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i remember analyzing that trailer frame by frame
i miss my mw2 bros

Just go back and play bro

>He never got a Tactical Nuke legit
What's your excuse fags?

I did though. I just never got across the map throwing knife kill.

>tfw alterIWnet died
Goddamn it, I don't remember the last time I was as excited as when they started showing the screenshots of the server browser, or when I was playing on those out of the map areas made of hundreds of carepackages.
Shame the modding community of COD died and that BO3 doesn't have much stuff.



>you will never relive the glory days of trolling quickscoping Intervention faggots in S&D with a riot shield and C4

posting the classic youtu.be/GLD9yZ2raok



>mw2 came out 7 years ago

>thread can't last an hour without frogposter

>game isn't even out yet
>someone releases footage of aimbotting
We all knew what was coming.


OMA+dangerclose+tube - 2+ nukes in a row ezpz.



>tfw 7/24 S&D servers

I feel so fucking nostalgic, can't enjoy any other shooter out there. I just wanna play Highrise again damn it.

MW2: Nuke garbage and win
MW3: Nuke garbage and still lose because your team is that fucking retarded
My back hurt from carrying in MW3 then I still took losses even after nuking. What the fuck? I can only do so much.

In MW2 I once got a nuke by just knifing people with that old care package glitch that let people run fast. I ran around and knifed 7 people in a row then killstreaks got me a nuke.[/spooiler]

You realize its called React IW now and still work better than the original ever did?

e-explain sempai

>highest kill streak: 36
>never equipped the nuke


Fucking die already.


I did.

On my first game. Playing on someone elses PC. After telling everyone how shit the game was compared to CoD4 and they told me to put my money where my mouth was.

They never brought it up again after that.

You can google and probably find React IW4 client, same as alterIW, a version of modified MW2 to have a dedicated server browser and all that jazz.
Literally has more maps an functions available than if you went to the original, and updates itself from in-game.

>LANning shortly after MW2 release at my place
>keep complaining about how shit this all is compared to cod 4
>2 friends standin above me, I'm just complaining and standing afk in game while talking
>go "I bet your asses I can just mash knife and I'll probably get a kill for that too" and hit the knife button while AFK
>at that very moment a random guy was running past my character and gets instakilled by the afk-knife
>three of us just looking at the screen and the dead guy not saying a word

No matter how garbage the mainstream get's, it becomes glorified once it reaches the realms of nostalgia.

also cums with free VAC ban

MW2 was such bullshit compared to CoD4 it's not even funny.

The "not balanced for lean" shit is engraved in my head and probably will be forever.


What did the Russians mean by this?

>VAC ban
>on non-steamworks servers

user you are so stupid.

>500 ms.webm

Yeah, shit was retarded, but atleast it was the fun kind of retarded back then, you know, Scary movie was also funny the first time.

It did forever kill any chance at cod being good again though.
Still, LAN+oilrig+FFA is still top fun.

*to begin with it doesn't use steam at all

If you couldn't get a nuke with 7/11/25 killstreaks you shouldn't be playing video games. You're uncoordinated and should be working in a warehouse on quality control.


I did twice by sitting sniping camping in that loft of the house in the middle of Estate

>tfw never even set nuke as my killstreak

>tfw was just watching old videos of MW2

post your fav ones


Also, best killsteraks are
2)Counter UAV
3) PocketPredator to shoot down harriers

It's like you dont even want to support your team

>tfw managed to get 25 kills in a row one game because everyone in the match sucked but didnt have the nuke killstreak on

I ran out of ammo. I missed it by one fucking bullet and I'm still salty.