Final Fantasy XV

So, is it any good? Should I buy it as a christmas gift to myself?

It's quite difficult to get a proper opinion here on Sup Forums, but all I want to know is if it's at the very least good to play for one playthrough? It doesn't have to be GOAT for me to be able to enjoy if immensely.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's totally worth it. Very fun.

It's shit, wait for a price drop.

It's average.

it's good but flawed

it's like Phantom Pain basically

Really makes you think

I played 65 hours in a week to beat it.
The combat is incredibly simple for my taste in an arpg.
None of your party members will do anything.
The camera is dogshit, don't try to fight anything anywhere near a tree or bush because that is all you will see.
Expericast breaks the game.
The open overworld is beautiful and amazing.
The dungeons are garbage and the secret dungeons are literally an offensive abortion of no effort.
The story is irrelevant and totally replaceable.
The relationships with the friends are fun when they're not saying the annoying lines.

Overall it's fairly bland and inoffensive if you like doing sidequests.

Well the grinding for AP gets much easier on coming thursday with the ng+ update.

Very boring open world with incredibly boring sidequests. They're literally just fetch quests with almost no story to them.

Combat is rather simple, but dungeons can be a bit of fun if you enjoy things getting chaotic.

Story is just really poorly executed and falls apart completely during the second half of the game.

Beat it in 50 hours. It's the most offensively short FF game to date. The story is really short and can be beaten within 10-15 hours if you just do story missions and skip side stuff.

I really, really wanted to like it. I had been waiting ever since it was announced. It's just soulcrushing to think about the game now.

I had way more fun with XIII. It even had more of a cohesive story.

It had some pretty big flaws but most you can get over. I'd say worth it of you like comfy games and bromance.

The negatives have been listed in the thread so I'll give you some pros
>villain is fucking great
>most characters feel real and arent overplayed tropes
>world is beautiful
>atmosphere is great
>cruising in the Regalia listening to all the FF soundtracks is suprisingly comfy
>combat is simple but fun when youre not in an enclosed enviroment
>boss fights are dope

Its shit. But buy it for yourself anyway.

I completely lost interest when I found out it's impossible to die as long as you stock up on phoenix down. You can use items EVEN WHEN YOU AND ALL YOUR TEAMMATES ARE DOWN.

I mean...what's the point of having crazy combos, cool magic, weapon upgrades when none of it matters and you can LITERALLY just hold the attack button and spam items to win everything except 1 dungeon in the entire game.

wait for the price drop and updates game is unfinished.

>christmas gift
>to myself


You'll run out of items on one tonberry if you do that though, even if you have 99 of everything.

this is what means to be an adult white male...

you already have the death ring when you come up with tonberry.

It's pretty good desu

145 hours in and I still haven't finished everything.

How the fuck do you do decent damage to that level 99 Niff mech that drops after Ch15? I wanna try my luck at those drops but the thing only takes like 20 damage a swing, making it impossible to break its appendages.

>most offensively short FF game to date

What? Anything up to FF7 can't be beaten in sub 20 hours with all side content done.

Doesn't it take like 2500 mp to Death a tonberry though?

hang around long enough to bearded summon to come

>Characters feel real

Nigger, they're fucking garbage and I couldn't give more of a shit when they died

>Prompto being the stereotypical comic relief with "i hide my true feelings behind pretending to be happy"
>Ignis being the incredibly intelligent and calm one to keep the group in order
>Gladio being the strong but gentle and caring to others

it makes me think that samefagging positive/neutral/negative comment meme is stupid as hell.

i had around 250MP when i met them at the pier and it was piece of cake.
maybe there is another multiplier at hand.
magic damage or magic stat.

you know, when you cant afford to throw money around like its nothing you have to justify spending $50+ on anything that isnt absolutely necessary. or do you live in a fantasy bubble financed by your parents

If you have self respect and a fraction of good taste you will avoid this turd. But since you made this thread you obviously couldn't figure that out on your own, so clearly you have already decided.

Are we talking about the same level 84 tonberries that spawn in the steyliff deep dungeon here?

i guess not.

Seriously, they are copypaste fujoshit characters straight out of shitty anime like Gundam.

I live in a world where you don't have to call buying yourself something a "gift" and since when is a christmas present from someone else a "fantasy bubble financed by my parents"?

Pretty sure I'm the normal one here.

