Will 40k ever get a fucking competent entry that isn't a space hulk game?

Will 40k ever get a fucking competent entry that isn't a space hulk game?

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>Will 40k ever get a fucking competent entry
>that isn't a space hulk game?

I thought DoW and Space Marine were pretty decent.

Ever? All the Dawn of War entries have been great.

Dawn of War 3 is looking like shit though.

Sup Forums has determined that dawn of war 3 will be shit.

I said HAVE been. 3 isn't out yet.

Well, when everything that has been revealed of it points out to it being shit, it most likely will be shit.

exactly what is shit?
and please no buzzwords.

Personally I don't really mind the more colorful graphics so I'm still looking forward to it.

i was watching some gameplay earlier from their pax stream and it seems they have some form of suppression in the game. My only regret is the lack of sync kills.

>thing I was most worried about was fortifications as the cover system
>find out that is only DoW3's version of buildings, and they still have obstacles that block shots dynamically in addition to CoH's Line of Sight shennanigans, like long grass
Yeah nah. DoW3 is actually looking pretty great so far. Even the graphics actually look pretty good in the recent gameplay videos.

>"I can't handle FPS drop on my invincible engine of grafix rendering!"

There is absolutely fucking nothing that DoW3 offers better than DoW1 or DoW2

I think it was a mistake on relic's part to say that it was like the cover system, when it was more like the slit trenches from coh1 and 2.

because it isn't out yet.

>only 3 playable races
>still no base building
>Even more like a moba then before
>le/v/ just hate ecerything face

user, go reread those posts and what they are actually suggesting.

We know literally everything there is to know you completely daft cunt

which races?
Please don't tell me orks aren't in.

DoW, WA, DC & modded SS are good. I'm not a fan of any of the DoW2 entries but a lot of people like Chaos rising & Retribution so I guess they count as competent entries.

The massive army size of DoW1 with all the tactical options of DoW2? Literally the only thing I actually wanted from a sequel?

Because it is. Its one of the few series loved by Sup Forums and when Sup Forums says something in that series is shit you know its right

What do you mean no basebuilding? Isn't that one of the things they brought back from DoW?

>no basebuilding
come on now. It's literally present in the game.
>more like a MOBA
how so? DoW1 and 2 had hero units that were stronger than any single squad too.

orks SM and elfs

I'll pirate it to play with the Imperial Knight

1. Its not bigger than 1
2. Its not more tactical than 2
So well fucking done proving you haven't even followed the game.

Also, nice try samefagging

I'll give you 1/3, you ignorant shit.

Sup Forums told me that Total warhammer would be shit and shogun 2 was the only good game on the warscape engine.
When it comes to videogames, I would trust my cat rather than put my trust in Sup Forums.


>Those awful particle effects when they get into melee
>The visuals of combat in general

>cartoony artstyle
>3 factions

>3 fucking factions

Are you kidding me? Of course it'll be shit. People like you are the same kind of people who still bought into Eternal Crusade despite all the warning signs, and look where Eternal Crusade is now.

>The massive army size of DoW1
Its not
> tactical options of DoW2?
Have you even payed any attention to the game? The developers are praising this as a blob smash with heroes not a tactical game at all.


>series loved by Sup Forums
We can all tell you're a newfag, fuck off

Well, to me, the gameplay looks completely unappealing, with the even greater focus on heroes and "elite" units, with abilities that seem to be ripped out from moba style games, while the "line units" (term the devs use to describe your regular troops) seem to be simplified to the point where you just spam them and march them to die in the front lines, while you focus on microing your hero and elite units.
If you look at the gameplay videos that have been revealed, the combat just boils down to two groups of units standing still and firing at each other, while a couple of speshul super elite units and heroes spam their flashy abilities. That looks completely fucking dull to me.

The fact that they also scrapped the dynamic cover system of DoW 2 pisses me off, because that made actual positioning of your units very important, encouraged flanking, repositioning, and in general, kept the fights dynamic.
The combat of DoW 2 was pretty much flawless imo, outside of the retreat button, which was crap. I loved the way each of your units was powerful and important, even the lowly guardians of the eldar, could have utility all the way to the end game, and in fact, were one of the best general purpose units in the whole game when used well. Thus the direction of having "line units" that you just spam to work as meatshields for your heroes, as the direction of DoW 3 seems to indicate, doesn't appeal to me at all.

As it is, there is no gameplay reason for me to ever be interested in DoW 3.
If I want big armies, I can play DoW 1 and it's various mods that bring the game to apoc scale, and if I want smaller scale tactical combat, I can play DoW 2. DoW 3 just doesn't have anything in it that appeals to me.

Also, DOW 3's aesthetics are shit, and the removal of sync kills is bullshit.

Oh goddamn the melee combat looks dreadful.

>1. Its not bigger than 1
It is though. Look at the size of the army when he's at 90/250 and imagine that being 2.5 bigger.

