Name a better RPG party member than Edgar. Protip: You can't

Name a better RPG party member than Edgar. Protip: You can't

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>Chainsaw uses the instant death attack on a boss.

I didn't particularly like him, but it was kind of funny how he legit wanted to fuck the little girl and was completely open about it

Sabin ;)

>not shadow and cyan

As a matter of fact, I can

mah nigga

Galuf one game earlier.

came to post this

Was just listening to his and Sabin's theme while cruising around in FFXV.
I'll never forget the first time I got to Figaro.
Love VI so much.

Weird mistake.
Also comic would have been better without the words in the last panel.

literally sabin

>have to split party into 3 parties in narshe

>sabin blitzes can AOE kill every single group

god mode

Galuf... You stupid motherfucker.

I'm still fucking mad he died to one of the stupidest vilain.


I think you mean the fucking best. Exdeath was a Saturday Morning Cartoon villain and that's actually kinda perfect for all of the wackiness in V.

Which characters should I always keep with me for dialog reasons?

>wrong party for the encounter
>selecting the Blitz like a spell

the man suplex a train

>Name a better RPG party member than Edgar.
His brother


The waifus are better than this pedo.

>my Jaina cannot be this cute
it's a shame that Blizzard's goto plot in an expansion is "this character became corrupted and is threatening the world!!! WHOAH!!!"

>talking shit about Exdeath
I hope you get a really painful splinter that will make shitposting pure agony for you.

Oh cool, a FF6 thread on-

>I didn't wait for Shadow back on the floating island
>I fed the shittiest fish to Cid

I'm not worthy of such a thread.

>tfw you didn't save Shadow FFVI
>tfw you didn't save/recruit Amos in DQVI

Like pottery

I hope you stub your big toe on your way to bed tonight for liking the lamest FF vilain.

coolest* sry, autocorrect

Oh please, enlighten me as to why he's so cool.

He is a tree and he is wacky
Best villain

I always liked Gogo honestly

>in an expansion
>only an expansion
Warcraft lore is like this since forever
Remember that if you play WoW you're a faggot. Unless you play on private servers

how many evil warlocks formed from a tree that housed souls of the baddest bad guys ever do you know who conveniently have a giant mirror lying around and whose archnemesis is a sentient turtle?

A FUCKING SPLINTER. Seriously, that is one of the best villain moments in the series. Plus he is such a magnificent ham, especially in Dissidia.


I'll give you that, he was a bit of a one trick pony in Dissidia, but still fun as hell.


I don't play WoW
I simply lament the fact that we will never get a War4 that starts off from the end of Frozen Throne
actually, we'll never get a War4 at all


Cid is a cool dude who would get killed by Canopus from Tactics Ogre before ever even getting within range of him.

Why is Edgar a pedophile?

>FF5 Phantom Village

>tfw you grow up and find out Frog is actually one of the worst party members due to his skill set and requiring an accessory slot to use his best weapon to it's full potential

Fuck man I don't care I still always use him but just know you're wrong.

>Exdeath worse than Ultimecia, Sin/Yu Yevon, Necron, Cloud of Darkness

Man what a bad opinion.

Next you'll say that Emperor Mateus was bad.

Childhood is when you idolize Frog. Adulthood is when you realize that Marle makes more sense.

Utterly strange character.

rly makes u think....

Poco is my ultimate Arc series broski.

literally the best party member. He's stronk as fuck and hilarious and I couldn't wait to see his weapons because they're all pretty funny. He would be a joke character if his damage wasn't so over-the-top.

>shameless Ronfar knockoff

Both loses to her. You know its true

>probably never even played that part and just latched on to the ebin meme
This and zenpencils are the most pretentious shit I've ever seen.


I would fuck Relm too


This glorious motherfucker.

here you go

Cyan would never say "Dude."

>She looks 10 but is actually 1000000000000000000 years old
I hate this stupid meme

Been a while since I've played it, but don't they turn and face the train when they attack?



That looks like a 10 year old to you?
>She has small tits so she's a child
I hate this stupid meme

he wanted to fuck everyone

>tfw Olivert and Schera will never be a thing

Oh, I'm sorry, she's actually 15 except she's technically only a hundred fucking years old

This glorious motherfucker.

Incan gold...

wasn't it slightly implied they were a thing, or at least friends with benefits off screen?

Why was Edgar's ability to use power tools? What class is that supposed to represent?

Machinist or some such, I'd guess.


>built like a magical TANK
>smart and practical
>threatens to eat sluts


But Edgar's one of my favorites
He should've been in Dissidia

Melia is the strongest but the AI can't control her for shit

Best party member in any DQ game. She is seriously too good.

only because you want to fuck her you dirty weaboo
I'm still fucking mad about the removal of party chat in IV

>forgetting how many times you where saved by full cure

>Take his sword
>Bench his ass

I can't be the only one who did this


>Literally saves the entire party after coming back from the dead.

>only because you want to fuck her you dirty weaboo
Not at all. She's just that great of a party member. Crits out the ass and with the falcon knife earrings she becomes death incarnate.

he's like a 200 year old oni

>Best party member in any DQ game. She is seriously too good.
I agree. Meena was clearly the best.

>not thinking the double crit dishing mistress of death is the best party member
Way better than Meena. Also I used Kiryl more then Meena during post game. She was benched hard.

Well yeah, of course you were. Real men were just using Monks the entire time and punching shit to death

spinning cane

>Feed her all the strength seeds I have instead of giving them to the Hero as per usual
>watch in awe how she melts everything after getting the falcon earrings
Alena is simply too good of a party member, she deserves her own game where she beats the shit out of more people

>talking shit about the guy who disguised himself as a splinter

Fuck off, Galuf.

There are so many things wrong with this picture.
Memesters should really learn to apply themselves.

this is exactly what I'm talking about

>he deserves her own game where she beats the shit out of more people

DQH user.

I meant with her as the protagonist but sure whatever

>not having both
>not taking Kiryl along for the ride to be with his waifu

>implying my party wasn't Hero, Kiryl, Alena, and Torneko for laughs post game traded him for Psaro

I could seriously have anyone in the fourth slot though. Kiryl for buffs and Hero/Alena for damage can get me though anything. The fourth person is just bonus or insurance.

My final team was actually Hero, Meena, Kiryl, and Alena.
