Bosses are 100 times harder than Souls ganmes

>bosses are 100 times harder than Souls ganmes
>restart right away and git gud

>Souls games
>have to walk all the way to bosses
>just run past enemies, dont even have to earn the fight
>you also have to re-farm Blood Viral in Bloodborne

why do people confuse tedious for hardcore ?

seriously, running to bosses over and over again is fucking annoying

Other urls found in this thread:

>putting Furi in a picture with Ninja Gaiden Black
you suck OP


This meme needs to die. It was a 6/10 bullet hell.

Replace Furi with Ys OiF or Origin.
And add Shinobi.

Exactly, people who claim it's GOTY were dropped on their heads as children.

I'll give you Ninja Gaiden, but Furi? Come on now.

Sometimes you need a minute to calm down, clear your head, and think about what went wrong instead of just throwing corpses at a boss until you get it. Dark souls did it right

>you also have to re-farm Blood Viral in Bloodborne

Every time i see someone say this I try to comprehend how astronomically shitty they must be at video games. Enemies drop them like candy, and you always have blood echoes left over from leveling up that you could use to buy vials, or the consumables that give you echoes which you could use as well. You should never have to go out of your way to get blood vials unless you are a mouth breathing retard of the highest order.

>Enemies drop them like candy
only in certain areas

>and you always have blood echoes
700+ echoes per vial is not viable in the slightest

I love bloodborne but these stupid fucking excuses with no basis need to stop, estus was the ideal healing system for these games.

>blood echoes left over from leveling up that you could use to buy vials

that only apply to mid-late game where you get a lot more souls. early game blood viral is relatively expensive and most people gonna stuck on Blood Starved Beast and Vica which is early game bosses

>there is more than one approach to level and encounter design

>missing a point

i didnt say a single word about Furi being good or GOTY. i'm talking about how game handle difficulty. restart is simple and effective while running to boss in souls style is tedious.

you can have harder bosses but less frustrating by let player retry right away.

Modern gamers can't comprehend why a game punishes them for dying. Consequences of failure? Get out of here, let me immediately correct myself with no hassle!

Bloodborne? HA. MuwahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHA.

You motherfuckers don't know hard.

I don't like it, but it's part of the punishment of death, making you be extra careful of not fucking up next time. In long levels the pressure really starts to build and gives a psychological feel to progression.

This. Just play Hyper Light Drifter, the better version.

Alma fights are some of the only hard parts on Ninja Gaiden on Master Ninja.

Hell, half the roster can be izuna dropped.

>getting bored is a punishment

those are totally different games

Furi's biggest flaw is being only a boss rush. Half of the game is literally walking simulator. Bosses are only difficult when the game is having performance issues or it thrusts you into a bullet hell that you can't avoid because the controls arent pinpoint enough to do so.

right because you're just fighting bosses in soul games and gaiden games. You aren't collecting items, levels, weapons, you just start with everything and run through the game fighting bosses.

Oh wait that's furi and it's fine that it's furi, but it's a completely different game than Soulsborne games and Gaiden.

running out of coin/life is real punishment. walking to boss is not. yall act like some old hardcore gamer yet backing up shit like dark souls. shamful display

No matter who you get to play this game for the first time, no matter if their a pro action game player or a complete noob, Alma will DESTORY EVERYONE many times.

No, we're just looking down on you because we understand that there are different approaches to game design, unlike you with your "wah why isn't everything like X?"

>not playing the superior hardcore game

Any games like this that run on a laptop?


You can start a boss fight over from scratch straight away in Ys as well.
Origin also has good better bullet hell bosses as well as being a great ARPG in general.

Fortune Summoners

>Fortune Summoners
...What the fuck is this

a great game

What the fuck are you talking nerd. If you die in NGB you have to run back to the boss aswell.

I don't get why people like Souls gameplay, where if you die you have to start way farther back. It just seems more tedious than fun.

