Would you prefer Dragon's Dogma 2 or Devil May Cry 5?

Would you prefer Dragon's Dogma 2 or Devil May Cry 5?

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DMC0, starring Sparda. Re-establish that we're back in the original universe by going back to the start.

DMC is crap

Rival Schools 3.

DD2 with a cheat code to play as Dante or Vergil with Nero as your pawn.

Dragon's Dogma 2 by far. I want it so bad.

I only really like DMC 1. And I like Bayonetta more anyway.

>DMC is crap

You should try them, a lot of DMC is in the DNA of DD.

God hand 2

I'd prefer suicide.


porque los dos?

Dragon's Dogma 2

Devil May Cry 5 or a new Rival Schools.
Never been too big on DD.

Itsuno did make God Hand you idiot.

Mikami's team isn't even with Capcom anymore.

Dragon's Dogma Online western release

either would be fine
i think DD deserves a real sequel more than DMC at this point though just because its a new IP

>or a new Rival Schools.
He confirmed on twitter it's not Rival Schools.

Then new DMC game it is!

I did enjoy DD but I think there really wasn't enough content, maybe a sequel would fix that

Anything but Devil May Cry 5 is wrong t b h

Why didn't I () get a hug you fucking faggot?

I very much love DMC but DD2 is the holy grail as long as it gets enough budget

Realistically speaking it's probably DMC5.

I know it's really unfair to say this since Dragon's Dogma is a new IP; but DMC has 15 million lifetime sales, and DD only has 3 million, so DMC lines up more with Capcom's "We want to bring back our old favorites" comment. DMC4SE was a test run to see how old DMC would do. It got the old team familar with DMC again and working with new hardware. Dragon's Dogma Online will probably be brought over to the west, and I'm sure they'll make a PS4/Xbone port after how successful it was on PC.

I think a Dragon's Dogma 2 might happen though, it's Itsuno's baby and it seems to really have become a cult classic that keeps selling.

I want a new IP.

Not the user you replied to, but here's a hug, you faggot.

>and it seems to really have become a cult classic that keeps selling.
only because the fanbase myself included bought it three times


I just want Akira in a current gen fighting game ;_;

DD deserves another game with deeper fight mechanics and less retarded fucking grind for a fucking singleplayer game.

What grind?

>only because the fanbase myself included bought it three times.

That's like a regular Wednesday with Capcom games. They keep fucking up, but people love their games so much that they are willing to forgive them and buy the same game over and over.

Dante's VA confirmed he was unsure if people would come out to buy a remaster of a 7 year old game, but DMC4SE supposedly sold above and beyond their expectations. Of course there's also Resident Evil 4, a game which people basically rebuy on principle these days.

>What grind?
Armour, weapons, rare materials and reagents. Drop rates are too low. It is obvious especially when trying to mine needed ore.

Isn't it going to be DMC5 then? The chances of a DD sequel is slim while DDON is still getting regular updates. Heck, they just got a new vocation.

>Isn't it going to be DMC5 then?
Personally DMC4SE makes no sense if they didn't have more planned.

If DMC4SE was just a quick cashgrab with nothing more planned they would just outsource that shit completely, instead of having the original team go back and add new content.

I have forseen the future..

dragons dogma 2 by itsuno

dmc 5 colab between itsuno and platinum

>dmc 5 colab between itsuno and platinum
More likely Access Games, since they're the ones that helped out on DMC4SE.

Please oh god be Dragon's Dogma. The sequel has infinite potential.

How many articles calling for DmC2 will be published on the day DMC5 is announced?

I just want them to stop with that stupid slight freeze whenever you land a hit on something. Why do Jap games do that shit? It's fucking awful

It casualises framelinking thus making the game more accesible.

Because it gives the feeling of impact?

It's either that, shitty "cinematic" animations or having enemies that look like they're made of air.

It gives the feeling of the game stuttering any time I hit anything. You can create a feeling of impact with the usage of animations and sound, there's no need for the freezing shit. It's honestly the only reason I stopped playing Dragon's Dogma.

I think it will be DMC5, and I'll be happy with that, but I hope it's DD2. DD just has a lot more room to grow than DMC does.

>How many articles calling for DmC2 will be published on the day DMC5 is announced?

They'd robably drop the number 5 to avoid that. It's gonna be Devil May Cry: Subtitle. No DmC or DMC5, both carries too much baggage.

You're autistic.

Give up niggers it's DMC5
They've given hints toward DMC
Meanwhile you're waiting for DDO to release on the west

>DMC Vergil's Return

Fuck you. I'm absolutely right. Does Dark Souls lack impact for you because it doesn't stutter every time you hit something?

if it is the new dmc how long do you guys think it's been in development?
really hope for a next year release desu
and i prefer that instead of a new dd

Neo Sup Forums: Dragon's Dogma 2

Old Sup Forums: Devil May Cry 5.

