You know, for all the shit this game got, I think this is one of the best scenes in this franchise yet

You know, for all the shit this game got, I think this is one of the best scenes in this franchise yet.

>gets older
>goes from from sasuke to punished electric batman

Won't argue with you there. Would have been a bit better if the story and characters where fleshed out a bit more, but still hit hard.

Isn't that Sasuke's character arc though

>Even Gladio sheds a tear
I think that's what got me

yeah, i havent felt that much emotion for a videogame since the end of crisis core.

Was he stuck in TIME COMPRESSION or something where a few minutes lasted 10 years on the outside?

I knew he was gay

So is he in purgatory there but also reigning as king of the after life with Luna?

So, is this game fun?


The campfire scene was before they entered Insomnia, one last bro out.



I really like it

The adventure aspect of this game was so on point.

Seeing this makes the Titans in Attack On Titan scarier. That cartoon could never really convey the size and dread of those titans that well. This webm got me spooked out

AoT would be god tier if it was about titans being basically gigantic zombies instead of fucking humans turning into ones like fucking Super Sayian and fightning eachother karate style.

Fucking waste of potential

As an rpg fan who felt a root canal playing 80+ hours of FFXIII and had no hope for versus/XV at any point, it's my game of the fucking year. Some better non fedex quests, more plot and extra content could easily push it into my top five w/j rpgs of all time.

While I agree that it would've been better if it's Steampunk Walking Giant Deads, I actually kinda liked Karate-style Steampunk Kaiju.


I never got him to run at me before. He's always just off in the distance.

Speaking of summons.

>Be deep underground in a dungeon
>Get option to summon Ramuh
>Wonder how Ramuh is going to fit in the room I'm in
>Camera goes outside where Ramuh is
>He just chucks his staff through the fucking ground to destroy everything in your area

That was fucking baller and I was not expecting it.

Fucking this; I expected it to just bug out but not its actually a different animation for underground/indoor stuff and it was awesome

He was "sleeping" the whole time, basically in a coma dreaming of all the shit that happened so far, as the Ring stored up the Crystal's energy.

Would've been great if I had actually felt something, but the game didn't want to bother getting me invested in any of them.

t. rushed the story in 30 hours

reminder that 3 months from now we will get a story update that almost doubles the chapter 13 and extends all the others by a bit + more party members.

i didn't rush and end it in 23 hours.
Fishing and catching frogs won't make you appreciate this game more.

>tfw i dont feel like playing post-game content because of the ending

you will back to it after few days.

I don't know

same here, but that regalia flight module and secret dungeon might pull me back before I new game + it

>regalia flight module
It's shit.

Explain to me how you managed to become attached to the characters. They're literally walking stereotypes and feature zero character development beyond inane banter. I'm replaying the game right now trying to sort out this mess and it's just so, so bad. Like after you get the first dogtag quest, they literally go "wow, it's so sad that these hunters die. All the more important that we bring the tags back" It's the most fucking generic shit ever. Noct should be either surprised or repulsed or both after his privileged upbringing, Prompto maybe a little confused or not quite comprehending, Gladio quietly seething, etc. It's like that with several events in the game, where they just awkwardly repeat everything that's happened and offer no personality or insight of their own.

Same, that ending was fucking exhausting.

The hidden side quests for the companions were sweet but I honestly wish there were more. I still thought the characters were great, especially chapter 10.

>secret dungeon
That platforming though

>Noct should be either surprised or repulsed or both after his privileged upbringing, Prompto maybe a little confused or not quite comprehending, Gladio quietly seething, etc

Chapter 10 was literally the only part where there's any development. It was admittedly pretty good but there should've been 10 times the amount of that kind of content in the game.

Yeah chapter 10 was fucking good. If only the whole second half was that good.

Because that actually shows personality? I mean, it doesn't have to be exactly what I said but they should show SOMETHING. They feel like nonentities 60% of the time, cardboard cutouts 30% of the time and suddenly become highly realistic 10% of the time. The net effect is jarring and terrible.

>Noct should be either surprised or repulsed or both after his privileged upbringing,
Why would he be? He's a pretty down to earth guy anyway.

It's super obvious they cut the shit out of this game. They said they'll patch some back in, but I doubt it will make the end part much better.

>I mean, it doesn't have to be exactly what I said

How do you get that outfit?

It's in the equipment screen

Switch it in the equip menu.

this pokemon outfit looks funny on older Noctis.

It was obvious feelsbait. It's like right after Aerith died, SE would give you a cutscene where you see all the adventures you went through, then gave you a flashback where Cloud and her are watching a sunset and she goes something like "You know, I hope this adventure never ends, but when it does...I want to start a new one with just you :)))"


Also, when after every event of interest, they give every party member a one liner, the characters become really forced.

