"A broad can take a good beating once in a while"

ITT: Games that could never be made today


not enough diversity

>every character comes from a different part of the world
>contains the best black character in all of vidya
>not enough diversity

sensible white male

Doesn't matter. Not enough transgender lesbian characters.

Jak games because Jak look at the girls asses, something that hate the nuNaughty Dog now

All women with curves in western games, now all are ugly and flat

'nuff said

Imagine the spergout on Sup Forums with a scottish black male if this came out today

This scene alone

Can't think of a better example.


It would be made today. He would just be blonde haired blue eyed and everyone would shit on him behind his back until you finally confront and murder him. If you had any choice, your dialogue would be over-the-top comic book villain tier should you defend him.

He'd look like Trump.

Does it mean he's just straight?

I always thought the same thing

So many people bitched about Battlefield 1 but a black scot gets no backlash?

>tfw my country has a saying "Beat your wife once in a while even if you dont know why she will know why"

>what is making fun of something absurd
It's a motherfucking black scottish cyclops, who is also drunk AND the guy in charge of explosives.
For fucks sake, both his primary and secondary require depth perception and he has one goddamn eye.
Tell me how is that not funny.
Maybe if the black guy in battlefield was a blind spy it would actually be entertaining

You sure about that m8?

sounds nice


Wait a minute I don't remember this. Is this Blacklist?


>when you watch shit with cartoon Nazis and they're STILL the good guys from your point of view
t-thanks Sup Forums

Meant Conviction

Why was this slanderized by the media so much? It's tamer than most other Rockstar games.

Why does he slap her?

Because its critics framed it as a school shooting simulator.

Cesare was a really well done character.

Also literally /ourguy/

I want his ass.

I like your ass

That first level of Hitman Blood Money wouldn't fly today

it came out in a time when rockstar was at the center of videogame criticism and guys like Jack Thompson where still loose


Even though every single story-related female character in it was a strong, independent woman who don't need no man, there were still missions where strippers and prostitute were immensely objectified to the point of being delivered in shipping crates.

To make it look like she was assaulted so she could maintain her cover story or something.


well 4 exists and both have tranny characters and all kinds of stupid shit so it manages to be too stupid to criticize

why? I remember something vaguely about the guy's daughter or sth like that

The sad thing is that *everyone* would shit on it if it came out today. SJWs would go all SJW on it, the mainstream media and even game journos would bitch about the violence, and neo-Sup Forums would endlessly dismiss it as try-hard edgy shit.


>Whore of the Orient is canceled

This right here. Sup Forums has changed.

Thank fuck.
Now where's my singleplayer DLC Rockstar?

Team Bondi was a fucking nightmare tho the head bloke was a massive wanker.

Still really sad that sleeping dogs 2 died as well.

Guess the gta clone era is over Ubisoft saturated the market

Spot the R*dditor.

>Team Bondi

you have to be 18, user

Yes, those days are over. Let alone Uncharted 4, where it is even worse.

Execute Sup Forumstards in the street


This game would not be released because black people can't be main characters in games in today's racist society.


It would be severely criticized for appropriating black culture and for perpetuating toxic racial stereotypes.

rockstar is a trash company, but I doubt they give a shit about sjw shit

It's not just about if a character is black or not. It's more about the time period and the setting. The diversity in Battlefield 1 was ridiculed because it was shoehorned in where it never existed in the first place. Sup Forums doesn't just get pissed about black characters. Its the rewriting of history that so many game devs are doing nowadays; trying to convince us that a war between a bunch of European nations in the early 1900s was racially diverse, when that was historically not the case.

I really doubt anyone would be upset about a black scottsman in a game set in a relatively modern time period. Im sure you can go to scottland and find a black dude or two.

>rockstar is a trash company

Go back to your containment board sasuke-kun.


It might still be made just because it's Rockstar, who doesn't seem to give a shit about SJW stuff (yet anyway).

>We have to upstage the nuke scene from Modern Warfare 1

Ironically people would be bitching about the lack of women in task force 141 than that scene.

>Jew takes over Naughty Dog
>Elena becomes flat as a board

Hitler was right.

>games that could never be made today
Don't play with my feelings like that user.

The problem with BF1 is that it's historically inaccurate. Sure, the weapon selection is unrealistic because it's Battlefield, that's always a common thing in those games. But the war was fought by Europeans, not Africans. It looks like they're trying to revision history to satisfy the SJWs.
Who cares about a black scot in a fictional world though?


>But the war was fought by Europeans, not Africans.

You're whining about a game you haven't played, now this is far from being strange on Sup Forums of all places but even then, they didn't pull it out of their asses

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Geodude snuff film studio level in particular, but also quests like killing the vampire hunter disguised as a stripper, making that wounded girl your bloodslave or finding a prostitute for the cemetery caretaker. Journalists would have a field day with this game.

