Man, those predator challenges are BULLSHIT

Man, those predator challenges are BULLSHIT
>impossible challenges
>have to do them with all 4 characters from DLC
>have to redo them in more hardcore version in campaigns

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git good

wow ur bad lolol

>Challenge: knock-out 5 thugs with the line launcher

As someone who did all those bullshit predator maps, I agree. I don't know how, but I only figured out you can select which explosive you want to trigger by looking at it zoomed in after beating all them.

Should you be forced to exploit a game's AI and mechanics in order to complete a challenge?

probably not but it's what you end up doing anyway

these challenges are retarded, basically it's just waiting for the enemy to be in a certain position and do some shit

>Use caltrops to take out enemy.
>Leave jammer until last.
>Take out 2 enemies using one ledge takedown
>Punch 3 different enemies

whut ? it's easy as fuck

also how are the challenges in Arkham Knight ?

I started playing arkham Knight yesterday, I played until I told Gordon about Barbara working for batman. I just didn't feel like playing anymore, it wasn't fun at all.
Although, having been spoiled about the identity of the antagonist might have ruined it a bit. But I doubt I'll pick it up again

> challenges
> arkham knight

What if I told you that arkham knight doesn't have challenge mode like city?

thank god
although the brawl challenges are pretty good
the predator challenges are retarded

There was one of hers that was even worse. You needed to take a guy out from below a grate , not be seen, and some other shit.

>completion time: 22:38

Literally sitting there under a grate waiting for him to hopefully walk over you. No ways to really lure him without being spotted. Oh, and it was a campaign so messing up 3 times meant restarting all the levels.

Some are silly or require strict timing (take out a thug as he reaches into the box for a new gun, off by one second and it doesn't count). But look up Batman Arkahm Videos and YouTube and just copy what he does. It isn't hard, AI behaves the same at virtually all times.

Sure it does, they just made you pay for it. If you want the plat you need to get over a million points on one particular challenge. Pain in the ass.

It's a bad game with a bad story and nothing new aside from everything looking plastic.

Really? I've played all the challenges in City, and I found Top of the World and End of the Line (as Catwoman) to be the hardest.

>thank god
Well if you hated the predator ones, you'll be disappointed. There are the "AR" challenges, which are practically the same.

Knight's combat and stealth is funner because Batman is faster and has more options. But the requirements made the challenges seem more boring, most of them are "don't use X" or "don't enter X". The DLC characters are also pretty difficult, Harley Quinn doesn't even have a grapple hook. Nightwing as some requirement like "don't break any glass windows" in a map full of them. They are 10x more retarded than the City ones.

But the worst has to be the Batmobile challenges. I have no idea why I completed them, don't do it.

>take out 3 thugs at the same time, each one from a different wall explosion

>It's a bad game with a bad story.
Yea, getting rid of Paul Dini is WB's biggest mistake. All the villains in Knight might as well be "generic video game villain number x".

>everything looking palstic
I have no idea why they decided to make so many different reflection maps and dirt maps for basically everything, down to random props on the street no one will ever notice. That has to be part of the reason the game ran poorly even after the patches. It also made everything look reflective as fuck, like the environment sparkles every time you rotate the camera a tiny bit.

Gotta be honest here, Dini's writing really wasn't that great. Much like his episodes of TAS, it all boils down to the Joker. Which is fine but a little boring. Worse was the lack of any characters developing in any discernible way. They were just... There.

It may have boiled down to the Joker yet again (that's the series), but I thought Origins actually had the best writing. Bane was actually interesting, had motivations, Bruce really questioned himself and grew as a crimefighter, etc. Bam Ham was just Dini ham fistedly cramming as many villains in there as possible.