You don't get it, boringness and tedium IS the fun!

To be fair, few boss fights in NG are far from the last save point.
Unless you miss the save point. That happened to me before, it was pretty stupid of me and I'm still not sure how it happened.

"My first video game was on a gen 7 console": the thread.

I guess people compare it to having to play a level from scratch if you die like in ye good olde days.
Call me casual but that shit just gets on my nerves and fucking lives systems should never have left arcade machines in the first place.

The consequence of failure is that you can't proceed.


>Bosses are only difficult when the game is having performance issues
is your PC really that horrible?
Even a PS4 keeps steady 60 at 1080p

Dark souls is more about the world, the lore, and all the shit to see.

>Playing unfinished mess of a game
Compared to the other plies of shit that have released this year it was on top mostly for that time

I'm sorry, but if you genuinely grew up alongside quest markers and asscreed vision, your opinion on video games means nothing.

Don't apologize to him

I grew up playing DOS and Windows games so I'm used to being able to quicksave. I never got the point of lives or restarting levels like an arcade in a console game. A console doesn't take quarters, arcade mechanics don't make sense.

grandpa, not every millenial is an asscreed babby

Do you actually think it's an insult?

no, I'm just referring to an age-like difference in mindset here

This is why I don't get people saying Orphan of Kos or Storm King were the hardest bosses.

>Long and drawn out but relatively easy first form
>Fast an high damage second form that more often than not one-shots you
>Reality: you grind 10 minutes at a time for the chance to learn form 2's moveset, which isn't actually that more advanced than other fast high damage archetypes
>Perception: look at all this time I spent trying! Clearly hardest boss in the game!

its called artificial difficulty

Arche is confused

>Storm King
Storm King is easy, but NK himself is hard due to uneven delay patterns and being able to stagger lock sometimes. In the end though I still beat him without any sound.

This. Get off his lawn newshits. Respect the elder.

makes people feel good and "hardcore" once they bruteforce through the game. That was my impression of the 2&3 game at least. DS1 was captivating because of its beautiful and mysterious world. You always wanted to proceed and see whats next, at least the first half of the game. I played DS3 like a generic dungeon crawler, going from room to room killing shit then fighting the boss.

>tfw soon these people could be the majority here

this is the one part of the game where the best option is to leave her out of the battle.

Underrated post

Well you took his bait retard

It's reinforcement of game mechanics. Hasty, poor gameplay is rewarded with swift death and ample time to fuck up again on your way back, forcing the player to learn how to play or keep getting fucked.

nice meme OP. I know calling DS piss easy is the hot new meme around here, but pretending Furi is any harder spoils your sincerity.

It's a breather for the boss fight, the game telling you to re-evaluate your choices, maybe put the game down and come back later if you're a salty fuck like me.

He made you reply to his post could have just ignore it but you wanted to feed the bait

Ninja Gaiden raped me my first run so bad. The first boss and Alma just fucking crushed me. Took me 3 days to beat alma.

To this day I have no idea how you're meant to fight that first boss without running up walls and drop attacking. He's just aggressive.

Yeah, FROM clearly had an old school level based approach to the design of their games but they fucked it up by making it very easy to rush past everything. The bosses are easy specifically because they were meant to be part of levels rather than stand alone fights like the ones in NG and Furi though.

Not really play on Furirer difficulty and come back to me when you actually have every single Achievement done. Its hard so saying it is just a casual games Rea makes you a retard

They're there so your failures mean something and you can't savescum your way through the games, you actually have to learn.

stop this maddnes.
different games different approach.

All you have do is keep on blocking and rolling away from his attacks and attack him when he finishes his combo. He's really not that difficult.

>whasted all my blood for fucking Pthumerian Descendant on Waste of Skin run.
>turn off ps4 and never come back

i hate this. blood vials farm sucking life from this game. never had any troubles with any bosses through the game (on previous runs) but this random second state 1 hit kill shit...

