And here's anons room, I guess you can say he's a real video game buff

>And here's anons room, I guess you can say he's a real video game buff

Other urls found in this thread:

Buff? Well, I'm more of an expert, really.




>Parents open my door to guests
>I'm jerking off


>this is me looking at the normies



Hey, I'm playing that.

>not locking your door
>not jerking off exclusively at night time

>having your parents show random people your room on some kind of weird ass house tour



>those walls and decorations
Holy shit user
That is slick as fuck

I prefer the term connoiseur

more like creepy, it looks almost like the owner is a fat fuck as well


t. poorfag living in a mudhut
the only people who don't give house tours either live in a single room or don't have worthwhile houses


>not jerking off exclusively at night time

>implying theres enough time in a night to contain my jerkoff needs

How do you get rid of the lingering smell of cum lads?

>not stopping, looking them straight in the eyes for a few seconds and then continuing right before their eyes

You eat it user.

>tfw this never happened because I would never be awake during the day

Sometimes I wish I could go back to the good old days.


Steam clean the carpet, wash all your surfaces, stop cumming on the floor, get some fresh air running through your room

Every room is my room considering I own this fucking house.

Wow I sounded like my dad there.

R.I.P in peace dad.

and this is our holodeck, good god Lieutenant, what are you doing?

>tfw your room smells perfectly fine to you and cum and booze to everyone else

>don't mind the stench of putrefied flesh, he masturbates a lot

Just tell people you were bleaching your clothes in there.

Not letting it sit anywhere in the first place by using the foreskin as a container and then go to the toliet.
Of course you need to HAVE foreskin for that.
>tfw feral

>he doesn't have candles in his room
disappointed in you user

mfw I don't have a door.


who is this cumster dumpster?


That's a uti waiting to happen user.

Venus Angelic
you'll hate her the moment you watch one of her videos

That's just creepy.

mom, stop talking about 9/11 when I'm jerking off.


>Venus Angelic
oh shit, didn't even realize.

Wasn't she the one who got in a lawsuit with her mother and moved out to japan?