Overwatch - Lore - Discussion

>"Tell Aunt Mercy were exactly it hurts."

How do you respond?

my heart because you don't exist


>You will never play doctor with Mercy

why live?

I would be Mercy.

tell her exactly the truth, nicely and slowly.
i don't want to end up as reaper. or whatever other experiments she performs in her basement.

Take it to your containment board.

Sup Forums isn't the containment board?

this isn't lore discussion, this is fags roleplaying their mommy fetish

Is that meant to be a surprise?

no, /vg/ is. it was made to get rid of circle jerking "fans" who make threads about games just to chat with each other about inane shit

>'Doctor, my whole body hurts'
>fucking malingering GOMERs with their facticious disorders wasting my fucking time and/or fishing for narcotics

Yeah, it's pretty good.


Funny how Sup Forumsermin actually think this when the rest of the website all laughs at them for being Sup Forums 2.0.

>bend over

>God DAMMIT, Angie, that's not how roleplay works

MUH DICK hurts doc

Lol :D

Sup Forums is the definition of containment board, it contains raging outists

You can bring another sujet and force the mommy'fag to kys.

Post more best boy Junk.


business as usual hun, why are you getting so mad?

>Lol :D
>Raging autists

You got that right, you autist.

>It hurts everywhere, doc
>"you have terminal bone cancer, all your bones are fucked to shit and you're going to die."
>i am unable to sustain my erection

>you're going to die
We're all going to die