>caring to others

There was a quest in which Noctis and Gladio went to a flower field to get his sister a flower.

Yeah and then he tells you to go fuck yourself right after your gf dies.

yo FUCK that dungeon. I thought "yeah I can probably do this before bed" and it took me close to 4 hours to complete it.

What is even in those post game dungeons? They're not required for any trophy and whenever I hear about them they have like 60 fucking floors or some shit. Is there anything good in them or is it just for grinding?

They have a lot of items in them where you can make a lot of gil, and they contain the best weapons in the game, plus some really good accessories. Also, they have some of the most challenging fights in the game in them.

It's a good FF entry. Flawed, and could have been amazing had it been given another year or two, but good. It's going to be your bros and the world rather than the plot that makes the trip worth it.

Avoid threads till you finish if you want the full punch of the emotional high points and keep yourself from overleveling. Like maybe level 40~50 by the chapter 15. Also, only half the royal arms come to you via the main quest. The other half are out there in the open world.

How do I level survival and where do I get AP the fastest?

play the game and warp strike low level mobs

another huge flaw in the game.

I can spend 3 hours doing the most difficult content in the game, killing high level enemies in a dungeon, and I get maybe 200 AP if I'm lucky.

I spend 3 hours warp killing level 2 mobs in the starting area and I gain several thousand. And when you start needing 999 for just one node....fuck that shit.

It needed another 10 years.

Be real. No one will accomplish that without extensive knowledge about the game.

We're talking about an actual blind first time run.

That's not a flaw.

>hold down block
>parry whenever they attack
>never get hit

For all the shit people gave Nomura for "wasting" money with a few minutes of gameplay and getting nothing done Tabata didn't really do much either in those 2-3 years. All they did is make Duscae. Leide is already tacked on and only 2-3 dungeons are actually good. The game easiyl needs another 2-3 years at which point it's not any better than what Nomura has done

Tonberries are garbage and force you to basically play boring

My blind FF4 playthrough took about 13 hours, and that was like 15 years ago.

Other than that XV is probably the shortest though. Still, it has more content and variety than 13 at least.

>the open world is beautiful
What is this meme? It's generic garbage through and through. You can't even explore Tenebrae, for fuck's sake.

>standing in same area for hours killing level 2 mobs is the best way to level up is not a flaw

final fantasy fans, everyone.

>Should I buy it as a christmas gift to myself?

You must really hate yourself...

Its maybe good on itself, but after all these years of hype and amazing trailer its nothing but dissapointment.
If you new to this, you can give it a try.

>you already have the death ring when you come up with tonberry.

I swear... I've encountered these fuckers before you even get the ring. At night, drive through some long tunnels and they have a chance of spawning.

It's blatantly unfinished. There's fun to be had, and the main cast is genuinely good even when the writing is iffy, but there are massive problems with its story, overall structure, and even gameplay.

Without knowing anything about your tastes, it's more likely that you'll be disappointed or even dislike/hate the game. But consider the following:

What's your favorite FF and why?

What's your favorite game from the past 5 years and why?

Do you like anime?

If you could categorize open world design as either the cancer killing gaming or the only thing keeping it fresh/alive, which would you choose?

The answers to these questions will determine whether you'll like XV.

Boring open world i dont why they made it open world.
Side quests are repetitive like i cant tell you how many times i got to an outpost and got an quest that was either go to x and pick up y or kill Z # of Y
The story isn't really all that special from what I've seen.

Flaws aside, if you're a FF fan you'll enjoy the play through. I could list the flaws (as many have already done), look at the list and think fuck that game, but I really did still have fun, it's a rough diamond.

Fuck I wish they did it right though, could have been amazing.

Do you like action games?

If so, You might like it.

Do you like RPGs?

If so, You'll probably dislike it.

>Do you like action games?
>If so, You might like it.
the combat is worse than god of war

As someone who has every single one besides 2 and 3
ones I can as a long time fan if the series this is a damn good entry in the series and is worth playing the combat can getting some used to if you never played any hack and slash action games before I say give it a shot it's worth it.

I'm not a fan of action games, so I don't like FFXV.

But I don't see why anyone would like it in general, except that they don't have the same opinion as me. It's the only rational opinion I can come up with as to why such a mediocre game is getting any praise at all.

maybe i'm too naive to believe name brand alone is why.

