Here's a question: if Sup Forums hates open world, and thinks streamlined is bad

Here's a question: if Sup Forums hates open world, and thinks streamlined is bad

Then what does Sup Forums like?

Being contrarian.

>shitposting: the post


A comfy place in the middle obviously

feminine penises

Name 1.21 games that do this

Sup Forums is not one person.

Carefully designed content and challenges.

Being a single entity.


Hub worlds like Deus Ex
The best of both worlds

Dating sims and VNs

>liberal games

No thanks reddit.


Sup Forums likes boipucci and furry porn.

It doesn't matter how hard they hide it, it all comes to make them feel in a safe environment and they all start showing their true colors

Go away /tg/



Undertale and overwatch of course.

making america great