Origins was OK but the story went to shit when they had to do an epic twist with the Joker... what the fuck

Also the writing in City was retarded when the Joker had to jump on Batman in the finale cutscene, just so that Batman would drop the antidote and have to let Joker die
that was the most retarded cutscene ever

Great game but I fucking hate cat woman , especially her that mission fighting ivy
>TFW got the GOTY version and can't remove her without crashing it

whut? the one where you fight Ivy's goon is easy as fuck it's just a brawl
the annoying one is the one at the end in the vault where you have to stealth

They kind of all do that. Asylum went full tard with Joker Titan. It was kind of campy and fun so I liked it being a fan of the comics but it really didn't fit the atmosphere they'd spent an entire game creating. City had you fighting an army, gangs, dealing with mass murdering forces and then at the very end... Joker's the big bad guy! The one running this entire show got punched in the face and that was it. Well, headbutted but you know what I mean. Even Knight had you fighting Joker as the last guy. That's the series: it's Batman vs Joker. I'd have liked some changing of the formula but it is what it is.

Origins was great, I especially loved the corrupt cops and early meetings of enemies. But too much copy and paste from City. Only reasons I was okay with the tweest was the fact that it was pretty much established by then that Joker was always the main villain and that he was actually interesting in that game. That dream/memory sequence showed some great insight into his character.

Why wouldn't he jump and stab the guy holding his cure though? Agent of Chaos after all.

I get what you mean. I suppose I should've said everyone had more character. Like Penguin being holed up in a flooded museum and trapped Freeze in a sunny display, Twoface and Catwoman's quarrel, etc. I think those added a lot to the game and the so-called "Batman-feel".

Whereas in Knight the villains just seemed to be doing generic villainy things, saying generic villainy dialogues, and some of them don't even make sense (like Riddler).

>that final Twoface fight
You've practically finished the game, but they still force you to complete that area with respawning thugs.

>Why wouldn't he jump and stab the guy holding his cure though? Agent of Chaos after all.
I always thought it was really too random and retarded... Like, isn't the Joker supposed to have self-preservation instinct ?
>guy holds your cure and is about to give it to you
>you jump on him to scare him
>then you cry and beg because you don't have the cure anymore

that's just weird that the whole "Joker dies" plot hinges on such a weird, specific random action

>You've practically finished the game, but they still force you to complete that area with respawning thugs.
ok I admit this encounter was bullshit

They did but they were so unexplored. I would have loved to see Catwoman vs Dent. Instead we got "gimme back my stuff!" Same with Freeze and Penguin.

I think for Knight they picked a guy with an evil voice then built around it. Gotta be doing super evil stuff now.

You didn't think the guy who is always testing Batman's mind to see if he's smarter was doing it right when he built fucking race tracks and robots to fight Batman? Clearly you are the superior intellectual and you can prove it to Gotham when you defeat him with robots punching him in the face.

Side note, played that game dozens of times in so many ways and seen virtually everything. Except that animation is new, using their swords to pick at the ice. Interesting.

I was joking, he definitely has that instinct so he can keep playing with Batman. Unless he can kill both of them together, then he's fine with dying.

Just skip to 4:00

Which? All predator rooms respawned thugs. You often revisited them more than once.

Arkham Origins is more annoying with their Predator Map requirements.

The Predator Map in The Police Station I can't figure out

>played that game dozens of times in so many ways and seen virtually everything
I did that too, despite how simple the base gameplay is. At the end I was just placing freeze mines at spawn points seeing what would happen.
This. you either:
>Rush Twoface and hope you don't die, try to climb away, repeat
>Take out most enemies, punch Twoface a couple times, try to climb away, repeat
Armed enemies keep respawning.

Oh I see what you mean. I thought you were referring to areas where the few enemies that are around respawn when you leave and return.

Yeah, this was the worst part of the game. I always rush him, throw some caltrops at opposite ends of the bridge, and beat him mercilessly.

I always try to find the few VA parts you've missed, there are always some. If you're in the steelmill near the end of the game and try to exit from the way you came in at the beginning there's some unique dialogue, for example.

git gud

>knock out all the enemies using a single remote batarang

>Challenge: Knock down 5 thugs in one line launch
>Challenge 2: take no damage
>Challenge 3: save the guy with the detective mode jammer for last

>Challenge: get a girlfriend

>be batman
>pull out batcellphone
>call catwoman

Play as Harley:
>Take out 2 medics with the jack-in-the-box
>Take no damage
>Defeat all enemies without entering the vents