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ping pong a ting!

fake and gay

yeah clearly fake nice argument

I bet you fell for the rayman smash4 leak too

Because its so easy to fake a video and sounds right?

The fact there isnt exactly an animation yet seems to suggest its still in progress.

>im so smart, i wont be fooled by fakes by outright denying all of them! that way i'll never be fooled and hurt my intellectual ego

>same Wii U user interface
>looks crappy
>only Splatoon is there

>Because its so easy to fake a video and sounds right?
Yes in the era where people are willing to 3D print a block of plastic to fake a console/handheld, video editing is easy mode

>only splatoon
>i cant see zelda botw, mario, and that fire hydrant thing
>a product in development by nintendo whos consoles are always the weakest looks crappy
>same wii u interface by a company who is lazy and reuses shit all the time, such as the wii and wii u have the same UI
Oh fucking gee

It is easy, for some people

There was also the case where someone 3D printed the Switch, three times.

>same wii u interface by a company who is lazy and reuses shit all the time, such as the wii and wii u have the same UI
Wii and WiiU had completely different UI, have you even used either of them?

you have to have more than weak motivation to prove its fake.

no one would go to so much trouble to make such a flawlessly fake video that ultimately doesnt show much. if someone went to that much trouble theyd at least fake something big

Hope its true because of animal crossing

>Mario icon from old promo art
>Zelda icon from promo site
>Splatoon and Mario Kart completely unchanged
>Every other icon looks like 2 seconds in photoshop

No chance dude, but I still hope you get what you want and go semi-viral.

You'd have to be retarded to think this is real, it's more basic than the Wii U, and why the fuck would ANYONE have a Switch with Mario, Splatoon, Zelda, and Mario Kart 8 installed?

>completely different
Yeah youre a fuckin retard arnt you.

Wii, Wii U, and 3DS are all identical. Maybe minor differences

The effort that went into the Rayman video hoax surmounts this tenfold.

I could fake OP video in an afternoon. Minimal effort for a UI or motion designer.

>no Rogers or Laura confirmation

get fucked son

>if someone went to that much trouble theyd at least fake something big

Nothing like a big game character reveal is shown here

>gay crossdressing retards

>Because its so easy to fake a video and sounds right?

It is.


I guess?
Probably not.

This isn't 'that much trouble' Jose, you fucking mongoloid.
Like I said, I could personally fake this in an afternoon. I have done fakes like this before (but better, because I am competent) for shits and giggles, and I had no motive or personal gain to do so.
Your video is bad.

>gay crossdressing retards who happens to leak everything


Switch Dev Kit leak! Could it be real?!


>after effects

>red led in the middle
>Switch has no led in the middle under the screen
>says literally who designed that mockup ui in the lower left corner
>they didn't even remove it
wew lad

>bottom left
>design by paul de clair

lol nice try frenchie


>youtube link

>"design by baguette" signature
>it's true guise

are you fucking 12 or what?

I hope you kill yourself OP

I know this is fake, but even for a fake couldn't the idiot hold his phone horizontally?

Game Over, OP

Should have tried it on reddit

Wasn't there certain people that got a Switch early?

I think it was some black guy who then showed the model on his stream and got banned, or something.

>modern consoles
it'll boot straight to the UI
and maybe the Switch logo will flash a bit when booting up a game


Yes it really, really is.
We don't live in fuckin 2008 anymore.

Really fucking easy. I could do it myself if I wanted to.


It was fake(3D printed) and staged.

>that fire hydrant thing
>not recognizing a gyroid
fucking soniggers

>no one would go so much troble
>no one
You will be surprised by how much people go for something less trivial.

Yo you can totally reach the temple of light and get the triforce, but I omitted the third and most important step that you'll have to find yourself ;)

Here's an obviously not faked picture of the temple. It's off-screen, that's how you know it's legit!