The dolorean from back to the future pulls up outside your house...

The dolorean from back to the future pulls up outside your house, Nobuou Uematsu and Yoshitaka Amano hop out and burst into your house

>Anonymous! You have to help! We need to go back in time and save FFXV from being the biggest blunder of 2016 and possibly all time... There's enough juice in the tank to travel back and forth as much as we need to, but we have to save the game by any means possible

What do you do to save Final Fantasy XV / Final Fantasy XIII Versus from its current fate?

keep Nomura

Own majority holdings in SE and tell investors Jews to suck a cock. Let those teams work unimpeded.

Nothing, it's perfect.



I bet you liked Witcher games past the first one

>go back in time to the 90s and execute all the EA funders and execs
>loads of amazing studios are saved
>whi cares about ffxv, final fantasy games have always been garbage

Hop into my tardis laugh at there little time rickshaw and go stop it myself

question user

are they speaking perfect, fluent english? or are they all going like "anonymosh! you haff to herp! we needu to go backku in taimu and seibu ff exshuvee fwom being da biggest brunda of twendy sixdeen and possibry arr time..."

anyway i'd keep tabata off it and just set more stricter deadlines. threaten to fire nomura and make sure he never finds work again to make sure he gets his ass in gear

Can I go back in time to 1989 and save Sega instead?

In the long run it'd save FFXV.

Not so fast!
*pulls out the longest katana you've ever seen*
Heh, didn't think it would be that easy did you.... kid?

>hit button shut door mumble something about the holds of ghangis Kahn and dematerialize

Keep Nomura as director, Kidnap Tabata, replace him with a platinum combat dev and threaten to kill major stock holders families if they make even the slightest insinuation of wanting to rush XV.

>Go back in time
>Save the Sega-Microsoft merging
>Put someone from the industry in front of EA
>Save LucasArts
>Avoid the creation of Tumblr and Sup Forums
>Make sure Phil Spencer is CEO of Xbox sooner
>Kill Anita Sarkesian before she grows up
>Save the development of Duke Nukem Forever

With those changes the industry would have evolved just in the right way, and FFXV would have been positively influenced by it, or maybe it would have sucked nonetheless but who cares, the rest of the industry would be saved

Stop them from making The Spirits Within

Now you're being unoriginal

Give it to Kawazu.

Go back in time and stop myself from being born

Ya I'm acting lie the doctor would

1: Keep it as a spinoff so it doesn't get compared to mainline final fantasy, this is important for marketing. Comparing your game to a mainline with a ton of nostalgia behind it is asking for failure, not success.
2: unfaggify the main characters
3: add some pussy to the gay boyband sausagefest
4: take away the fucking stupid faggoty full action combat to upset the KH fagboys, and rework a different system that still works with and that COMPLIMENTS the gameplay.
5: bring back Sakaguchi to gut out the misdirection of the game inside out while not losing its original vision.
6: force Uematsu to oversee the sound track.
7: make it PC only (for a while) and bring in competent devs who actually know how to use the hardware for optimization so the game actually doesn't need to be dumbed down
8: collect waterfalls of Sony tears
9: if it sells well, eventually downgrade it for consoles.

Angry modern fans and Nomura leg humpers incoming.

>Wanting Microwiggers influence in the industry

Their forceful intrusion into the game industry is why we are where we are now. Are you fucking stupid or just completely braindead?