Prove me wrong

Prove me wrong

FFXII-2 is the best in the series

protip:you can't

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you literally a picture of XIII-2 and you somehow still managed to misspell it.
good job OP

It's a great game, but sadly forever tainted by its association to the flaming tyre fire that is XIII.

it's good but it's not V

but 6,7,10 and 12 exist

But FFXII didn't have a proper sequel unless you count that DS game

OP here, I meant to say FFXIII-2

I want to get into Final Fantasy, but I only have a PC.
Which games should I play in order to get comfortable with the franchise and actually bother playing the older games?

One of the worst time travel games I ever played where the time traveling is amongst thr most boring shit.
Gameplay is worse than XIII, incredibly bad art direction, using monsters as members is pretty meh because there's almost no actual character on the group, story is even more convoluted and retarded than XIII.

All in all I liked it more than XIII, but it's still one of the worst FF.

it's a secret

user, nothing will top FF2 as the worst FF

It has one of my favorites boss battle theme of all time

I know a lot of people will recommend you to start with 4 or 6 or even 10, but I will say start with Tactics Advanced, it plays different than main line FF but it will give you a lot of knowledge in FF in little time.

Start with either 6 or 7. Best entry points. After those simply play what you want. All FF up to XII are worrh checking out. Though I recommend playing IV and V and VI before hopping into IX.

FFXIII and Lightning Returns are both better than it.

FFXI is the best in the series.

It gave Lightening some level of personality and a nice outfit.

If I could go back and remake the XIII series, I would.
I'd probably fix the battle system first though. Any game with a party that has the player character die for a game over is absolute shit.

Probably make the Hope/Light thing even more obvious than the novel does.

no it fucking didn't, lightning is a B character in this

she gets more development in XIII than XIII-2 and 3 combined

Well, good thing then I never called it the worst anywhere in my post.

is there any rpg as good as the final fantasy series on steam or ps3

op is such a fucking intelligent person with great taste

>the best in the series

Why don't I just make the most subjective statement possible and dance on a pedestal? Oh wait, you just did.

It's not bad. It's certainly not my favorite JRPG of all time, and it does have some issues. But I do think that it deserves better than to be remembered as "one of those sequels to the game that killed Final Fantasy."

Also, its sound track is criminally fucking underrated. Not just the music itself, but the way it's used. The absolute madmen actually went and made more intense arrangement for each overworld theme just to overlay it during the half-second between a random enemy showing up and the player either engaging it or running away.

LR had the best combat out of the three, and I still believe that's the combat they wanted originally but with multiple characters instead.

>Well, good thing then I never called it the worst anywhere in my post.
>called it the worst
>called it
>the worst

>One of the worst time travel games I ever played where the time traveling is amongst thr most boring shit.
>Gameplay is worse than XIII, incredibly bad art direction, using monsters as members is pretty meh because there's almost no actual character on the group, story is even more convoluted and retarded than XIII.

>All in all I liked it more than XIII, but it's still one of the worst FF.
>All in all I liked it more than XIII, but it's still one of the worst FF.
>but it's still one of the worst FF.
>one of the worst FF.
>the worst FF.
>the worst
j/k just messing with you

how can ffxiii-2 be the best game in the series when it cock teases you the entire game with a non playable lightning?

I liked it for the time-traveling cliche plot it had and it looked pretty. Perk leveling was tolerable and alright.

Traveling didn't feel right in the game and combat was never satisfying. Too short, Didn't like Noel or Sera. Music was on point.

Was a pretty mediocre game. Not too bad but also not good, It was literally the middle child in a family.

>Gameplay is worse than XIII
Objectively not true. The combat system is expanded and improved upon, with far more variety. The semi-linear nature of progression is also a step up from XIII's endless corridors.

>incredibly bad art direction
It's a beautiful game.

>using monsters as members is pretty meh because there's almost no actual character on the group
Serah and Noel are a FAR more interesting party by themselves than any of the boring retards from XIII. Mog is fine too.

>story is even more convoluted and retarded than XIII
It's a wacky time travel hijincks story. Even then, it's not really that complex. Stop Caius. That's the whole crux of it. A named, singular bad guy to focus on, rather than the nebulous, anonymous greater evil from XIII. One that's actually competent too, rather than a series of bumbling clowns who show up and die within the space of ten minutes.