I'm only on chapter 4, and I know the latter half of the game goes to shit, but between the 4 guys constantly talking shit to each other, the roadtrip feeling, the sense of scale and adventure, and the combot which is actually pretty fucking satisfying when you start consciously utilizing warpsteps, link strikes, and techniques--it's in my top 5 FF games easily. I love how fun the game is. It overcomes its smaller faults and is just a great fucking adventure.

I don't think any update can fix the shitshow that is Ravus. I was so hyped to fight that dude...

And was this explained anywhere?

The game maybe a vague clusterfuck of shit most of the time but that was pretty self-evident just from watching.

I generally enjoyed the game and while the second half generally drops off a bit, I didn't think it was really that bad. That was, until Chapter 13. Nothing can prepare you for that. Nothing.

Why people moan about ch 13 so much? Yes its long, but its so easy to deal with everything because you have alterna magic which just wrecks everything. You don't need to hide from MT;s either. Alterna > consume mana from elixir > Alterna

>punished electric batman
>tfw no Darker than Black game

It's a boring slog.

I know some funky shit happens, just wanted to know the exact reason for the timeskip. Makes me appreciate the plot more (although most of it is dogshit like most FF games)

He channeled the power of light to the ring for ten years.

It gets worse you see the Titans? They got their asses kicked thousands of years ago by a sub-race of humans who CANNOT turn into Titans. So the story you wanted? Already happened in the past/lore of the franchise. What we're seeing now with Eren? That is the garbage filth. Also Eren's ancestors were the villains who used Titan Transformations to go to war with other humans, said other humans have more advanced tech and kicked their giant asses and kicked them out of their country.

And the original king of the walls felt so ashamed that his Titans lost that he felt he deserved to be punished so he brainwashed people into staying in their walled cities (prisons). There what a horrible story.

And apparently it's going to move into territory of Eren wanting revenge on the humans who made his people prisoners of the walled cities worrying over giant retarded Titans eating them. So now instead of Eren going:

"Gonna kill all the Titans!"

He's going:

"Gonna use my power to control Titans and lead an assault and kill every human!"

Because it's boring. Whatever they were trying to do there, they failed at it. The combat was entirely unsatisfying. Even the "puzzles" were completely forgettable. The jump "scares" simply got tiresome after about the second one.

>tfw you were born just to save the world by being an hero
Feels bad man

Why the fuck is Ravus ok with Luna when they hated eachother in the movie?
How the fuck did Ravus die?
Why is the emperor a daemon?

Basically what the fuck

>Why the fuck is Ravus ok with Luna when they hated eachother in the movie?

Where did they show that they hate each other in the movie?

Because if this shit was happening in real life I too would fucking comment.

Idk how autistic you niggas are but when i hang out with 3 other people we comment and chat about what's going on. The difference is this is a video game so the banter is limited by labor/money.

>spew one liners

nice friends


pro tip: I also played the game in jap so my experience may differ

You know what the problem with chapter 13 is?

The keycards keep going on after you thought it was over.

Iedolas daemon form being annoying as fuck.

Those fucking dead soldiers grabbing you for the 6th time and you have to make a button again

Those attempts at horror by playing a sharp sound with a soldier dying animation

Death is shit
Holy is good
Whole dungeon is basically you waiting for full mp to cast alterna, especially on those spider enemies with webs that can stun you




>Ardyn kills ur bros
>eh whatever
>run to checkpoint to fight

I can't even

this is fuckin stupid

>Ardyn in the train was prompto all along
>Didn't get it like until almost the end of the game

So that's fucking why everything was so fucking weird.

I mean ardyn was weird and i could totally see him saying those stuff to taunt you, but something was off.

The train roof scene had weird transition and i was so confused that whole segment.

>umm it ends now I guess
>run to another checkpoint

fuck off honestly


>10 years and nothing to show for it

why would SE shit on themselves like this

>if its nomura,there is FFXV-2,FFXV-3

Agree, 100%

Although it was a serious mindfuck moment when you find Iedolas / his garb on the empty throne
The game may not convey the idea well, although it's a little better with the movie in mind, but just how deep Ardyn's setup for the eternal night is was a part I really liked about the story.

They should have had at least 5-10 hours of optional content in the "present" before the final battle, though. Obviously, everyone wanted to see Cid, Cindy and Iris in Mad Max mode.

>They should have had at least 5-10 hours of optional content in the "present" before the final battle, though.

Agreed. They even went out of their way to mention Lestallum like you'd actually go there, but it was one of too many bait and switches in the game.

