Breath of the Wild looks amazing

Breath of the Wild looks amazing.

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I just wanted to create a thread talking about it.

Because it looks fun.

Well here's your discussion: It'll be shit. Never fall for the open-world meme.

Open world >>> linear

Compare Xenoblade Chronicles X to Pokemon Sun/Moon.


literally what is the difference between this and ubisoft open world shit

Compare MGSV to every other game in the series.


Is this, dare I say it, the best looking PS2 game around?

Why is it so blurry?

this one's made by nintendo so we love it

It's a far better than MGS4, and had better gameplay than MGS1 - 3, even though it had a worse story.

When has Zelda ever been known for its combat? Even bosses are glorified puzzles.

You don't climb towers to update your map.
You don't have a quest marker holding your hand the entire game.
You actually interact with the environment
You don't wear the flashiest outfit ever sewn and """hide""" in plain sight.

>You don't climb towers to update your map.
>You don't have a quest marker holding your hand the entire game.
what makes you think that?

Because Ubisoft's games are all full of game breaking glitches, have nothing to do besides follow the story, and are all based on cities.

They're shitty knock-off GTAs, which are widely loved games.

You're kidding yourself if you think a game for children won't have a quest marker, even if it's not in these stage demos.

>what makes you think
A brain, try preordering one.


Going open-world added nothing and hindered the experience.

>It's far better than MGS4

The graphics look like shit but gameplay looks fun

so you're just a drone with no arguments

Have we seen Switch footage yet?

I'm not arguing. Is that the only reason you come here? Sad life.

Dammit Mario

Why is this one so colorful

Because the game wasn't very well made in general. There were some serious developmental problems with the game. Konami and Kojima's falling out fucked MGSV over in the long run.

Meanwhile, MGS4 is a hallway-cutscene simulator, like Final Fantasy 13, but with interesting boss fights.

My God....Miyamoto has done it again

Indeed we have.

Because "le faded colors xd" meme is just a meme. That's how the game looks when it's a clear, sunny day.

nice way to wriggle out of answering him. the game will be perfect :-) give me a hug fellow nintenbabby

It looks amazing, graphically and otherwise, though.

Literal GotM
SonyCuckaronys on literal suicide watch


Kojima being an imcompetent twat was what fucked over MGSV in the long run. The entire game was supposed to be like Ground Zeroes. Years of development and all he had to show for it was a prologue.

that doesn't look like anything i should be impressed by and i love most games in the series

this could easily be another skyward sword and nothing that's been shown so far deserves this level of praise

I don't think so. I doubt Breath of the Wild is the pinnacle of Nintendo's development prowess. They will do better, in the future.

GOTY 2017, and maybe game of the decade. Those are more reasonable.

oh so it's people false flagging, literally no one talks like this about any other promising looking game

Look at the horizon in the webm, the towers and mountains and landmarks

It's literally windwaker if the ocean was an actual 3D zelda overworld instead of shitty islands, with gameplay mechanics that are updating for open world memery without throwing out the 3D zelda sink with the n64-era dishwater

There isn't another game that does what happens in that Webm. The individual strands of grass singed by fire, the fog rolling over the plains... it looks fantastic. It isn't the best looking game ever, but all things considered, it's an outstanding game, graphically.

It's gonna suck, man. Another gimmicky Zelda, this time with a bland open-world that stops being anything spectacular after the first hour. Why try to pretend it'll be anything else?

You sound fucking delusional.

I actually think it's going to be GOTY 2017. Unless Nintendo revealed literally the only fun parts of the entire game, it's going to BTFO everything else next year

I actually really dig the use of motion controls for shooting

Motion controls got a really shitty rap because of Wii waggle but the tablet design is a nice weighty design and has more accuracy

It's going to be great. There is exactly 0 evidence to the contrary, besides the fact that previous games in the series were just alright.

every webm that's posted is more "ITS FUCKING NOTHING" than the last

Stop lying.

This shit looks like third person Skyrim with childish art style. What's the catch?

This looks better.

>GOTY 2017
>When Death Stranding of which we literally know nothing about and have zero knowledge even about the genre of the game is on the line
Kek you even trying?