Noel and Serah were good, travel was fine. There were no cliches in the time travel aspect and it was kept simple and understanable.

Its a great, fun fucking game

Shin megami tensei notcturne and tales of .. games are available on ps3

While I really liked Noel, I thought that Serah was a really flat character. They just didn't give her enough to do for the majority of the game, and the Eyes of Etro didn't do a goddamn helpful thing.

>Its a great, fun fucking game
Um, alright. And I found it mediocre, but I don't reject your opinion. I can see why people would like it.

I really didn't like XIII but I liked XIII-2 a lot. It was my favorite of the series and one of the only games I could stomach to 100% before I get bored and go back to other games. My only real complaint is that they really shoehorned in Lightning as the hero when it was really Sarah's story. It made it feel the story go in a direction that felt really forced, I wish the game didn't even have Lightning in it at all.

why does FF13 (2009) and FF13-2 (2011) on PS3 look better than ff15

> Eyes of Etro didn't do a goddamn helpful thing

I forgot about that because of how insignificant it was until you beat the game. I know its important lore wise to the games but because like you said, it barely did anything in the actual game.

They don't though.

Don't bother to post screenshots, I have platinumed XIII, XIII-2 and almost LR. I also have 140 hours in XV. The lighting in XV alone shits over everything in the PS3 games.

>ONE OF THE worst = the worst
Nigger, you're so retarded I am actually having pity with you here, so I'm gonna believe your j/k even though you made an autistically long post to just show everyone how much of a fool you are.

I'd love to hear what games you think are better

It could have been poignant if they had played up the tragic nature of the Goddess' "gift" ending up being nothing but a terrible hindrance to them (which it was), but instead it just gives Serah a reason to recite the shonen hero cliche line about "Even if it costs me me life, I'm gonna do what's right! Believe it!"

There's a lot wrong with the writing in general. I appreciate that XIII-2 actually had the sense to give your protagonists a fucking goal, but the plot was every bit as muddled in its execution as its big sister's.

Why are you trying to start shit? Nigga fuck you I was being tolerate and saying it was an alright game. Fuck your gay ass thread i'm out if you're gonna act like this.

>rather than the nebulous, anonymous greater evil from XIII
This always got to me. Two things just confused me in XIII and they seemed REALLY important.
1. That old guy (forgot his name he's actually a fal'cie and can transform) tells you that fulfilling you focus multiple times will destroy cocoon. So the best thing to do logically for the greater to do nothing. Why don't they do nothing?
2. Fal'Cie can talk, as we know because that old dude can. So why did the Pulse Fal'Cie not just tell the people what their focuses were instead of being cryptic with the dream bullshit?

the game is downright broken in terms of difficulty. There's no point to anything they added to the combat system.

Superior art direction and they're not open world.

Because the game was written by a large committee around the big, fancy FMVs that they had already produced without any unifying direction.

IX is my favourite. But Whenever I start a new game I get really neurotic about trying to get that fucking tiger racket card by doing that jump rope bullshit. I fucking hate needing that card. I know you can get it later but I need everything before I can move on to the next area.

Not really. Combat is boring as fuck, at least vonstantly breaking enemies in the first gave some cool looking situations, in 2 it's boring the whole way through.

>Noel and the villain
>those retarded weapons
>the incredibly anorexic design of the girls

Those two are better than the XIII, true. So what? It completely pales in comparison to other FFs.

Yeah, the whole crux is to stop Gaius, and I never said that's hard to grasp. But it was delivered in some of the most rerarded and convoluted ways possible to make it look like there's more to it then simply walking up to him and slapping his shit.
Not to mention that the time travel is among the eorst in any game ever.

>travel from some 10 af to 100 af
>there's still the EXACT SAME excavation site, with the exact same NPCs, with the exact same still unexcavated falCie, the exact same land layout and flora
>but hey, it's constantly dark mow ;-)
Now go play Chrono Trigger were shit actually changes over centuries.

Because you're objectively wrong. It's a good fucking game that gets unfounded hate.

I'm not hating on it though. It was an average game. It wasn't the best but it was good for what it was you stupid ingrate.

theyre not
>noel and caius
great characters
>retarded weapons
what is every video game ever made?
>combat is boring
its great fun

>travel 100 years, shit is exactly the same
This is being autistic. You have to keep the basics the same to focus on certain things related to the story. Its not some documentary about how much shit changes.