>Daemonwall in the tunnel
>Thought it would be a terrifying survival section built on the bones of Ch.13
>It just ends before you can explore or fight anything

Then you fight the REAL Daemonwall in past Lucis and it's one of the best hunts in the whole game.

Fucking hell, it's such a cheap emotional ploy. They even show it out of order because there was nothing when it actually happens that logically led to feeling sad, so they put it directly after Noctis kills himself and a credits song of licensed, vocal, sad music instead so they could ride off that.

If it had been in order, you'd be questioning it because they hadn't reestablished your party's bonds after the 10 years of absence, and it'd begin falling flat on it's face because your party gets written out of mattering at all in Insomnia. Noctis may as well have gone alone, because his friends aren't even allowed to give fucking words of encouragement.

You realize Noctis already knew he had to die to stop Ardyn, right? In fact, the whole party knew it.

Everyone knew it. The King was heartbroken when he learned that Noctis was born the Child of Light. You, as the player, just aren't given full information.

I love Ignis!

I don't think Regis knew about it, and neither did Noctis or his friends until post-timeskip since that's when he learns about the True King stuff. The Brotherhood anime shows his childhood, and the biggest concerns he has about the death of his father are losing his dad and not being prepared to be a king like his dad was (which Gladio/Ignis are trying to help him be). None of them knew about any self-sacrifice outside of the usual of the ring's powers.

By the time of the camping scene they probably all have the feeling Noctis will die for whatever reason, but so what? You were just told that your best friends connections to one another are so shallow, they didn't stick with each other during those 10 years, then you show up, and now they're all best buds again instantly? It's like they don't want to have character relations outside of Noctis because they're terrified of that taking away from him, and it makes them feel like they're shallow dicksuckers.

It's such a shallow sacrifice, which just seems stupid when FFX dealt with that theme extensively.

I must have missed some notes, how did all of Niff become zombie ghoasts?

>Why the fuck is Ravus ok with Luna when they hated eachother in the movie?
Your headcanon, they never hated each other.
>How the fuck did Ravus die?
Said in the game.
>Why is the emperor a daemon?
Said in the damn game.

Pay attention.

He spent 10 years with Bahamut inside the hyperboltic time chamber. It was like a state where he is conscious of what's happening inside and his mind is growing and learning, but when he "awakes" he wasn't sure how much time had passed.


I wonder if you even played the game at all.

they didn't hate each other, they were children CAPTURED by an invading empire, they both had to play their parts to stay alive, its obvious they loved each other

>Smart, tactician role
>Slightly older
>Serious and composed, but willing to make jokes at Noct and the others expense
>Uses dual swords and lances
>Amazing chef
>Has a tragic moment in-game that he fights through so he can still help the group

Would Ignis be the most popular FF character of all time if he was a girl?

Not particularly but I find the structure kinda addicting.

>I don't think Regis knew about it
He did. That's what the entire dawn trailer was about and why Regis was even crying in it.

So after I beat the game I can just come back and do all of the side stuff right? Because as much as I want to keep slamming my head into optional dungeons, Hunts, and the like, I feel like I ought to just beat the main story while I'm not completely over leveling it.

>goes from teenager to an adult

yean thats normaly what happens when you gets older

>that almost doubles the chapter 13
Just what that chapter needs, be even more longer.

What final fantasies have you played with great character development? It's a series of mostly fairly flat characters and only a couple will see any real development.

FF9 is considered by many to be the best and half the cast is forgotten an hour after they're introduced.

>those clothes

They are making the ring magic stronger though so it won't feel as long.

Noct's lip quivering is what hit me.

Cast wise I'd say nothing can top 6. Admitting lyrics most development is side quest. But that's largely the second half sw format

>Noct should be either surprised or repulsed or both after his privileged upbringing
Holy shit, someone gets it, if I was royalty I would not even be willing to be in a 5 meter radius of peasants, much less do pointless shit like that. It's baffling how Noctis didn't turn out to be a privileged snob.

That's just a trailer though. One that clearly didn't make it to the rest of the people making different bits of media, because everyone else sure didn't know what the deal with Noctis being that important was, which is why the goal was supposed to be restoring the status quo of Insomnia having their bloodline king again instead of the Empire in charge and getting their crystal back.

And it still changes nothing. Regis wasn't there. He doesn't even interact with Noctis or the party during the events of this game. They didn't go about the entire journey expecting suicide, and even if they did, they sure as hell didn't handle it as well as FFX's pilgrimage that turns into Tidus's self-sacrifice.

Probably cause his dad made him go to public school and Gladdy kept beating his ass making him an upright member of society.