Well Sup Forums?

well Sup Forums?


> shitrim
> shitcher
Dark Souls is the correct answer

Gerald was pretty cool but Skyrim is probably stronger.

Geraldo of riviera could kick Dragonborns ass any day of the week.

Skyrim isn't a person

>shit vs shit
wow this is actually hard to answer


what if Dragonborn has a pitchfork

All of nirn is a person

Skyrim is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills drgaons and doesnt afraid of anything.

10 hours into witcher 3 and while i think its a good game. I also think its grossly overrated and misleading on pregame advertising in that its supposed to be a huge open world with no loading times. When in reality its not that open worlded, but a series of maps that do require loading times to travel between, much like inquisition. In fact this game is very similar to inquisition in alot of aspects. Which was also a good game.

But. I was expecting something new and amazing with perfect review scores and all the hype. I am severely let down. I will take a last gen skyrim over this for a few reasons.

1. The one map open world of skyrim was amazing.

2. The quests and dialogue of skyrim is unmatched, from killing an orphanage headmaster, uncovering mage school plots, thieves guild quests, demon quests, cisero lol, on top of the main storyline, etc.

3. 1st person is awesome. Even the dull melee combat of skyrim feels fun in 1st person. But ofc using magic was much more fun and varied.

4. Level system in skyrim is also unmatched imo. Even inquisition had a better leveling system imo.

Witcher 3 has good graphics, good story n quests, good combat, good crafting, etc but just doesnt live up to its hype nor surpass skyrim in any way for me. What u guys think?

Pitchfork is op as fuck, when will they nerf it?

skyrim is dragonborn and can shout really loud so gerald is nothing and skyrim can also have very good magic and weapon skill

You had me until
>2. The quests and dialogue of skyrim is unmatched,

Needs work
Have a (you) for your effort

Well the Dragonborn is perfect at everything so he wins by default.

>also think its grossly overrated and misleading on pregame advertising in that its supposed to be a huge open world with no loading times.

It is huge. And when did they ever suggest there wouldn't be loading times

No narrative/context to carry the gameplay.

Vote goes to Skyrim, but witcher is the better game from a technology standpoint.

>one map open world
>requires loading times to enter a shack

>uncovering mage school plots
The Mages Guild was so gutted. Massive wasted potential.

Dark Souls is garbage even compared to skyrim, sorry

Witcher 3 has wheel dialogue ao it will always be shit no matter what

>wheel dialogue

I guess Skyrim isn't open-world either since every cave or building requires a loading screen to enter :^)

I got it confused with dragon age inquisition

Shamefur dispray.

The Witcher 3 had two huge flaws that kinda ruined the experience for me.

1. It's extremely linear so after two playthroughs you're pretty much done with the game forever.

2. All loot is useless since you craft witcher gear that's better than everything else. There's no incentive to roam around and explore.



Can sexually identify as a hermaphrodite

Check, etc...

Wait, people actually think Skyrim is good?

>1. It's extremely linear so after two playthroughs you're pretty much done with the game forever.
Usually if you get to the end and you're even willing to play through again your experience isn't exactly "ruined". If you expect every game to be endlessly replayable then your expectations are misguided.
>2. All loot is useless since you craft witcher gear that's better than everything else. There's no incentive to roam around and explore.
Loot is useful to make money and gather crafting material FOR the Witcher gear.


That would be funnier if it wasn't just one peasant.
The reason Geralt got killed was because he was in the middle of a tight crowd and couldn't move freely.

>Loot is useful to make money and gather crafting material FOR the Witcher gear.

okay so after you've done that, THAT'S IT for the entire playthrough. All weapons, all armor that you find...useless. It was exciting finding a new cave in skyrim because you could get cool shit in it. It was a huge incentive to explore.

You spend dozens of hours without having to move between maps, at this point Skyrim isn't open world either since you get a loading screen every time you want to enter a city or even a building.

Yes, but in an ironic way.

How does little replayability kill your experience when the best experience is to play the game for the first time?

Witcher 3 and Skyrim are completely opposite games as far as their design priorities go, though. People just jump on obvious similarities.

Shut the fuck up, you're just begging for another CHIM thread.

>Comparing DS to witcher/skyrim
you should compare it to diablo 3 faggot

And it was a child that stabbed him, probably took him off guard.

Chim is a fun concept though

had me until
>Even the dull melee combat of skyrim feels fun in 1st person.

Stop, you don't understand what you're doing

Witcher because of layers and attention to details.

Skyrim is definitely better than Witcher 3, at least it had a fucking world to explore.

And fuck you if your argument is le Draugr dungeons everywhere. At least Skyrim fucking HAD places to explore, in witcher 3 every fucking mark on the map was just a single treasure chest guarded by some shit mob. The only dungeons or caves there were were like 3 for some Witcher armor. Witcher 3's open world looks beautiful but is painfully boring to explore.

TES series > Witcher series

>0 mods skyrim

why would you play Skyrim without at least 50 mods to enhance the female and male bodies, as well as the armours, adding sexual activities, and of course, the most important, horse armvagina for the low low cost of $99.99our

>posting wojak
opinion discarded

these two losers go up against early 2000s lara croft, she has both pistols that automatically lock on and have infinite ammo

faggotborn has all shouts and decent gear, but no crafting skills

gestalt is fully geared out, and has fucked at least one hot chick recently

who wins

Small detail that horse eats hay when is near it

>mfw someone says TES is open world

Are we conveniently forgetting every interior is separated by a loading screen? Going by that logic Witcher 3, which loads once for each zone, is more of an open world game.