Because it was captured correctly. The Wii U only outputs in limited RGB which is 16 - 235.
Newer TV's will default to a standard full RGB range which is 0 - 255. When you display limited on a TV with full RGB set, you get washed out colors and blacks.
Hopefully the Switch will output at full RGB at the very least. My PC monitors can't change to limited RGB.

Am I supposed to be impressed by this?

>PS4 game looks better than a Wii U game
Damn. Is that magic?

>that anti-aliasing

Literally everyone is hyped except for the never-Nintendo crowd.

Game looks fun. I might have to catch the Nintendo Itch.

>those Boulder pop-ins


This many sandbox physics mechanics is going to be so open to bugs.
If this game releases bug free, I'll be so surprised.

If you don't feel like getting a Switch, just buy a used Wii U for cheap.

You'll also get Bayonetta 2 to play.

>Kojima shit gonna be worth anything
unlikely. All he cares about is making mini kino anymore. Its gonna be SHIT but it'll look nice..if you like a dead brown and bloom world

No game is bug free, but Nintendo is normally fantastic at catching any major, abusable bugs. But hey, most of the bugs will be used to speedrun the game, like Ocarina of Time's stick glitch, or SM64's QPUs

fucking NOICE

What is it going to look better on? I know nothing of either system.

open world was the LEAST of MGSV's problems

ubisoft only lets you interact with the shit they want you to interact with, savepoint towers, repetitive quests, collectibles, etc. really its just a linear game with a huge amount of collectibles.
this game looks like it really lets you dick around. you can snowboard on your shield, climb almost everything, roll bombs down hills, set fire to the grass, etc. you just wanna play in this world and dick around

Switch looks like it'll have better framerates. Other than FPS and resolution, it'll be the same.

Switch obviously you dingus

I'm excited for Breath of the Wild, because it's a game with a bunch of Japanese devs with their backs to the wall.

They know if this game is bad, that's it. They're done. This game HAS to be amazing.
Historically speaking, that's where all the best Japanese games have come from.
Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Mario 64, Megaman, A lot of the best and most influential games ever made came from companies that had to get creative and go big, or go home. Breath of the Wild is in a similar situation. They NEED to breathe some new life into the series. Just remaking Link To the Past again isn't going to cut it, and it looks like they're going to get as far from that as possible, while still being a Zelda game at its core, and that's an exciting prospect.

I will probably switch it up then.

Speaking of

>SM64's QPUs
If it takes 12 hours to reach enough speed to use these, is it really a "speed"run anymore?

There's also the red coins without the ship, and getting up Bowser's stairs.

Switch is more powerful and has already shown an identical scene that was shown on a Wii U running at a much better and stable framerate. I'm betting on the Switch.

>Even bosses are glorified puzzles.
But that's what make it so fun in the first place. That's the thing of the series and why it is so much enjoyed.

The combat in this one is a large step up as shown multiple times, without ruining the feel of zelda (Darksiders)

Well put. What a lot of people don't understand is that Aonuma specifically remade so many Zelda recently because he wanted to review what worked and what didn't. That's why they kept pumping out games like Majora's Mask 3D, or Wind Waker HD, or Twilight Princess HD.

I doubt Aonuma would have done all that just to make yet another Zelda just like the past 5 3D ones. He's even shown some promise with A Link Between Worlds being so good, and he's even said that he wants to make BotW more like Zelda 1/2/A Link to the Past.

Looks like it would be a lot more fun if the game didn't pause while you switched something small like arrows. I hope there is a hard mode.

>Well here's your discussion: It'll be shit. Never fall for the open-world meme.
Then you have never played GTA.

It's not a matter of whether open world are good or bad. It's how they are designed.

Open world can good if well done. Fuck Zelda 1 was open world.

It's basically MonHun mixed with Dark Souls mixed with Bayonetta.

>Classic French Gothic architecture
I have a total bias for this game's art style. Can't wait.


Here's my worries with BoTW

The enemy AI shown so far looks awesome. The fact that the goblin dudes are smart and try to use their environment against you rather than run at you in a straight line trying to hit you is a sign that enemies in BoTW will be more fun to fight (unlike in other zelda games where they are just sword fodder you need to chew before solving dungeon puzzles)

But my one worry is Boss Fights. The Zelda bossfight formula is usually,
1. use your new item from the dungeon to stun/maneuver/trick the boss
2. hit it's weak points for massive damage while background music gets hype as fuck
3. repeat 3 more times (or 5)

wouldn't it be so cool if bosses in zelda were actually foes you had to out-skill, rather than big puzzles?

