What is your favorite videogame engine to play games on...

What is your favorite videogame engine to play games on? For me it's GoldSrc and other similar brush engines from late 90s and early 2000s. Always loved how grim and solid everything looked in those.

I'm not too going to pretend I can identify engines, and neither should anyone else on Sup Forums.

Almost every engine before UE3

But it's like identifying a car manufacturer. It's not some secret knowledge only for the chosen ones.

Most games tell you what engine

you're joking right?

quake 3 engine is obviously great for tight control
unreal 2 is goat
goldsrc is generally good
the doom 3 engine is pleasing
unreal 3 engine was alright, but almost no devs other than epic seemed to figure out how to use it correctly

source is absolute trash, vile engine that took shortcuts to win the graphics war and stifled innovation for years, but mostly i hate it because it controls like melted butter

for rts games, warcraft 3 was excellent engine-wise though
>arbitrary selection limits

infinity engine goat rpgs

Goldsrc is super comfy. So good.

Quake 1, I remember spending countless hours just making maps with hammer and quark, playing them, tweaking them then scrapping them and starting over. I must have spent thousands of hours messing with my own shitty maps, to the point where I hardly touched the main game at all.
It was just tons of fun, like you could build any kind of crazy shit you could think of.
I also quite enjoyed the map editor in Timesplitters Future Perfect, it was mind boggling to be able to add so many triggers and enemy generators and fun crap to levels, and I don't think any other console game even came close to that editor. Also the engine ran like greased lightning on the original xblox..

You sound intensely stupid, boi.


Kojimalards need to be put in work camps. Even the MGS4 engine was better than that trash.

How are Source controls shit while GoldSrcs are good?

Is this True Crime?

because source feels sloppy and slippery and goldsrc doesnt


I suppose this isn't really specific to the engine but I like the way movement in games on the Dark Engine felt.


Max Payne

But they're almost identical control-wise

>present day
>two nights ago

The engine that FEAR ran on, Jupiter Ex or whatever it was

the physics, lighting and particle effects were rock solid

too bad about >logitech devices

Oh I loved those too. Everything was so crisp and nice. Now it's all blur and bloom.

I don't know if it's just Kojima magic or whatever, but the Fox Engine runs smooth as butter on ancient hardware and looks amazing

>particals actually dynamically lit

im sure it was here and there, but i dont think this became prevalent until several years later

>extreme difficulty, no slowmo
>intense shootout
>so much drywall dust, concrete dust, and paper shreds blown up by gunfire you cant even see what you're shooting at and are just blindfiring

>you're joking right?
After reading your list, I must say he's right. You don't even realize you named the same engine twice.

what, are you going to tell me that quake 3 and doom 3 shared the same engine or argue some ridiculous semantic

Literally me but with Goldsrc instead. Loved mapping back in the day.

Also good taste OP. Max Payne, Half Life, Deus Ex etc. All have that same world building aesthetic. It was when static meshes came onto the scene that truly accessible game development died. You had to start hiring artists who could model and texture, just to make your game's world be relevant compared to the rest of the market. Thank you very much Unreal Engine for ruining a truly great aesthetic, that allowed smaller dev team to build fun and interesting worlds. Now it's all just a race to be as realistic as possible and it couldn't be any more boring and lifeless.

> too bad about Logitech devices

It isn't just Logitech anymore. Any keyboard with macro keys, volume wheel, media buttons etc will have the same fps drain issue. Same goes for mice that aren't literally Microsoft 3000 left click, right click, scroll wheel.

Good news though. Some god tier coder wrote a DLL mod that completely fixes the DirectInput code to prevent this from crapping your fps. You no longer need to go into device manager and disable HIDs anymore. Go to the F.E.A.R. PC gaming wiki and grab the mod. Many blessed keks to our Lord and Saviour.

It's a shame we'll never see more of it, it was fantastic.

Are you retarded?