I'd enjoy either sequel but giving the 3 actors meeting together which is likely not just for Marvel vs Capcom Infinite last year, I'm going to guess DMC5.

DD is crap. Sequel has potential to be good, but it has equal potential to be horrible.
I am sure next DMC will be at least good, if not great.

People have been asking for DMC5 for years. A seque with just a subtitle would probably confuse people into thinking it's another reboot.

That and I want e-celebs to stop calling DmC DMC5.

>Sequel has potential to be good, but it has equal potential to be horrible.
>I am sure next DMC will be at least good, if not great.
DMC2 and DmC both exist so i have no idea why you would assume that DMC sequels are guaranteed to be good

Late 2015 and currently in full production.

DMC5, not even a choice. Even though i've enjoyed 200 hours in DD, the game is overhyped and unfinished as fuck and i'd rather see a fun cuhrayzee than another open world.

DD2. But it won't happen.

I want it to be DD2, but since they haven't stopped milking DDO it's more likely to be DMC.

Dragens Dogmo 2 please.

DD if they make the coop, not sharing pawn, with your friends "joining" your world.
DMC for the story and what left inside our heart

Lets just wait and see before we start flingging shit at each other.

probably 4 months or so
not long

around e3 when the internet created their own buzz some of the reliable twitter sources were saying things such as "i dont know where this dmc5 rumor is coming from since it isnt in development" while getting the rest of the conferences correct 2 days before the show began

I would not mind a 2018 release because I want to give them as much time as possible. I can wait if I know it's coming.

How goddamn cancerous are you?

>i want coop in my rpg
>i care about story in a action game

no QTE in DMC please
Made by shit directors (Itsuno only come to 2 very late during development). Both DMCs directed by Itsuno (including the SEs) have been classics. If he works on DMC5 then chance is it will be good

DD2 featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series

don't understand the appeal of DMC, it's so generic and crappy, at least Dragon's Dogma was something fresh.

DmC is alright game. Not great, but alright. Besides, Itsuno didn't develop it, so I am not sure how it would affect DMC5, aside from the fact that many people didn't like it and it had bad sales.
DMC2 was released a long time ago and had 2 great sequels after that, so I don't think it matters.

underage b&

Sorry Dante, but I'd vastly prefer DD2.

2/10 made me reply

and DMC is not over-hyped when out of 4 games 3 are crap and one is mediocre

DD2 to be honest. The first one was good but needed more polishing, so a sequel would be nice.
Of course it would be cool to have a DMC sequel, but we have enough of those.

>if you don't like my game series for teens you're an underage

look at yourself in the mirror, David

Everybody who wants new DD over DMC is shit at games.

I'd be okay with QTE's in new DMC, but only if they took place in what previously were cutscenes.

Dragon's Dogma. I enjoyed what I played of DMC, but binging on DD is the best recent vidya experience I've had.


Another game as good as this from the series and I will die a happy man. 4 had great gameplay, but the backtracking killed a lot of the enjoyment for me.

I still love watching this damn opening from time to time.

One game will give me 20 hours of entertainment max the other gives me 100+.

I choose dd2.

>everybody who wants a new IP to get a chance instead of another sequel for an old one is shit at games
cool story bro

Everybody who wants a new DMC over DD is a poo poo eater.

You called DMC generic. The problem is DMC established the genre. Pretty much every hack'n'slash like God of War or Ninja Gaiden after DMC got called "DMC clone"

laid the basics for all third person melee games alongside RE4
Create a subgenre that Platinum is now feeding on
Perfect 3's formula in gameplay but everything else is unfinished. Pretty flawed but good

Id want DD2, but DMC seems far more likely.
I feel like DMC is now apart of a saturated genre that is guaranteed to bring in an expectable amount of revenue, while DD falls under a sparely populated sub-genre with lots of room for HUGE success and failure.
From a business standpoint, DMC is way safer.

I want a new IP or Deep Down.

Yeah but what if Dragon's Dogma 2 is actually finished and budgeted properly this time?

>I only really like DMC 1.

Dragon Dicks is garbage. DMC all the way.

Devil May Cry 5 Is already I'm development, no joking, I've spoken to two different people.


>I choose my games based on playtime
I remember being 16

Dragon dogma will entertain me for hundred of hours, donte will for 10 hours top.

>I've spoken to two different people.
Nice, so have I. Unless you have an actual source, shut the fuck up and stop giving people false hope.

>i want coop in my rpg
i have friends
>i care about story in action game
I'm romantic user

if dmc5 ever does come out it's 100% going to be called that

Found the unskilled shitters. You probably play games once on Normal difficulty and then whine that the game is shit.

As boss fight?

DMC motiVated

yeah, my dad works Nintendo and he can confirm DMC 5 is in development exclusively for the Switch. I've also spoken to Gabe Newell who can confirm this too because they're working with Nintendo to integrate the switch library with Steam

I want dmc 5 to take place in hell after dmc2 but with a retconned personality change for dante.