Anyone else tried out the game during the free weekend?

Anyone else tried out the game during the free weekend?

I actually expected worse, but I'm still undecided whether to buy it or not.

Enemies so far aren't the bullet sponges everyone talked about, as long as they are at your same level. Bosses and overleveled enemies are plain frustrating.

Also friendly npcs are easily the most useless npcs I've ever encountered in a game. They don't deal damage and they don't take aggro, not even joking. They are really fucking useless.

Game is really comfy though, I enjoy walking around snowy new york with my fancy jackets and being tacticool with my mates. That alone could make the game (on sale) worth it

What are your thoughts about it?


I was really into it for a while but it kinda lost steam. DZ was plagued with hackers for several months and by the time ubisoft finally fixed their shit, most people had moved on. They tried to fix PvE a few patches ago, but they are slowly reverting the good changes and they are planning to make the DZ even more shit now with leaderboards. Seeing as the DLCs felt really disconnected from the main game, I have little faith in anything good coming down the road.

It had such fucking huge potential.

Virgin spotted

I like it, it's pretty decent. Definitely got my monies worth out of it even though it has some issues. Wouldn't pay full price though.

A lot of the clothing options are too samey, I really don't like how it feels like enemies have way too good of accuracy sometimes, and there needs to be more rewards for exploring the city and getting cell phones and agent traces. XP only is really bland, most of the clothing you might find in stashes sucks and toolkits/medkits/food isn't needed while exploring. And there needs to be a way to see if people are lined up for missions other than just joining a line and praying since you can only wait for 1 at a time.

Basically it could be turned into something great like Siege with a little effort.

Do I have to shoot an enemy more than 4-5 times to kill them?

Because that's on the high side of acceptable IMO.

the survival dlc is basically a AAA battle royal, which is pretty fun

Right now I need 1-2 headshot to down a mob enemy with a marksman rifle. About 1/4 of mag with my assault rifle, maybe more.

When it comes to armored bosses we start talking about entire magazines poured in their fucking skulls. Probably not the game you're looking for.

Quick question lads, is this one of those games that's only fun if you play with friends? Be honest with me.

I know it's free for today but I don't want to install it to try, only to find out it's not even worth my time because I have no friends.

I usually play with a friend of mine, but I don't mind playing alone. It's definitely more difficult though, at least for me, but there's always matchmaking to fix that if you're okay playing with randos

that's true up until you start doing """"end-game"""" shit, at which point it takes an absurd amount of bullets to kill a single enemy. Like we're talking several magazines to kill just one elite.

the game is extremely solo-friendly. You might want to avoid the DZ areas without a group tho...

Still waiting on a game that matches TLoU's multiplayer honestly.

Fuck that was some good gunplay. Tense as fuck, weighty, and as much about maneuvering as anything else. And everyone was fragile as shit too.

>Probably not the game you're looking for
Appreciate the honesty. In a game like this that's trying so hard to be grounded in reality the gunplay sounds so out of place. It's too bad because the setting looks excellent, too.

>Enemies so far aren't the bullet sponges everyone talked about
I dread to think what they used to be like, it still takes me a full mag to kill one guy as long as every shot hits.

>Enemies so far aren't the bullet sponges
Ubisoft shill plz

Nah it's more of an rpg than an fps, the setting is what's quasi grounded in reality.

What are you fighting? Because I'm in tier 2 and everything except for purples and yellows takes less than half a clip depending on my shitty aim. And purples and yellows are basically boss types so yeah they'll take longer, although it is really lame when it's an entire wave of them. Haven't dinked around in the DZ yet though, waiting on a buddy to catch up.

The bullet sponge complaint was also mainly centered around purples and yellow elites. Especially when the guys tries its hardest to be semi-realistic in many areas.

Fuck knows, I got bored after an hour. I was just fighting the regular blokes in hoodies. I'd hit them with a full mag and if I missed one shot I had to wait for a whole reload just to finish them off.

It's a nice looking game and the gameplay seems decent but it's not really my thing, if the enemies were some kinda monsters then it wouldn't seem plastering them with bullets wouldn't seem so wrong, but when a guy in shades and a hoodie takes a full mag it's pretty daft.

Has anyone else had the enemies not spawning when you get close to them?
I enter an area with hostiles, red triangles pointing at the ground and suddenly I get insta killed even if im behind a wall.
They usually appear the second time after I get killed.

You have to pay attention to levels, even 1 level higher than you can make a difference, 2-3 and yeah it will suck bad.

I'll say it again, this is closer to an RPG than a FPS and is heavily gear and level bound. I think half of peoples problems stem from them not understanding this. Fair enough if it's not your thing though.

You dumb poor bastard, Ubisoft has half a decade of history demonstrating their shoddy craftsmanship and poor business practices.

like you can't even defend this shit anymore without at least admitting you were born after 1995.

As far as I know, they nerfed the health of the enemies.
The game can be fun, but gets boring without friends after a while.
If you played through the PvE you only have thte DarkZone and it can get extremely frustrating without mates there

If you think Destiny is ok then you should like this game because everything Destiny does is improved in this game

When I run the fuckers will spawn on top of me a lot, I usually just end up trotting through the city if I have a relatively close destination in mind since they chase quite a ways.

Not him, and not really disagreeing that they are shit, but what AAA publisher isn't? They can make some decent games even if half their stuff is shit, just don't preorder or buy blind unless you are a dumbass. 1984

>calling people virgins on Sup Forums of all places

Is this some new ironic meme? This is like the third time today that I've seen virgin used as an insult on here.

Fuck you UBI. Make Ghos recon phantoms a thing again with no p2w....

Pretty much this.

I think I'll buy this by the way. Comfy

That's what happened to me so I stopped playing. It got quite grating very quickly


I tried it, seems very empty and the missions are to easy

>When people tell you reddit didn't invade this place.

contextualize it.