What's the best MMORPG to play right now?

What's the best MMORPG to play right now?

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Anything but Asian p2w shit , you filthy weeaboo fuck.

The best MMORPG to play right now is my penis.

Tera is still fairly fun if you're into Elins.

Alright faggot let me break down why you and nobody else should buy the black desert online
>Buy to play
>Pay to play with an-game subscription that is required to be competitive
>Cash shop items that provide boosts you cannot get in-game and are required to stay competitive
>RNG cash items that provide stats that are required to stay competitive, get ready to spend upwards of $400 to get the stats you want
>Pay to Win you can buy and then sell your cash items to gain silver which then can be used to buy better gear
>The game is based around gear, you will never "outskill" anybody. ever.
>Everything in the game is RNG based, enchanting, drops, cash items, horse breeding, money you get from trade runs, fishing, gathering, if it's in the game it's RNG.
>Class balance is fucked, hard. Ranged classes typically dominated in the early part of the game and now they have Awakenings.
>Awakenings are huge boosts to classes that make them super insanely powerful, not all classes have them right now
>Awakenings were supposed to all come out at the same time but the devs lied and eventually decided for a staggered release, stretch that content a little further
>More dev lies. They said cash items would never provide boosts, that you could never sell cash items, that our version would be different than korea's, that our game wouldn't be as braindead as korean, and of course the PvP bounty system
>Speaking of PvP 1v1 doesn't exist so get prepare to get zerged by entire guilds all the time
>Also open world PvP doesn't exist they removed all penalty for dying and only the attacker loses anything, so nobody does it
>Sieges, the things guilds can do to take cities, dominated by zerg guilds either join one of them or miss out entirely

If you need info about anything else ask up, I'll let you know how shit anything about this game is just so one more person doesn't waste their time

Tree of Savior.
It saved mmorpgs. It's even in its name.

Which ever one distracts you the most from real life. Enjoyment is optional

I just wanna mindlessly grind, do big dick numbers, obsess over gear drops, and ignore my real life responsibilities.
Why is it so hard to find something not shit?



Guild Wars 2

Play Maplestory then. That's 100% of what the game is about.

Tera Online

who dis?
she's kawaii as fuck

Whats the general consensus on Let It Die?


everything else is irrelevant


not an MMO

You can buy everything with silver.

All awakenings are out.

Kuno has the best looking costume.

Don't play this game.

>want to play comfy mmo with no rush to end game and where raids are not the only form of new content that matters
>the only option is second life
We live in a really fucked up time if online sims is more of a mmo than most legit mmos out there.

A 2channer who will flip out on a normalfag at the slightest hint of normalfaggotry.


already played maplestory for years
like every mmo, its on it's last breath

I am enjoying Blade and Soul a lot right now.


all the shitty f2p korean horseshit ITT is disgusting

wanna crank tree of savior out with me, user?

I really loved the arena pvp in blade and soul. Felt almost like an actual fighting game. Shame about the 50 levels of shitty grinding to be competitive though

>hates normalfags but is a normalfag herself

really makes you think

I'm currently revisiting tree of savior. Been playing for about an hour. Seen one other person. No one in town. Game is very very slow compared to RO/Maplestory.
I'm losing hope

finagled phantasm ecks vee

RPGs are still RPGs whether they're MMO or not. And RPGs strongest point is their story.

Unfortunately FFXI, FFXIV, SWTOR, and TSW are still the only 4 games out of dozens that realize this.

Is there an MMO that lets me play as a magical girl?

Not exactly an mmo but phantasy star online is pretty fun for a grindy game.

an MMO, by definition, is bad.
Play an RPG instead.

i wish I could be a cute slut like that.

only idiots care about stories in video games.
What matters in RPGs is their systems.

Don't bully her

I kinda wanna play TERA again, but I don't really have any friends to play it with anymore.

>you will never netorare ako with her mom

Bitch almost stabbed her teacher out of jealousy.

Last I played Tera it was pretty shit, and they were just starting to add an Elin-only (ie. faggot-only) class. Seriously, fuck Elin players, scum of the earth.

I'm the latter, but lacking in the former.

Hey now, what's wrong with SL? Playing it right now, although my daddy "forgot" to remove my restriction on viewing IMs so I can't effectively talk to anyone since no-one talks in public chat...