>2. Its not more tactical than 2
No, it's not. But it shouldn't be either, not when you have to deal with that many units. However, it takes the best parts, especially with the new elite choices and the buildup of elite resource, as well as new interactions like all utility of drop pods and eldar fleet of foot zones.

Nice try though, kid.

>Anything Creative jews touch
>loved by Sup Forums
Hello newfriend, first day on Sup Forums?

>I would trust my cat rather than put my trust in Sup Forums.
Yeah, because like your cat you're a massive pussy

nice meme.

>find out that is only DoW3's version of buildings, and they still have obstacles that block shots dynamically in addition to CoH's Line of Sight shennanigans, like long grass

Source for that?
Because it would improve the appeal of the game for me, slightly.

2 was shit

>that shitty edit and samefag 2.0
Pfthahahah, fucking wow. We can tell you're posting from a phone as well you know idiot

Do you even remember what a 20/20 infantry, 20/20 vehicle army looked like in DoW1? Because it's sure as fuck smaller than I recalled after an age of playing Ultimate Apocalypse. That's 3 basilisks and 2 leman russ tanks if you're IG. 1 ogryn, 1 kasrkin, and 3-4 squads of troops.

That's the "massive armies" of DoW 1.


>total war
>loved by Sup Forums

>dow 3
Please stay on reddit where you belong

>make as much free stuff as the DLC they make
>don't even require the DLC to play against it in SP.
Watch the incontrol vid.
Or the gameplay vid by eurogamer.
They have the True LoS thing from CoH2, and the cover system is like garrisons from DoW2

Relic just straight up copied RA 3 there.

>sperging this hard because you're a tard
Sure thing, kid.

>>make as much free stuff as the DLC they make
See newfriend, you seem to be new to video games generally and dont know the history of CA at all.

Feel free to get educated rather than spout unsubstantiated shill garbage.

Can Blizzard come up with anything original?

2 was great and better than 1.

>>make as much free stuff as the DLC they make
There is literally not a single TW game that has ever done this, not even TWW.

Please fucking kill yourself.

right after you bub.
Sup Forums was shitposting about how you wouldn't even be able to control nonhero units in DoW3 until the first gameplay vids came out and how everything was going to be a MOBA where your base would spawn their own units automatically like in footman wars.

I have watched those, and I saw nothing in them that indicated that there was a dynamic cover system like in DoW 2, in DoW 3.
At best, there was visual clutter of some shots hitting terrain, but it didn't seem to affect the damage the units sustained in any way.

What goes around, comes around.

No. But they are pretty decent at taking someone else's idea and polishing it.

>those 4 killa kans or whatever the fuck they are move up to the wraithknight
>all invested parties just swing their arms around like bumbling idiots until one side drops dead
>wraithknight doesn't even manage to kill a single kan

My god this looks awful.

Well, I'm from Sup Forums and I love DoW 1, particularly the Ultimate Apocalypse mod, and I thought DoW2 was mediocre to average at best, but I'm hyped for DoW3.

It's almost like Sup Forums isn't one person, like (You).

here we can see two adults having a reasonable and complex discution about there tastes

Au contraire, I have been playing total war for a long time. Medieval 2 had 1 expansion that gave you 4 campaigns for the price of an expansion pack.
The factions played the same, had the same buildings and tech, and heavy cavalry was broken.

>he's never modded DoW

In your own words, what do you think Ultimate Apocalypse is?

>Referring to a modded experience when discussing the features of a game

Space Marine was okay

>The developers are praising this as a blob smash with heroes
You should try watching the gameplay videos instead of talking out your ass. While the mission AI is clearly dogshit, you can see - and the lead developer talks about - the application of land speeders as harassment units, the rock-solidness of dreadnoughts, the immense threat of lascannon devestators under fortification, and the destructive power of whirlwind tanks.

It was anything but blob warfare when he tried breeching the space marine base.

>not a single total war game.
Lets see.
>6 paid DLC in the game on the steam page
>4 free content packs
>It doesn;t include the Amber Wizard or the Blood knights.
>Bretonnia confirmed to be Free from the start
what does that make paradox then?

Well, to be fair, outside of some aesthetic similarities, Starcraft factions (outside of the zerg) aren't really that similar to 40k factions.
Terrans don't resemble 40k humanity at all, outside of having some power armored jackasses, which unlike in 40k, are totally fucking expendable mooks, while the Protoss, especially in their SC1 incarnation, didn't really resemble the Eldar at all, outside of the "ancient, advanced, psychic race" niche.