Dunno, I'm afraid nintendo will resort to their old ways when designing boss fights

I guess I'll be the faggot that says what I say all the time. Quit being such graphics whores. It doesn't look amazingly sharp sure but it does liok like it can scratch an open world itch

I like how the explosions look.

>The Wii U only outputs in limited RGB which is 16 - 235.
>Newer TV's will default to a standard full RGB range which is 0 - 255.
Well, thank you for this actual educated answer. Now you know it hasn't been ignored. You have at least taught something to one person, today.

It's also got a bit of magitech design, what with all the Sheikah stuff.

The game has a very nice artstyle that more than makes up for any graphical inadequacies. And beyond that, it has a good stylistic design when it comes to the overworld and the buildings in it.

I'm just worried they're going to bog it down with mechanics that feel like add ons or chores rather than something that matters.

Like, cooking for instance. I really don't want to hunt. I'm not role playing like other RPGs. I'm perfectly fine just buying a potion and bringing it to the dungeon with me.

And the enemy items are cool and all I guess but it just seems like its going to make things slightly more annoying when a weapon breaks mid battle.

I'm pretty hype about the scope of the world but MGSV is a perfect example of a game where being open world doesn't mean jack shit when there isn't anything interesting to do in it, and cooking and crafting aren't interesting after being done to death since minecraft exploded the "survival" genre

They're pretty nice explosions.

I still can't wrap my head around right handed Link. Before Skyward Sword and the bumfuckery that was the Wii version, that was a pretty defining feature of Link.

We've already seen a boss, of sorts. The Steppe Talos. There's no real set way to fight it. You can use bombs, arrows, you can climb it...

Plus, it's really strong for the beginning, so it's wise to go pick up better weapons to fight it, but you can kill it right from the start. Someone who played the demo did so.

From what we've seen so far, the only real "extra" feature is cooking. Tree physics serve a purpose of allowing you to cross rivers and gaps you couldn't otherwise, or using the trunk as a weapon by rolling it down hills. Surfing is great for mobility. The fighting related stuff is obviously very helpful.

My concern is that they don't add enough variety to the areas. I'd hate for the continents to be too samey. Xenoblade Chronicles X had the perfect amount of variety for how big the continents were. I hope Monolith Soft can work their magic on Breath of the Wild's overworld.


Mega milk

I would like them to add a lot of minidungeons. I know Skyrims dungeon design is pretty bland copy and paste but I always loved having places to explore knowing there was some cool loot at the end that even if useless for me would fetch nice gold.

I don't want as many as Skyrim if it means they wont be designed well but I'm hoping for more mini dungeons like Ice Cavern from OoT or the Cave of Ordeals from TP. If its an open world game it should have interesting quests and places that exist outside the main storyline.

I just hope its released by Summer.

why do retards like you keep bringing up ubisoft

There's >100 mini-dungeons with the shrines, and >4 true dungeons. Those are what we've been told by Aonuma and the other people who worked on the game.

And the best part is that each one of those mini-dungeons/shrines gives you some sort of upgrade. One gives you square bombs. One gives you the glider. One gives you the Stasis spell. Heart pieces, armor, etc. They're all worthwhile to go into. Well, maybe not all, but the vast majority will be.

Oh, and from what we've seen, they'll take between 10 and 20 minutes to complete, each. They're small, puzzle based, and have unique puzzles, as far as we know.

>knowing there was some cool loot at the end
Well, that's the key issue, isn't it? At the end of the day, a lot of the enjoyment of those kind of game depend of the cool item you get and those are limited by the amount the designers can actually come up with. Twilight Princess managed to have my "Cool new item, Awesome" threshold blew with the chain ball and the Spinner and the double Grappling hook.

But unless you can come up with new item that make you go "I want to try it everywhere on everything, now", it make those kind of minidungeon become a chore rather than an enjoyment.

The spells are really cool. Magnetism and Stasis seem especially helpful.

If there's anything the past decade has told us, it's that trailers and gameplay demos just aren't a solid way to measure how good a game will be.