This. They're as bad as the SJWS. Worse even since they're louder and angrier.

Yea I agree. I think we'll see the game industry loosening up again to more sexualized females and equal opportunity violence now with this recent pushback against over the top censorship

Hello plebbit

Im seeing this post in every thread, even those with no relevance to sjw/pol shit and it's always followed by the same replies

thats some next lvl autistic shit

Can't even quote right, you fucking underage Sup Forumstard

fucking this!

>every thread
Sounds like you only browse the low quality Sup Forumsbait threads. Try browsing an actual videogame thread some time. After all... that's why you're here. Isn't it, user?

>Im seeing this post in every thread
No you're not and if you are get off Sup Forums once in awhile and play video games.


What went wrong with Chloe's face and ass? she was pretty qt in Uncharted 2

Shit like this is only ever claimed by people who don't read anything or watch anything outside of fucking Sup Forums.

It is because of the name, even though the whole game is mostly about BEATING bullies. Everyone in that school is a asshole.

reminder that Sup Forums is right and the only people who say otherwise are servants of the jews.

Right about what? That a game with a female protagonist is dirty ess jay dubya bait? That a game with a black guy is forced diversity? You're so underage it hurts.

I can't imagine this game coming out now

Rockstar is always trying to be edgy, they probably would have upped the ante on stuff like that

So naughty dog's solution to being PC is pretending women don't have butts, period? do they force female employees with larger buttocks to wear a butt-corset?

>Retard taking obvious bait

you just want your own boogy man dun u?

So you are subscribed to National Geographic and were outraged that this topic was shoved down your throat when it arrived through your letterbox?

Or did you find out about this issue through triggered Sup Forumsposting? Be honest.

that is historically accurate though

F*cking this, f*ck off you drumpfkins, Sup Forums is a progressive board!

It's already made, user, it's called Titanfall 2.



But Titanfall has good gameplay, I want my cinematic experience with terrible vehicle sections.

I found out about it on queer.de, which is indeed a site I read regularly.

Now would be a great time for you to acknowledge that, contrary to your claim, SJW shit does exist outside of Sup Forums and that your personal ignorance of it doesn't mean it's only ever pushed by your favorite scapegoat board.

Did you just assume their gender?

Fuck, i'm playing through this again.
>Lucreazia hitting Caterina in the jail
Pretty hot.

you tell em dude, let your voice be heard

Literally nobody EVER said it didn't exist outside of Sup Forums. Of course it does you idiot. What he meant was that the only real time it's ever an issue on this site is when assblasted Sup Forums stormfront neckbeard nazis like you get your panties in a twist and your feefees hurt when a game stars a woman, or a black guy, and you freak out and start hurling buzzwords like cuck, or nu-male, or shill, or whatever comes to your Mt. Dew addled mind.

When I look at TLOU2 I see a video game with a character from the first game who grew up a bit. When you look at it you see DEM ZIONIST JEWS SHOVING THEIR AGENDA DOWN OUR THROATS WITH THEIR STRONK WOMYN GOD DAMN HITLER WAS RIGHT!!!11111

>Look out Snake! That's a nigger!
>A nigger, huh?
>Yes Snake, a nigger, or, as I call them myself, negro, is a primitive hominid natively found in the Tropical and Equatorial regions of Africa, though they have spread to other parts in the world due to their use as domestic animals.
>At first glance they look like people with extremely dark skin, and some are even able to communicate in our language, but in fact they are brutish and unintelligent beasts, lost without the guidance of the White race.
>What they lack in intelligence they make up with raw strength and low animal cunning, try to distract them with a bucket of fried chicken, I'm sure you can find some in the kitchen in Shadow Moses
>Fried chicken?
>Yes Snake, they are extremely fond of it, they'll forget about their duties and start feasting on the greasy meat, use that chance to slip by unnoticed!
Kojima may have went too far, no surprise that Konami started exerting more control as the series went on

Stopped reading at the "like you" part. None of that shit applies to me, especially not in the context of this thread.

These jokes were literally never funny and were tired as fuck, and I love myself a good nigger joke.

Western culture took a major hit the past five years in terms of freedom of speech. It's becoming very homogenized in the sake of diversity. It's ironic really, you'd think diversity would mean more than just the same token minorities and ugly shemales but apparently not.

>Implying Hitler was wrong

You'll understand when you're older.

The ONLY difference here is the addition of the woman. Slap a beard on any of the guys in the first picture and they'd fit right in.

>the woman is the problem
Women made some of your all time favorite video games.