Just this week, I had the good fortune of listening to Andy friggin Chambers (if you don't know who he is, you don't know much about 40k), speak at an event about rts unit design, and he used the Terran marines, and Space Marines as an example, of how two, outwardly rather similar units, can be functionally, and thematically completely different.
Terran Marines are the among the most expendaple troops in the whole game, cheap fucks that you can spam away with no concern, whereas the Space Marines of 40k, are the elite of the elite, super soldiers that are treated with almost reverence, and are extremely rare and precious assets of the Imperium, all things considered, that cannot be wasted away frivolously.
The two power armored warriors, couldn't be further apart thematically, and how they function in their respective games.
Thematically and gameplay wise, the Protoss resemble the Space Marines far more, than the Terran marines do.

And why shouldn't we? What does DoW3 have to offer that modded DoW can't provide and then some? That's the whole point.

>Civ 5 comes out
>Sup Forums almost unanimously decides it's pretty shit, especially when Civ 4 with all expansions exists
>DoW 3 is coming up
>noo you can't talk about the enhanced version of an older title in the series!
Why not? It's still perfectly playable and ergo, valid.

user was just describing his playstyle. Don't bully him. RTS should be fun for the retarded too.
Forget the fact that clumping units or blobbing will get them destroyed because of abilities like grenades or whirlwind barrages or wraithlord knockbacks.

Better LoS mechanics
No retarded flying unit bullshit.

>some aesthetic similarities
It's literally copy paste


Because modded DoW is not DoW, it's modded DoW.

If you are going to compare two games fairly, you compare their vanilla experiences.

>the base features of that game are clearly worse than the previous game
>but they are significantly better than the base features of the previous
>but the new one can be modded too-
Honestly man, you should feel fucking retarded not for making the point, but for trying to force it after being called out on its inaptness.

So you'll take those over

>quadruple the amount of factions
>actual unit tactics and army management
>complex tech trees

first day on Sup Forums, huh? Sup Forums always had a bone for total war until Rome 2 shit the bed. and then warhammer turned out to be the best TW since Medieval 2

Reread my post again, because you haven't proven me wrong at all. You're just repeating the same argument of
>b-but you can't!

Why would I buy and play DoW3 over modded DoW?

>actual tactics and army management
>he says as he plays Ultimate Apocalypse.


But user they do have flying units with buzz saws.

Attila gets shamefully overlooked though. Easily the best historical total war game. and Full of baneposting memes too.


Are you blind, outside of the mouth less face (which on one, is the actual face, and on the other, a friggin helmet, there are no real similarities.

Also, I spoke about SC1 protoss.
SC2 protoss are indeed far gaudier, and closer to the Eldar aesthetics wise, due to all the gaudy shit strapped onto them.

This is what the protoss looked like in SC1.

No, I don't play UA. Nice strawman.

skimmer units.
SS tried adding flying units in a game that wasn't designed around it and you had stuff like marauder bombers getting shot down by lasrifles.

I just thought you guys should no that I see you people talking about Starcraft and Warcraft far more than I see the fans of either talking about your games.

Oh, they also don't bitch about Halo the game that comes after them on the ladder of Sci-fi thematic diffusion.

>Exiled from their homes
>Supremely distrusting of others
>Rigid society that is based on castes or "paths" that an individual can pursue
>Naturally gifted psychics

>Exiled from their homes
>Supremely distrusting of others
>A rigid society that is based on different castes or "paths" an individual can pursue
>Naturally gifted psychics

Because the argument that you tried shoving your dumbfuck self into was that DoW3 has smaller armies than DoW1, when it clearly doesn't. And your primary argument for it is that modded DoW1 is larger than DoW3. But that has no relevance when we are talking about what's being released.

Not only are you trying to argue that no one should play skyrim because they could play modded oblivion, you seem to be forgetting that skyrim could be modded as well.

You have taken a variable and are treating it like a constant. You're just too dumb to argue with.

Will there ever be a 40k game not featuring the Space Weenies anytime soon? I gurantee any normie can't name at least five Guardsmen regiments.


i do like the look of the ork buildings. the theme is good too.

but jesus christ the combat is so fucking stale.

Just remember that Elite Mod loves you and will still be there for you once DoW3 flo.. I mean, drops.

Do you honestly think DoW3 will have mods, when DoW2 doesn't?

No one is trying to convince you that DoW 3 is better than DoW, just that it is retarded to compare a vanilla experience to a modded one.

Dawn of war 1 has a similar level of tactical depth than that of Dawn of war 3. Resource management is the same, basebuilding is the same, and cover is replaced by ambient unit abilities and a better LoS system.

>What is the Elite mod

Oh, you've caught me in the sway of your funny memery. I'll have to say the three magic words that will make any Warhammer fan silent

Tolkien, Herbert, Heinlein

Now begone foul beast.

Relic did say that they would provide modding tools for DoW3.
Reverse move button when?

it is stat balances and a few modded skins.
>inb4 Ordo malleus.
which uses reused models.

>Current era
>Modded RTSs
DoW2's modding scene died not too long after Retribution came out, and even then it was on life support