What needs to happen?

What needs to happen?

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Volition needs to make literally anything else instead.

They are, and looks like fucking dogshit

Even the title is ridiculously half-assed. Sounds some random F2P on iphone.

Franchise reboot, back to the roots. Less ridicolous shit, less pop culture, more basic character interaction, more ground level. Especially more focus on good characters, and less flanderization.

Serial escalation didn't work out. The series peaked when the saints were still a gang, not an empire.

Did they ever reveal which of the Johnny Gat game endings was the most popular?

no because nobody played that shit

I did. Surprisingly, it wasn't shit. It was exactly what 4 should've been.

scrap it and remake saints row 2 with better graphics, physics, and with more stuff to do
that'll never happen though

Oh fuck I forgot about that.
God damn how the mighty have fallen.

Is that literally just demoman from TF2? With eye patch and everything?

>Franchise reboot, back to the roots.
K-mart GTA? no thanks.
>Less ridicolous shit,
The series was absolutely ridiculous from the very first game. If you took any of that cartoon gangster shit seriously, you seriously need to be spayed.
>less pop culture, more basic character interaction, more ground level.
You're just posting random words at this point.
>Especially more focus on good characters, and less flanderization.
The series never had any good characters, tvtropes terms need to be used elsewhere.
>Serial escalation didn't work out.
It did, SR IV was the first time the series had some manner of identity.
>The series peaked when the saints were still a gang, not an empire.
The only reason why people remember the two first games fondly was because there was no GTA for the new consoles and when there was, it was a wet fart.

You are just entirely retarded get the fuck out

I found 4 to be pretty good

Even if the story is a series of mini games the whole thing is a massive parody of popular culture with a fantastic metal gear section.

The dubstep gun is the best use of a meme in a game ever. It even had the correct context and setup to be in the game.

I'm also right about everything, thanks for conceding.

No, but they went with the cop one, cause that's what agents of mayhem is

Let's get this over with

SR2 = SR4 > SR3 (Didn't play 1)

Even if the series has shit the bed plotwise by now, I actually admire that they've yet to reboot it despite basically writing themselves into corner twice now. Part of me actually want to see what they would think of if they kept going further, but yeah a reboot is probably the most logical step right now.

I've actually been Co-oping through SR2 PC with a friend this last week. I had forgotten how fucking great it nails the overall tone and balance of silly moments versus proper feels. Gameplay-wise its just a little busted in all the right ways with explosions catapulting NPCs several blocks away and shit like insurance fraud where you can ragdoll halfway across the map if you know what you're doing.

If there's a reboot, they should be looking to SR2 for inspiration

>the whole thing is a massive parody of popular culture
Thing is, I kind of wanted a game, not a parody of pop culture.

And 4 just can't stick to a theme. It's throwing everything around hoping something will stick, but a bit of consistency would've gone a long way. Like, don't give me superpowers, then make me fight the relevant half of the game without superpowers. Stick to a genre maybe?



you forgot the most important

new city. steelport is one of the worst cities ever

I want to say they should make a new free space, but I don't think I trust them anymore

youtube.com/watch?v=FEPNxmBhymM fuck

That's kind of how I feel.
Not even because they're incompetant, just that a lot of their original members have left in the past ~5 years and for the past decade they've been specializing into open world pretty hard.

At the very least, it has decidedly overstayed its welcome, I agree.

As much shit as Saints Row IV gets, and as much of it was deserved, they kept the core of what made SR2 good in mind as much as possible. Despite the alien setting, the comedic edge to which the entire game was played, and corner they were constantly escalating against, the characters of SR4 treated much of their situation as reality, or at least within cutscenes and the like. It wasn't like SR3 where the entire thing was a big joke, peppered with the serious bits whenever they had to show the players that "shit was real" or what not. SR4 was overall cohesive in the emotions of the characters. They had reasons for their actions, detailed reactions, and the progression of the story was natural. Of course, missions were still filled with memes, "whoa look at this shit!" dialogue, and other trite, but overall, SR4 brought back a bit of the darker contrast that needed to be present in order to both be the straightman to the Septic Avenger and make an arguably rich story for the player.

So really, I wouldn't mind if Saints Row V took place in a futuristic alien world where the Saints had to take over the planet as part of their intergalactic crime empire. As long as they keep themselves grounded within the reality that they build, it can turn out alright.

>bring back saints vs four other factions
>SR2 tier customization
>get rid of or migitate powers
>make driving relevant again.
>make protag less of a drooling retard
>more laura bailey

be like saints row 2, but I know it will just be goofy shit again.