When are we going to neck these fucking people?

when are we going to neck these fucking people?

>giving them attention or clicks.

It's just a dude's retarded opinion. What does it matter?

these industrial level shiposts brought down the game's average to like 5/10
its likely we're never seeing another Heavy Spectrum remake

metacritic score bonuses for devs
imagine being a dev that was promised a bonus if their score was above 85 but some retarded SJW zealot rated your game a 1/10 because it was "icky" and was "demeaning to women"

Name ONE reason

To be fair, Shadow of the Beast was a garbage remake of an already garbage game.

what are you mad about the game was kind of rubbish

Isn't that more the fault of the publisher for looking at Metacritic scores?

Blame the people who base game purchases off of metacritic scores.

Jackie Chan

fucking witnessed.

What do the tweets at the bottom have to do with the review score at all user?

Shadow of the Beast 2016 is legitimately terrible and it was definitely trying to cash in on an old name.

Stop giving a shit about opinions from irrelevant people


I'd be mad at the system rather than at one individual critic, reviewers shouldn't be encouraged to give overly inflated scores to games simply to avoid potentially fucking the devs out of bonuses

If a pub ties bonuses to Metacritic scores, that's the pub's fault for being fucking retarded.

Likewise if you are asking a clickbait rag like Polygon to review your game fairly and not inject their oh so insightful political opinions, you are fucking retarded.

>whaaaa someone doesn't like what I like or don't share my opinion
Stop being such a little bitch

>mfw Justin tries fishing

Real Americans realize that double digit frames per seconds is a scam made by the Chinese in a plot to ruin our economy #MAGA

Why don't you come 4 em

Not sure what him not liking a game has to do with his politics. I don't like tons of games and it has nothing to do where I lie politically. Also, Shadow of the Beast is indeed shit.

It's just an edgy Abe's Odyssey.