>Pthumerian Descendant
what? I beat him first try.

Because many people were (and still are) exhausted of turbo casual games that play themselves, it had just the right marketing and the stars aligned for memers to latch on to it.


i stopped playing DS1 at the moth boss because i couldn't be assed to walk down there all the time

The things is, most of those memers never even get to the halfway point of these games. Just look at the trophy dropoff rate in bloodborne, it's absurd how much people waste money.

1 error and start over. i dont know why it gives me so much trouble.

maybe next time with cleared mind it will be first-second try

That boss is optional

i know there was another road down the garden but my souls are stacked in that boss area

try this on god hard

Except the bosses in souls games are easier to begin with and only require one strategy.

Roll behind(usually right but sometimes left) wait for attack animation attack 2 times and dodge back or behind again.

Repeat x times until boss dies.

There is no thinking about what you did wrong you just got unlucky or your reflexes sucked in that particular moment.

Souls bosses are highly overrated. Once you have beaten 3 you have beaten them all.

love this game... but controls are FUCKED !

>every game is just pushing the attack button

wtf i hate video games now

This is actually an apt comparison to Souls
because just rolling a lot gets you through so much shit

this first time I played this game I didn't no about camera lock and spent about 50 attempts trying to beat her.

I don't care what anyone says. It may be because I was younger but beating ninja Gaiden black through master ninja was one of the most difficult things I have ever achieved in a game. None of the DS games could even come close, especially to the challenge in NGB.

It made me so happy that the second boss in Nioh seemed to be based loosely on Alma :D

So many people saying NG is better/harder than souls, how do you all feel about Nioh?

I would rather just be challenged than "punished."

It is the best game since bloodborne for the PS4.

I felt more NG out of it than DS honestly.
They took the good out of DS and left out the bad and made the gameplay fast pace.

It was the best demo I have ever played. Spent 30+ hours on it.

Difficulty was higher than DS and possibly on par with NG. It was the beginning levels we were playing after all.

>Player controls Arche: clunky movements, a real struggle
>AI controls Arche: constant super combos out of nowhere, perfect chains

It's one game where it's just best to play healer yourself and let AI do the killing.

I doubt more than a dozen people here have beat black on MN and I'm one of them at yeah you have to laugh at the darksouls kids who think their game is hardcore, let alone a fraction of the HELL that Black is.

I don't mind dark souls really, the lore is nice and bosses are cool, and of course you can say "apples and oragnes" but they insisted on their game being the mark of hardcore when unfortunately a decade earlier black was made

and nevermind solaris and all those fucking games. these are just 16 year olds who want to feel accomplished for remembering movements, turnsets and abusing roll windows

roll is a MAIN mechanic of dark souls and in black you're dodging, rolling, running up a wall parrying then going into a 180 swipe attack. not waiting for your stam bar to replenish.

Honestly I'm going to have a hard time budgeting the next few months, there's a good $300 worth of games that I want coming out and Nioh's probably going to end up being the first one I get.

I love Ninja Gaiden but the bosses are not that good desu familia

Most are meh, only a couple i would say are really good.

literally every one here is a millenial, short of the great few born before 1980.

Haven't all those guys killed themselves by now?

>comparing nioh to ng or ds

it's a love letter to onimusha you fools.

It's literally nothing like Onimusha. It's just in the same, barely covered for some strange fucking reason, setting

>dark fantasy feudal Japan
>Must be an Onimusha reference
Getting kind of old now.

Why don't more people use feudal Japan anyways? It's a great setting and everyone likes samurai, right?

You mean like Tenchu, Way of the Samurai, Toukiden, Muramasa, Touhou, Samurai Warriors, Sengoku Basara, Kessen 1, Shogun Total War, Kuon and a metric fuckton of anime games? Gee, I dunno, man.

top zun

It's effectively timelocked in pre-Bakumatsu Japan, so it may as well be 'feudal Japan'.

Also Otogi.