BDO is perfectly fine as long as you understand you'll never get anywhere near top-tier competitive level so none of that shit really affects you.

It's shit.

>pay to own a house
>pay to farm goods
>pay to do anything interesting
Also boring races and low numbers of players.

It is a pretty ok game if you can get over the stupid race gender locked classes. But end game is absolute shite, gear grind treadmil stretched for all eternity by rng stat rolls.

Actually no, story is not an inherent part of RPGs. It became one because everyone looks at IE generation as the go-to format. Ideal RPG for me would be a systems-heavy game where I get to make my own story with my own created character(s).

if it wasn't for elins, game would died off the first year. they came awhile if it wasn't for that race game would be dead

pay irl money or in-game cash

And that excuses the shittiness of Elin players how..? Honestly I would have preferred the game just died to having Elins and the types of people they attract, and that's coming from someone well acquainted with NEETs thanks to Sup Forums. Elin players are just something else...

Literally just a fake gaymur grrrl normalfag from a show that was the very definition of shallow pandering.

Konosuba did whatever the fuck that other show was called way better.



Nothing really, it is just baffling that simple sims have more player interactions and gameplay than most mmos on the market.

Tell me about it. I bought in the whole extremrlv thing and got fucked over it twice spending few weeks without being able to do anything.

probably FFXIV all things considered, but it largely depends on what you are looking for in an MMO

Netoge was Asspull: The Series, but it was still enjoyable to watch.

Tera is dead and too casualized

There's no sense of fun or challenge.

ToS is dumb and shit. Don't play it.

GuildWars2 is boring dead place.

Cost too much

What do you think? Its called pay2win/hacker/botfest for a reason.

you need to be 18 to post here.

>>Cost too much

skip a couple of bags of tendies one week and I'm sure you'll manage

Oh yeah. Like the interactivity in shit like HellMOO where I remember getting fondled and even stripped and used in the street. Every time I play an MMO I try to create a saucy character to invite stuff like that back, but it's just not there, hardly anyone even talks to each other unless they're part of the same guild or somesuch.

I'm not even in the whole extreme RLV side of things, I just got a new daddy and playing around with my collar whilst we were talking about terms and shit he locked my receiving of IMs from other people, then accidentally (or not? honestuly dunno) left it on, so I keep having to log back in to check if he's back...

Stop. I can't see anything about Elsword and not think about how good of a game it could've been.
Had a very neat premise in gameplay, but they did nothing with game modes or balance while retaining fun builds.
Instead we got more and more characters and more +x to weapons and shit.

Boring as fuck

>tfw every single MMO thread on Sup Forums gets invaded by attentionwhoring faggots roleplaying

Let me guess...dps____?

Nostalrius if you can handle 1~ second lag
TERA if you like PVP but not alot of good PVE
FFXIV if you like Pve but no Pvp
TOS if you are a RO nostalgia fag
Albion Online if you are a RS nostalgia fag

Enjoy your "50% of the game is shit so we're charging you 60 bux to skip said shit content alongside the expansion and sub costs instead of fixing the shit game" - developer mindset

I don't know what you're talking about

I wish I had a healer like this to warm me back to health.

I'd like being a healer like that

How would you care for your big, sweaty tank after an encounter?

Affectionately, what other way would there be?

can you retards take this to flist or some shit
its becoming really dumb

How is HellMOO? is it at least bearable visually? I like the interactivity, but visuals looking like devs didn't even try really puts me off for some reason.

Doubt it was accidental, he just pushes your limits with it. But locking ims is really shitty thing to do regardless. Yeah it makes you more attentive, but on other hand it makes wanting to log in only when other person is online, or maybe even make some other avies to slut around, which sorta defeats the purpose.


>tos if you are a RO nostaglia fag
but tos is nothing like RO. the great thing about RO pvm is that you can do whatever you want.
different classes level up solo in different areas because they don't have a questline to follow. as long as you were in the level range you could join at majorus, ice dungeon 3, abyss lakes, nameless, etc..

in tos you're forced to follow a slow questline through a series of maps

You can do deep healing too, right?

Nigga you what? Do you even understand what HellMOO is? And no, it's shit these days.

Who knows, I questioned whether he didn't trust me staying loyal, and he said if that were the case he'd have prohibited me from sitting (on poseballs), which makes sense... So yeah, legit don't know if it was accidental or not. He said he'd fix it next time we met but ugh, he seems to have only been on once since then...