If you want to be autistic about time travel you could go on all day about how much shit breaks down in anything that involves time travel because the concept itself is bullshit.

but you harp on this shit so much because you dont have any real arguments against the game. you just want to blanket hate it along with the rest of the 13 series, anime, japan, rpgs, jrps or what have you. or to justify not playing it.

>XIII's production value
>XIII-2's combat improvements w/o gay monsters (faster combat, faster paradigm shifting, etc.)
>XIII-2 map design
>XIII-2 Hope
>Caius instead of Barthandelus
>Mix of XIII/LR music
>LR sidequest/exploration
>Versus XIII's scrapped story.

Would this make a good game?

There's a big payoff for those that don't like Serah though. XIII-2 happens to have one of my favourite video game endings.

Better image quality. XV is held back by the blur filter and poor AA. The PC version will be interesting.

The point is fun. It's fun to use the Feral Links and such. Some of them are really neat in terms of execution. The fights in general are also more interesting than XIII. Neither game is hugely difficult, but the variety of XIII-2's combat keeps it fun to play.

>Combat is boring as fuck
I... disagree! I had more fun with XIII-2 than XIII, and it wasn't remotely close. In terms of "cool factor" there's much more going on during XIII-2's combat, with Feral Links and cinematic sequences and tons of shit flying everywhere, to a degree that XIII doesn't come close in terms of spectacle.

>the incredibly anorexic design of the girls
Serah has bigger tits than Lightning and is the superior Farron.

>It completely pales in comparison to other FFs
I'd take it over XV any day.

Your point about things not changing between times isn't even remotely true. You can cherrypick examples if you like, but most of the locations in the game change radically between various times. Oerba, New Bodhum, Academia, the dying world... the game pulls off the time travel aspect really well in that sense.

Saying it's not as dramatic as a 2D SNES game isn't remotely fair, for the same reason that we don't get world maps and proper towns any more - shit costs a lot more to make these days.

FFXIII's battle system is awful. Since 2 uses that, it can't be good.


It's definitely a fun game with a lot of content, but I don't know. I feel like all of the XIII series games were different in their own way, all have flaws.

XIII was too linear, but rewarded you for completing the game and gave you a ton of awesome fights at the end. Also, it's linearity did help keep the main game moving forward, you play through the story and then you're left to go explore stuff as you want.

XIII-2 wasn't linear, but had extremely tedious shit in it. The puzzles, the constant treasure hunting and warping, etc. The story was easier to follow than XIII's, mostly because everything had been explained already. I didn't like Noel or Serah much as main characters, but Caius was a fucking awesome antagonist, and monster collecting aspect was really nice as well. The optional DLC stuff was good too.

Lighting Returns is even more open world, gives better engaging quests, and also (imo) has way better art direction than the other two. But.. It's just fucking Lightning. There's no party, no monsters you can team up with. Just Lightning and a million customizations. The story was also absolutely retarded, but to be fair I may be forgetting some parts of it.

They're all great games in their own way. They also all have obvious flaws. I really wish they had kept features of the games instead of fucking with them so much.
I would have liked to have more human party members you have in XIII-2 instead of Noel and Serah every fucking minute. Same thing with LR. Why can't I fucking recruit Fang(technically you do, but only for a little while), or some other people I meet along the way in addition to monsters?

They all could have been better games. The best thing they brought were the soundtracks.

gotyay OST

You're literally retarded.

>Mystic Quest

It's my favorite too. the music, the battles, the lighthearted story. It's the perfect FF.

You forgot IX, and everyone who disagrees is a retarded gay nigger

>want to play XIII-2
>don't want to play XIII

It has Lightning in it, which makes it impossible for it to be the best FF.

It has a summary thing in the menu.

You're one of the biggest shiteaters I ever encountered.


You don't even need it. Non-retards can easily figure out what's going on just from the exposition in 13-2.

My counterpoint:

You don't need to, at all. XIII-2's plot is only tangentially to XIII's. It completely retcons XIII's ending right at the start of the game anyway.

Then don't. It's not hard to not play something you dingus, we do it all the time

LR was better tho