Yeah that's what impressed me too. There's just so many little details that add up.

there's a mod that addresses that issue

skyrim: it's a raw sandbox game. without 200 mods it's the biggest shit game ever.
witcher 3: gerald and his whole story still creeps me out. too much useless gear to farm

good one

Skyrim isn't sandbox.

I agree with most of your points. It's not a bad game by any means, tho.

Both are quite shit bottom tier games.
But if you held a gun to my head I'd say Witcher3 vanilla or Skyrim if heavily modded.

Witcher3 has no instant teleporting but markers and you have to move alot by a mount unlike in Skyrim. Leaving a mount, that you usally use more often then your own feet, without any details would be a massive failure.
Witcher3 truely has some good and well rounded details but fucking horses eating hay is a bad one.

Dark Souls isnt a dialogue heavy RPG, kinda hard to compare.

If Witcher 3 and Skyrim are viable comparison, than so is Dark Souls. They're all RPGs that do things differently. It's not like RPG is a monolithic term.

Dark Souls is more likely a hack and slay with a high trial&error factor.


studio is now brimming with sjw feminists and numales

studio is led by a guy who once sold his acura nsx to fund his team of based devs and keep delivering revolutionary and mod friendly games

the answer is clear.

>studio is now brimming with sjw feminists and numales

Its called implementing physics properly.

woah...so this....is the power...of.....the witcher.....THREE

Bu i name my dragon shout guy skyrim

stop making posts like this you fucking leaf.
just ask what they mean.

>type more words than necessary

>9/10+ everywhere, loved by critics and players, won countless awards, goty up the ass, still played to this day
>it's not good

I want 9gag to leave

There is no point in that.
>mfw living in poland
>mfw even "soft" feminists by western standards are ridiculed
>mfw nobody knows or gives a fuck what social justice is
>mfw its acceptable for anyone to make jokes about niggers and jews
>mfw live in poland as well
>cracking racist jokes left and right and everybody has good laughs
>jews niggers sandniggers and gooks are hated everywhere
>being feminist gets you nowhere
>literally only see POC if i go for a kebab or bump into a nigger exchange student by accident

so nobody thinks you're a faggot, which clearly user did, now i do to.

what did he mean by that?

I don't care about that though.

that makes me want to conquer poland again

That's your solution to everything!

Yup, it was a cheeky boy that stabbed him. It might have been mentioned that Geralt eaither spared him or saved from death in mob killing spree but not sure if that was the case. I read the books long time ago.

I don't find Geralt, his story, or his world particularly interesting, and I like being able to play my own character (usually a pure spellcaster), so I prefer Skyrim. At least Skyrim is moddable, so you can fix some of the problems and add in a bunch of new content.

Why changing good systems?

You don't need mods to enjoy TW3.

>unironical use of ''POC''
Kill yourself.

Nothing Bethesda has ever done is revolutionary.
In fact, Fallout 4 is a step back in RPGs.
Bethesda dying could only bring good to this industry.

I can't get intho Bethesda games, their shitty open worlds that are static as fuck and awful combat are just so bad.

I played Witcher 1 and dropped it after 20 minutes. I never played other one from the series because the first game was such a dull turd.

>bethesda game
good one

you don't need witcher 1 or 2 to play 3...
witcher 1 was shit yes

Maybe stick to reddit games like dark souls?

>Sup Forums has gone from hating skyrim to being positive of it in the span of a month, after years of the former.

>It was exciting finding a new cave in skyrim because you could get cool shit
Literally no one has ever said this about Skyrim.

I think the main thing about skyrim is the actual gameplay is not fun, like the mechanics are just terrible for the bit you're actually doing that's not just walking around.

I pirated it and gave up after an hour, a game like divinity was really the kind of thing I was actually after. Every battle is at least half an hour long and is completely engrossing and engaging, it requires strategic thinking and actually gives you a sense of satisfaction when you beat it.

Modded Skyrim is better than Witcher 3

Witcher 3 was such disappointing game

Skyrim is unfinished, witcher is the most well polished game i saw in my life.

Bethesda canĀ“t in to phisics.
I love skyrim, but i know its shit , without 800 mods.

>tfw dark souls killed videogames by making players be pretencious bastards because "muh difficulty, so hardcore, the game its not hard like my Dark memes, must be bad"

I hope all Dark souls players die

>Old meme is to hate skyrim and like witcher 2

>The new meme, is to like skyrim and hate witcher in general.

Holy shit.

Seems like you're the one into reddit tier games, mister arrow to the knee


>2. The quests and dialogue of skyrim is unmatched, from killing an orphanage headmaster, uncovering mage school plots, thieves guild quests, demon quests, cisero lol, on top of the main storyline, etc

>2. The quests and dialogue of skyrim is unmatched
>thieves guild quests
>cisero lol

>Witcher being the better game, skyrim better open world.

seems pretty straight forward dude.