Good game in spite of its flaws. If those flaws get fixed through patches, it could be the best FF in the series.

Why do you think the game getting praise? Japan hates it, people on emotions after ending might defend it too, but its need time to put everything together, once emotions subsided people will judge it alot more harsher.

50 hours is approximately the main story length of FF13...

Taking the times played of only the people who rushed through it is silly. Especially considering that games like Skyrim's main story takes a short time but completing everything makes it a much larger game.

The average play time of FFXV's story is about 20 hours. If you 100% it, you're looking at 80-100 hours.

>Spends almost entire morning in this dungeon
>Go camp
>73 elapsed days
Noctis, you are a warrior

It's really bad from what I've played so far.

A couple of things from the top of my head
>story is shit
>game is ugly as sin
>side quests are boring, repetitive and terrible (hunts as well but in addition you can only have one active at a time)
>the open world sucks shit in general
>really long loading times for everything
>travelling in general (foot/chocobo/car) is ass and it makes up most of the game (also whenever you have to do something it's almost always on the other side of the map to make the game artificially longer)
>combat is meh and the tech shit with the QTEs gets really annoying after a while, same with trying to hit flying enemies
>magic system is awful
>camera is atrocious

Soundtrack is fantastic though and I like the characters. It's just about enough to keep my interest but not enough to save the game. I dislike it more than XIII.

When they release this DLC, is it going to have a separate load file or show up in the main game so for example you finish the dungeon with aranea then instead of the "several days later" you switch over to doing Gladio's DLC up until where he gets ready to put on his thermal suit, then it switches back to Noctis

It's selling well, there is at least 2 threads of the game on the front page of Sup Forums at almost all times, and even the publishers said the game was a success and they'll make more action games.

They said its """""shipped""""" like 5 millions? But total sells?

In all honesty, 15 hours into the game, I'm in the beginning of chapter 4 and already the game has more than exceeded my expectations. It can go to hell after this point for all I care, I've already had more enjoyment out of it than any other game I've played this year.

Outstanding visuals, overwhelming in scale and detail, incredibly immersive, fluid to play, superb music and voice acting, I don't get it, just what more can you want? It's already blown every FF since 8 completely out of the water by far.

Waiting for pc, but it looks great; both graphically and gameplay wise. Wish they could have turned down the aa some though, bit blurry

I agree with you on xv being ok at best, but why are we only now using Japan as an indicator of what is good? A recurring opinion on Sup Forums is that nips have shit taste, but that doesn't apply anymore? For example, nips loved the remaster of Skyrim.

It's a great game and you can feel the high production value every where the setting obviously has a lot of care put into it. But It has just one flaw that is not subjective that I'm sure most people will have said already.
>The Story
It was cut there are no 2 ways about it this game was rushed to release since it took so long. So they polished all of the game play content as much as they could and overall it shows. But you can tell we are missing story elements and while it's not as bad as MGS5 in that regard it still needs some more cut scenes. But fortunately the dev team is fixing this with upcoming patches for free aside from the dlc coming out. Overall though I would argue this is one of the best FF games although it might bother some traditionalists. Once the full thing is out I have no doubt it will rise to a 9.2-9.5 but right now I'd say it's a solid 8.5 and I say that not comparing it to other games but in quality of the execution of what it is trying to do.

The game is pretty bad. Most of the side quests are exactly the same and I've had like 3 game breaking bugs so far. And now this goddamn snake isn't spawning for my hunt.

Generic Sup Forums shit poster opinion there is no way to compare this game to other ps4 games and call it ugly unless you are going off nothing but bullshots.

I can't see this webm and not think of the hover ferrari from futurama

It is ugly as fuck though.

Try harder please.

Are you new here or something?

>Someone has negative opinions
>it's the truth
>Someone has positive opinions
>they have shit taste

No need. The graphics speak for themselve.

Oh sorry, I forgot that Sup Forums is a shitpost board. Carry on.

>73 days
even for that bullshit dungeon that´s a bit much

OP, it's a good game. Just wait for all the episode packs to come out before you buy it. The story feels rushed without them.

Square is a big company that could refuse refunded copies from retailers even if it doesn't sell.

They told the Japanese reiltaers that the DLC will help sell the last 300k copies as an excuse.

So yeah, they kind have sold 5 million copies (without digital) if you think about it.