Was this game made by Redditors?

Was this game made by Redditors?

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Were you?

You mean those guys who hate niggers and post underage porn all day?

>quote by George Carlin

stopped playing at that point desu

oh god. that's not real is it. the second hand embarassment is almost too much to handle

>caring about bad jokes in mobile games

Why are you even playing it to begin with?

The quotations are so fucking stupid this time around that I would totally believe it to be real

play this instead

My favourire

>being this buttblasted over nothing
Tumblr and Sup Forums would love you.

Not sure. I don't get this reference as I'm not a redditor like you, OP.

oh shit, this isn't the new civ I hope?

No it's from the Civilization Mobile game. Check the graphics, no PC game would look like that.

only good game desu

All qoutes in this game are messed up. They just googled whatever the tech was called and took the first one. That's why we stuff like "no wi-fi on kilimanjaro" and some chick being impressed by a size of a room. Some of the quotes are even fake ones like the cartography one.

The menu theme youtube.com/watch?v=WQYN2P3E06s is based on a fake Lenardo da Vinci quote. "Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return"

They just didn't care.

It looks better than 90% of PC only games.

Not really. Looks like a tablet game.

It's real, and it's one of the more reasonable ones.

This one here was taken from some literally who travel blog.

mythbusters was great man
i've never played the game though so maybe there's some awful cringe i don't know about

>waaaah waah games should only have hackneyed quotes that everyone already knows!!!! new information makes my brainy hurt

I see high res texture maps and high poly models. What part looks like a tablet game to you?

I am amazed that Alpha Centauri still remains the only 4X game with genuinely good writing. Or at least one with some thought put into it.

I am fond of pigs.

I was more disappointed by how underwhelming Beyond Earth turned out to be. What a fucking blunder with bland factions.

There are at least two Monty Python quotes as well.

I like Monty Python as much as the other guy but why are they quoting them?

Because you never expect them XDDD

>quote from a fucking travel blog 2x
>meme'd leonidas's bitch instead of, you know, LEONIDAS, as a fucking leader
>no modding support until now
>babbys first 4x, with AI hit harder, not smarter, as they are coded in settler difficulty
>all that aesthetics but not so much thought put into the actual gameplay


It ruins the atmosphere
Instead of experiencing awe and marvel with a quote from someone or some text that is historically significant when I discover Mount Kilimanjaro I experience abject disappointment that I can't post on twitter as a postmodern literal who woman.

They lost money hard on BE and needed to push this out as fast as possible, with the idea that updates will fix it.

the worst thing isn't just the awful quotes but the even worse narrator for them

Well, there's a reason why SMAC still stands as one of the finest in the genre.

Motherfucking this
I fucking hate this shit, if only Nimoy was still alive to reprise his role, or at the very least Ian Mckellan or someone who has a soft, but elderly voice with power behind it

What the fuck is that, these quotes don't belong in a civ game


down vote
Thanks to Ramhound for this answer

Nancy Bonds is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin who went on a trip to Kilimanjaro and wrote a blog about it.

What in the actual fuck


>Nancy Bonds is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin who went on a trip to Kilimanjaro and wrote a blog about it.

What in the actual fuck

down vote

>not liking adam savage

And there is like a dozen ludditie fedora-tipping Churchill quotes.

Please read the thread, it's not about Adam Savage

Gotta get that new audience, user.

ITT: Unironical autism

>beep beep beep - Sputnik
what a god tier quote. does anyone else miss Civ4?

Hi, I'm new to FourChan. How do I downvote this thread?

>How do you do fellow children?

Why cry? For the Sup Forums audience they got Scot Adams and Roger Ailes quotes

By clicking the little blue triangle on the OP post and hiding the thread.

This will ensure you never see this thread and any thread like it. OP will also be notified.

>quote by George Carlin
please tell me this is false

What are the quotes?

>read this thread
>cannot believe the lack of effort in finding quality quotes
>head to metacritic to see if people actually liked this shit
>they did
>except based Tom Chick at 40%
Why can't other reviewers take their jobs seriously?

Because there are literally no qualifications required to be a reviewer and most are just gushing over their favorite games.

Sounds like Sup Forums

Yeah, but Sup Forums doesn't get paid for reviews. Those chucklefucks do.

Without good, no evil.
Without want, no lack.
Without desire, no need.

The circuit is one, and one is the machine.

>believing in a sky man who magically impregnated a tramp woman who gave birth to a jew king

I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be the smart ones

And just what the fuck is wrong with quoting George Carlin you faggot?

But we already play nothing


In a CIV game, everything


shut the fuck up

This is one of the few 'funny' lines I actually laughed at

>Yank thinks it's pronounced "MONNET"
>Criticises correct pronunciation

It's the way he shouts it that I find amusing, Achmed. Stop being such an autist.

Except that Civ VI does look like that.

this is what happens when spock dies

Reading this thread I feel good that I never went past Civ 2


>He didn't play CTP

You missed out, CTP was great.

>hath not the potter power over the clay, to make one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?

le spockman

Yeah, but Civ2 is still the most OG game in the series

I'm sticking with SMAC and Civ V for my 4X gameplay.

It has that American college student, postmodernist irreverent tone. But most likely they just got some intern to grab whatever quotes came up on Google.


They hired a memester to write the civilopedia. The only thing he got right was the Cavalry description.

CTP and III have this kind of unnerving quality to them.

>it's another episode where Will comes back or even replaces Norm



>You lived long enough to see EVERY. SINGLE. SOLITARY. game series you EVER loved get run into the ground for a cheap cash in

>if it's not the cash in it's just the death

Civ IV had a fucking Velvet Underground quote, I don't recall any pants shitting rage over that.

Eh, fits well enough for a phone game.