Why does this game run so badly...

Why does this game run so badly? My rig isn't really that bad but I can't run the game reliably with stable 60fps even on medium-high details. The game doesn't even look that good. Looks like fucking Half Life 2.

Also it crashes when I try running it on DX12.

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post specs faggot

Your shit specs will solve this

because it's game sponsored by "AMD Gaming Evolved" you know you evolve at 20fps. Fucking AYYYMD and people give shit Nvidia when they mess optimization, at least Nvidia sponsored games works well on AMD too while AMD sponsored garbage only runs well on AMD.

>RX 480
>i5 2500k
>8 gigs of RAM
What else?

No. I have an AMD card and it's still running like shit.

I have same rig except gtx 1060 and 12gb ram and game runs like absolute garbage. I guess you need i7 6700k oced to 5ghz or something to even play it on low.



Is it that CPU heavy? Because honestly I can't tell what's up with it. Other games run very well but this one not only runs bad it also looks trash.

Well then Eidos and Squared Enix is fucking retarded. I heard they are already making 2 more Deus Exes lol i wonder how well it will end.
I suppose game is heavy CPU bound, watch my videos how baddly it stutters for me and drop frames at 100% cpu usage. Those retards would take at least half a year to optimize it but they wanted to earn ez monnies from launch copies + dlcs later.

>RX 480

4GB or 8GB?

I'm on the 8GB GTR and I'm getting 55 minimum at ultra settings with temporal AA.

Why 12 gigs?

Genuinely curious.

Virtual Machine + Firefox + games running at same time are huge ram hog, if my other stick wouldn't broke i'd have 16gb

8 gig sapphire OC edition. Haven't really measured the FPS yet but the game feels choppy as fuck.

Yep CPU bottleneck.
Just max out the graphics til bottleneck reduced a bit

Ah ok. Was wondering why you didn't have 16.

Does that mean you're running only three sticks? Aren't you're missing out on dual channel mode like that?

It's 2 sticks and 1 snapped in halves.

I ran that well on a computer I haven't done shit on in like 3 years. And it was dated then.

ITS THE SHADOWS YOU RETARDS - that setting is a cpu killer.

On high (not ultra) my 4.7ghz 8320e, 290x in DX12 mode hovers around 40fps in the wide areas and a solid 60fps lock indoors.

Oh neat, didn't know that worked.

Runs fine on my machine. ;)

I have them on medium.

Why the fuck can't I run on DX12 anyway? It just crashes immediately as I launch it.

If in doubt reinstall your gpu drivers. There could be a million reasons why the game is unstable for you and tracking down the exact cause might not be easy.

One thing I would do is free up as much system ram as you can when loading DX12 (i.e close all your furry porn browser sessions) just in case there is some shenanigans going on with your ram and windows page file.

Turn off msaa

Sounds like a driver issue to me, what's your 2500k clocked at btw?

If you don't turn off MSAA, your computer just wants to strangle itself on the poor optimization of this game

Turn off SMAA, use FXAA+sharpening

Not running any AA actually.

It just crashes. Can't be the RAM or anything. Best bet would be the exe is fucked or something. It's pirated btw.

2500k is stock. And I'm running newest drivers.

>thinking you have the right to complain about performance
>not even able to make it run decently despite the decent optimization and lack of Denuvo

Let me guess, consolefag that recently got a pc?

I'm glad i didn't fell for dx12 meme and didn't downgrade to win10 for MD

retard thinking legit version is not 1:1 to pirate one
>>thinking you have the right to complain about performance
just fuck off cunt
>>not even able to make it run decently despite the decent optimization and lack of Denuvo
>>the decent optimization and lack of Denuvo


>decent optimization
Dude what

>>thinking you have the right to complain about performance
What does that have to do with performance?

>Let me guess, consolefag that recently got a pc?

>this mad poorfag's tears

>dude what
Only actual problem is MSAA, disable it and it will run fine. If it still doesn't run well, get a new card

>what does have that to do
Noli equi dentes inspicere donati

Then why are you so new

>Only actual problem is MSAA, disable it and it will run fine. If it still doesn't run well, get a new card
It's a well known fact that this particular game is poorly optimized.

>Noli equi dentes inspicere donati
That doesn't answer the question.

>Then why are you so new
Been here probably longer than you.

> particular game is poorly optimized.

Requiring monster hardware =/= poor optimised. Deus ex looks great and has the hardware requirements to match. An example of a poorly optimised game would be mafia 3 - look pretty meh but (even after a patch which gave huge performance boosts) still cripples all but the mightiest cpus and gpus at 1080p.

I'm running a 480 8GB, i5 6600k and 16gb of 3200mhz ram and i max the game out, excluding AA
runs at 60, with very occasional dips to 50

>It's a well known fact that this particular game is poorly optimized.
Looks like you never actually played a truly unoptimized game.

>That doesn't answer the question.
Yes it does.

>Been here probably longer than you.
You spent a whole fucking decade here? You think it's something to be proud of?

Are you serious right now?

>looks good
It looks like Half Life 2. Not even joking here.

>has the hardware requirements to match
Yeah I match them. Still runs like trash.

It's just poor optimization, especially when talking about those extra graphical features.

This isn't Doom 4 unfortunately.

>Looks like you never actually played a truly unoptimized game.
Looks like you haven't played this game.

>Yes it does.
No it doesn't.

>You spent a whole fucking decade here? You think it's something to be proud of?
At least it qualifies me to tell a newfag like yourself that I'm not a newfag.

>It looks like Half Life 2. Not even joking here.

You need to see an optician as you might be legally blind. I'm sure there is soem sort of government help you can get to assist you with your disability.

Borderless windowed dosnt work
Albo make sure you turn off the aa as Its supersampling and not screenspace

>Looks like you haven't played this game.
I never completed NG+ if that's what you're referring to
Really user, you think THIS game is un optimized because it requires decent specs to offer such visuals? Honestly, when did you join the mustard race? Three months ago?

>No it doesn't.
Try reading it again, you can do it user. I believe in you.

>At least it qualifies me to tell a newfag like yourself that I'm not a newfag
Then why are you acting like one?

>it looks like HL2
Might as well play on consoles if that's your perception of reality user

>Tfw trying to run this game with a 660 and stock i5 2500

>looks like hl2

sorry you got something terminal, even if i did want to waste more of my time typing something more substantial I wouldnt.

because youre a faggot

I think it's funny that everyone here always says a 2500k is still good for gaming yet there's numerous games where a 2500k can bottleneck you.

> rig