Anyone who isn't saying ESO is legitimately wrong.

Nope, it is mud then? I probably though about something else that had similar name.

Actually it doesn't make mush sense. I feel loyalty in sl is mostly about who you speak with and how you do it, so restricting ims is way more effective way of making sure you will be there just for him. Try writing him something when he is offline, if i understood it right you can im him yourself still. But be weary of people who lock you in any way and the fucks off for some time for whatever reason, it is really shitty thing to do.

Sorry but I have to post this.


Yeah it's a MUD, so no visuals, pure text. That's why I g ot bored of it, but it was fun in that you could turn off all your privacy setting shit and have guys feel you up, strip you, drag you around... I got myself into a pretty well-off faction just by being a guy's bitch, he locked me in this bathroom and spent a day just fucking, spanking, whipping me etc. until my character was actually sobbing uncontrollably and shivering from panic. Hot stuff.

And yeah I've been sending him stuff whilst he's offline, that's how I know he did it "accidentally" and shit. Shoot me a notecard or something too if you like, alejandroDeJong, although sounds like you're more of a sub too...

Can you make an actually good-looking character in that game?

ESO was damn good, surprisingly. I mean I've always looked at the kinda slippery, weightless combat of TES games and thought "hey, that'd be bretty gud for an MMO", then hey whatdya know? Also, having some actual stealth system was pure fucking gold, and it's super satisfying to craft each piece of your armour (and have it be better than any quest gear) rather than wait for drops.

Only real, crippling problem is that you tend to get all the abilities you want pretty early in the game, and I got super fucking bored just a couple levels into Veteran ranks.

People play Tera for the pvp? Just play BnS

Ah i see, sounds fun, i can actually handle text far better than shitty graphics, probably because i was huge into pnp and freeform rp some years ago. Pity muds are kinda dead, i wouldn't mind giving something like that a try.

Sure, why not, i am actually switchy when in the mood. Iin current state of sl you pretty much have to be anyway, if you don't want to just idle around whole day or bother people in ims.

Ragnarok Online

If you want to play for 8 hours straight and barely gain half a level, check out P99. Classic Everquest server with all the bullshit of the original game. Xp loss on death, hell levels, xp penalties for race/class combos, and needing to retrieve your corpse to get all your gear back.

>or bother people in ims
See, I've never had a problem with that. What's the worst that could happen, they ignore you? Otherwise, some days I do just like to stand around in SL whilst' I'm browsing /aco/ or the like, and if someone contacts me then cool, otherwise I just finish to some chinese cartoon pics.

>dat belly

When do MMO's become fun?

You need a long-term goal.
And gotta either drag along or make a friend or a few to play with.

That's true, just i never really figured out best way to approach other than always awkward hello how are you, when i see something interesting to ask about i do it, but otherwise i try present myself to be the one picked up other than doing it myself.

WoW or FFXIV, you don't have any other choice if you really want to get invested in an MMORPG today.
If I had to choose, I'd go for XIV, WoW is on a decline, but you could also go for Nostalrius, which is a private vanilla WoW server.



It has everything you would ever want from MMO.

That's until next year, and not even 20% of people use it where available. If OP really wants to involve himself in an MMO he will mostly enjoy it

>Tsubomi with big tits

Guild Wars 2.

Game rewards you for being a fucking casual so I'm pretty OP would like it.

>want to play non healing support
>want to play non caster rdd
Obnoxiously rigid holy trinity will bury XIV in the end.

Fucking hell, why vanguard had to die, soe, or daybreak, could run it on skeleton crew with zero content updates and i would still play the ever living shit out of it.

>hello how are you
Oh god no... How can you not figure out something, anything else to approach with?

>do they have something of interest to ask/comment on in their profile?
>is there something about their appearance?
Generally I find something with those two to talk about, otherwise if all else fails I tend to ask them what kinda bois they like, since I hang out in sims revolving around that. Never, ever just ask how are you, it's such a fucking boring question.

>It has everything you would ever want from MMO.
-Anything that would allow you to build your character in an unique manner
- Horizontal progression (all is just an item level grind)
- Encouragement for working together (outside duty finder anyway)
- An economy that makes sense
- Meaningful crafting unless you're at the absolute peak

That being said I'm still playing it, been at it on and off since 2.0.
