer and kinda fun
I think the Switch is the only thing I'm hoping can bring back good practices, but that's provided Nintendo has learned their lessons and that the console doesn't fail so it's slim chances
Nintendo has been making some changes though, but there's not much evidence showing they're not retarded anymore except the optimistic viewpoint that with Kimishima, they'll announce no region lock and no censorship and take a new approach to games by applying good online/multiplayer treatment or normies will only buy it for the hype and never touch it again like with the Wii

tl;dr the industry is dead and not worth being optimistic for, there are only shills like OP and people with buyer's remorse

when the rest is mostly weebtrash then I dont see the problem

>when I can't play them I'll call them weebtrash

>the rest is mostly weebtrash
that's funny considering the games coming to PC are the same weebtrash

You should kill yourself my man

I'll be getting Yakuza and Resident Evil 6. I'm not sure which ill get first. Maybe neither, with January sales and kids flogging their Xmas prezzies for cheap.

I might just try to pick up Sherlock Holmes The Devils Daughter, Ratchet & Clank, Doom Wolfenstein for cheap. I've missed out on those so far. All I own right now is Rainbow Six, Infamous, Driveclub, Hitman and Hitman GO, Fifa, The Last Guardian and Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishment.

I'm not sure what some of those are on op's pic, but I tend to avoid anything open world or too anime. The first Gravity Rush looked too simple for me.

6 is looking like shit so far, and 0 is up there with 2 as the best entry. Eat shit.

>a literal fucking door
Uhh, user, you shouldn't boast unless all the titles are solid.

You are the 18th guy in this thread. How does it feel to be so stupid that 17 people before you figured out what the door stands for?

The last one bottom right is black

Already finished Digimon on my Vita in English

is tales of berseria going to be as shit as zestiria

What's top right?

tales of censoria

>when they look like weebtrash I'll call them weebtrash

if you wanted to bait PC-only users harder you could have put a PSVR Exclusive overlay on RE7

It's just a bunch of weebtrash, i'll pass, my dude.

I didn't know Black was getting a remaster

You can't pass on something that nobody offered you. Sorry pal, even if you wanted you're not going to play those games.

Nice attempt, laddy

I'll get Yakuza 0, GR2, RE7 and KH2.8
Good month

RE and fucking weeb trash. Literally the only PS4 game that is remotely interesting is Nioh.

>January and Feb.

>Persona 5
>NieR: Automata
>Gravity Rush 2
>KH: 2.8

Considering that 2016 was a pretty medocre year for games, 2017 looks pretty good.

>persona 5
>nier automata


*also on PC

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