Spoil a game without mentioning any names/the title, others guess what game

The final boss is the real you from the past, and your companion is possessed by evil throughout the whole game

The villain is actually God who is an asshole.

You were the end of the world all along

Pretty sure more than one game do this, but picrelated is the first thing that came to mind

The Chinese chick you fuck ends up being a robot-person hybrid because a robot got knocked up, so you fight around a bit but then the U.S. military tries to take you both out.

Binary Domain
sequel never

You're actually his body double.

The detective was actually the leader of a massive crime syndicate and his son is apart of the rival syndicate.

Binary Domain

Easy one
The hero and his dragon aborted the pregnancy of a giant cannibal space baby spawning pan-dimensional cosmic horror by slamming into it so hard it knocked them into another dimension. Our dimension... Shinjuku Tokyo, Japan to be precise.

They then had a high stakes rhythm game battle above the skies of Tokyo wherein the giant mother monster was destroyed. The monster disintegrated and the day was saved. Also, the Japanese Airforce rolled in and shot down and killed the hero and his dragon with a missile strike. Said dragon's corpse was then impaled on Tokyo Tower. The End.

Every jrpg?

You were the good guy and the bad guy the whole time



Her quartz was inside her hand the whole time

>real you from the past
>not knowing about the twist in advance

Soul Reaver 2

You're god's pawn in a bet he made with one of his angels.

I think both of these are Nier

It turns out the dude you thought you were was actually somebody else. And you weren't even at the event that was integral to the story, your whole involvement was a total accident. Moreover the tutorial giver of the game was a character you meet later, but from a completely different timeline.

You're a black hole and absorb the life force of everyone you kill, then you kill the guy who's the inverse version of you. Then you kill the bad guy who wants to kill everyone who has this universe's version of magic.

Dues Ex: Mankind Divided

Phantom Pain?

Ghost Trick, baby
Kotor II

the one you must kill is YOU

Everyone dies and then you become a futa.

Stalker SOC

The World Ends With You

Digital Devil Saga?

You become a full mortal human in order to fight the big bad. You slap the big bad's shit and he sees how powerful you became by getting rid of your angelic half. He then sheds his angelic half and goes full demon on your ass. You beat him again, but through the power of cutscene magic, he's fine and goes through with his plan. Then the power of truth and love saves the day and the big bad just reverses all the shit he was going to do. Just like that. You then wonder the world as it's sole protector.

You're out of money, and start a summer job as a butler with wacky consequences

The guy everyone thought was a prick was actually plotting to negate the big bad's existence, which also negates his own.

The radio is broken

The innocent animal tamer from way earlier was the mastermind.


I need to know what this is, because I want to play it.

You're the one and only you can save the universe from heat death.

You drop kick a Creation Goddess into the sun with another goddess

The security guard was the bad guy all along.

You are called to kill a lot of thugs in a factory. However, due to somewhat-necromancy, punks arrive to the factory and you also have to kill them all, which you do after dealing with the thugs. In the end you're in trouble because you weren't supposed to be able to stop the punks.



The bad guy is actually trying to prevent you and your dad having a good time destroying the world.

There's also multiple jealous semen demons who try to break you off from your family.

Spec Ops the Line

You kill a bunch of aliens, including alien super cancer, and blow up God's own anti-son of a bitch machine by overloading a nuclear reactor onboard a crash-landed starship only to escape on a rinky-dink little fighter while barely escaping from the same space cancer by the skin of your teeth.

Sup Forums: the character was the bad guy all along

Bioshock Infinte

Despite everything you've accomplished, you stay in hell for eternity and your girlfriend becomes possessed insane angel.


Next one is...
You force a superweapon to shake itself to pieces, and you barely escape. You are then frozen.


Dark Messiah

Tomb Raider

The final boss is actually the dude who died to the demon in the beginning of the game, but turned evil. Also you're innocent all along.

Dead Rising 2? I can't remember if he was a security guard or a sheriff or what.

Halo 3

Halo hivemind


the whole game was a lie and in reality the creator just wanted to fuck with you

bad guy was the host of the zombie killing game show

I feel like I know this one, but it's not coming to me. Very familiar pl-oh. It's uh. Fuck. That game. With the apocalypse. Zelda-like with more action. Four Horsemene. What the fuck is its name.

I'm tired.

You were just reporting in for work, ran a little late, and everything went horribly fucking wrong.

Go on roadtrip with faggot friends to fight monsters then someone not relevant to the plot dies you die they all die world saved the end...

The idiot sidekick of your father figure wasn't really an idiot, he was actually a sociopath who decided to fuck around with an alternate dimension after getting the same magic power you and the former delivery man/politician got from an evil undead goddess, and he did this only because the slutty reporter turned him down


Half Life

Doom 3

You were the bad guy all along, but it's OK since you beat the shit out of the ancient evil you awakened and you end up being the good guy again.


Resident Evil 2

Get married, leave wife, wife dies out of loneliness, you meet your kid some 10 years later after giving away your island mansion and ship to a cult of tribal folk..

The host was just a puppet for the organization that the security guard with a beard works for. He's the final boss.

Persona 4. Too easy.

Yup, I recently beat it so that was the first thing I could think of.

Persona 4

ayyy, correct. Next:

You cry at enemies to kill them

You throw yourself onto a bonfire, or your enter a pit of snakes

You help to fuck up the world but don't remember

You were the final boss of the first game the whole time, which means you have to abort the baby you were carrying the whole game

Binding of Isaac

Binding of issac

Be American fight Muslins/Africans/Latinos/and Russians save the day...

>Sup Forums: the character

Binding of Issac

Sounds like a Silent Hill game

Huntin, Shootin, Diddly fug.
you kill the moon and become a slug.

Super Princess Peach


The third one, to be exact.

Guy enters a tournament with a grizzly bear in order to take revenge from the man who threw him off a cliff when he was 5 years old.


You walk away in a railroad.

You actually killed the person you were looking for.

you were actually just out for a walk looking for your friend, but on the way get robbed by a street level thug who quickly turns into a public enemy #1 tier terrorist threatening to blow up the entire world

fuck you guys are fast, lemme try something a little less popular:

Your dad gets killed by a giant alien thing that absorbs heat, and a private military that's been trying to colonize the planet keeps getting in your way so you suit up in a mech a few times, kill some smaller aliens, generally have a grand ol' time. Then you learn that the private military essentially wants to nuke the planet from orbit and laugh as everyone else is vaporized or freezes to death, so you suit up in your dad's old mech and wreck the shit out of the final boss.

Fallout NV

Kazuya is here, Heihachi is a faggot.

Dust an Elysian tale
Pic related

You were going to the park with your family later that day when all hell breaks loose.

A guy didn't get a pack of steak knifes


Lost Planet

>Dust an Elysian tale

Lost planet 1

Red Faction 2?

Good point, but not what i was thinking of.
>get to fight the monster that was chasing you
>you don't even get to kill him, he just kills himself.
