Just tried the D44M demo on my aging computer that barely meets the minimum requirements...

Just tried the D44M demo on my aging computer that barely meets the minimum requirements, and holy fuck it runs so well and looks great too!

Is this the best optimized game released this year?

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I've heard it's well optimized

That's what talent does

what specs

The best optimized? No idea. But if we only pick from AAAAAAAAAAAA++++++ games yea.

Vulkan should be the only API that devs use after the clusterfuck that is DX12

AMD Phenom II 3 core 3ghz
Radeon 7870 2GB

Medium settings 1080p, never drops below 40 fps, often above 60. No stuttering. It surprised me considering how crap my cpu is.

probably, shadow warrior 2 comes pretty close though
there isn't much going on in doom though and a lot of the props are static

But Vulkan performs worse than DX11.

From what i understand they removed denuvo on top of already having a good optimization so yeah, it should run well now.

nuDoom runs like shit on my toaster even on the lowest possible settings, I'm just happy there's a demo and I didn't have to buy and refund the game to test it out

and I can run GTAV and The Witcher 3 on medium / high and maintain 60fps

I refuse to believe that

8gigs of RAM

Granted I didn't install the demo on my SSD, but it still ran atrociously bad, dropping frames below 30.

>running witcher 3 on medium/high @ 60fps on that
yeah fucking right. doubt you can even get 60 fps on low.

Didn't your parents tell you not to lie on the internet?

TW3 runs great on lower end systems as long as you don't enable HairWorks.


It's very well optimized which is even more impressive when you take into account just how good the game looks in motion. I had the settings completely pegged and got a constant 120fps. It was beautiful.

Yes. Titanfall 2 and it seem to be the only optimized games released this year. I won't say Overwatch though because it doesn't look particularly impressive.

Yeah, that's Blizzard's MO anyways. Style over realism.


SW is probably more optimized.

Nearly everything in DOOM that isn't a barrel or gas cylinder is tacked to the ground and barely animated while in SW2 you have a gazillion weather and physics effects among other things.
Just throw a grenade into one of those market stands in Zilla City and watch more shit fly around than in an entire map in DOOM.
DOOM does have WAY better textures and models, though.

Only on Nvidia cards :)


lowest settings in 720p at 40fps

Could a fella with a 560ti run this game?

Top kek

Hairworks is the biggest meme ever. Drops me like 15 fps and looks like crap.

all you need is more ram and a new gpu.

>Buy game
>Slightly above minimum
>Loading screens take forever
>Vulkan instantly crashes the game
>OpenGL waits a minute an then crashes
For that one minute it ran smooth as butter.

Maybe I'll buy it again now that Denuvo is gone. Does steam accept refunds for a repurchase?

It's the best optimized game in a decade.

>2500k @ 4.5
>7970 ghz
>8gb ram
>run on high never dropping below 60, ultra just below 60 at times
fucking tech wizards man

I don't really find SW2 all that well optimized. The remastered version of the first one was truly spectacular in terms of optimization, considering the original version ran kinda of poorly. SW2 feels a little weird, in many areas the VGA starts downclocking, but using "prefer maximum performance" fixes this.

>>Loading screens take forever

This was because of Denuvo.

lowest settings runs smooth, medium settings stutter


There proably is either something wrong with you settings or computer. I mean I can believe the new Doom runs shit on a toaster, but it is way better optimized than GTA V and especially witcher 3.

Especially since the addition of vulcan.

So it only performs worse on 80% of the machines? Cool, we should definitely use Vulkan more :)