Is this cultural appropriation?

Is this cultural appropriation?

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's okay when Platinum does it

It's fine, I don't feel ashamed being Mexican now.


10 feet higher.

Noctis isn't white so it's fine.

Yes, but cultural appropriation is not necesserily positive or negative. Just like there are postivite and negative stereotypes.

Has there actually ever been a mexican/hispanic character in FF?

This is currently and will remain the objectively best post in the entire thread.

Thread's over boys, pack it up.

Pretty sure there is no mexico in any Final Fantasy worlds.

...Which makes a mexican outfit really weird.

You should be mexicuck.

Super Nova revealed that Final Fantasy VII takes place on earth.

Vincent is Mexican.

Not even a Cactuar on there either.

it's racist, no doubt and If I do some mental gymnastics, I could come up with a reason it being sexist also

>don't include things from other cultures
>it's racism
>include things from other cultures
>it's cultural appropriation

Truly gets the grey matter going.

>chocobos and moogles but no cactaurs
shit game

What do you mean "appropriation"? It's an homage, nothing wrong with that.

its no doubt cultural appropriation, not saying its a bad thing, but it is

>It's an homage
Is that like becoming an hero?

>cultural appropriation
What's wrong with cultural appropriation? Should I quit eating tacos and chinese food because... Well I don't even know why. Someone help me out here.

nothing, cause it's just a dumb term used by feminists and similar ilk to have another reason to get outraged over mundane shit

Reminder """geek culture""" was appropriation from the smelly outcast neckbeards of the 80s and 90s when luxury electronics started becoming mainstream and literally every shithead with the disposable income to buy an iPhone started calling themselves "geeks".

Reminder no one gave a shit about that because muh white males.

Maybe. I don't care, and I'm Mexican so my word is worth more than any fancy rhetoric.

Sounds like the word "degenerate", really.

>I'm Mexican so my word is worth more than any fancy rhetoric
An appeal to authority like that is nothing but fancy rhetoric, user. Silly shit is silly shit regardless of the audience, intended or otherwise.

I wouldn't say I'm the authority, but the victim, and if the victim doesn't care about the assault, then what's even the problem?

>but the victim
You're an idiot and your idiocy is giving these other idiots validity. Well done.

Are you funposting? This board is littered with the Attack the cactuars with scissors meme

How am I an idiot? I don't care about such petty stuff and I can't help it if someone wants to take my stead and "care" for me.


You need this:

sombreros are unironically my favorite hat


Hey ;)

This is pure entertainment.

trump is still building that wall right? I voted for the fucking wall and removing anchorbabies and more.

No such thing, cuck. No kill yourself post haste.

>implying the wall will ever get built
trump lied and you cucks believed it

sure champ, sure
