Dual wielding

>dual wielding
>shield skills
>magic soon

This game gets better with every update. I'm tearing through Novice and Adept eliminations with a sword in each hand.

Exanima thread. What's your favorite weapon?


>Early Access

Go advertise your game somewhere else.

It's the exception that confirms the rule. Devs have already shown demos of all the features planned, they just don't implement them until they're perfect.

Good for you. But you're still selling an incomplete game promising that it'll be finished someday and that the features will be implemented when they are perfect.

Those are just promises and they can be broken. That is why I don't spend money on promises

I'm not a fucking marketer, I just want to discuss the game.


>paying to beta test a game

Sure you're not.

They beta test themselves. They only release an update when it's near perfect. Check the patch notes if you want proof.

This was one of two early access games I've bought user. I haven't even loaded it in a long time but the bare-bones shit available at the start was worth it. Treat it like an exploration game, not a hack and slash where you have ot kill everything.

>atill eraly access

Try it again if you haven't played Arena. It's a lot more fleshed out. The dungeon also have like 5 or 6 levels now

I'm sorry but no. I'll treat it like all Early Access games out there. If it is not complete I don't buy it.


Why is it still in beta then?

>le Sui Generis shilling thread


It gets better.

>W-We're not paying to beta test! I swear guys!

It's never going to be "complete" because it's just a tech demo for their REAL game Sui Generis. Stay the fuck away if you think it's going to eventually go anywhere substantial.

That said I got more hours from this beta than most recent games I've bought bought and pirated. Super stoked for a sort of open world game with mechanics like this.

>not just paying to beta test, paying to beta test a TECH DEMO
Jesus wept.

is this that top-down isometric fighter that looks so fucking good? I see videos here every few months.

That game reminds me of QWOP.

I guess all the fun I'm having is fake. 100 hours for 15 with continuous updates.

Should had bought Evolve for 100 at launch, it was a finished game after all. Too bad it's been dead ever since.

I'll agree with you that Sui Generis does look promising. However, paying to beta test a tech demo is dumb.

Also, genuine question, did the Sui Generis backers also get Exanima?

Dude, you should know not to come to Sup Forums if you want to discuss a game that isn't a meme or if you don't want to shit on a game.

Honestly, Reddit is 100x better for thorough discussion.

Yes it is.

Backers? No idea, didn't know about it when it was kickstarted. I got it from STEAM quite a while after they funded it.

You can say paying for tech/alpha/beta is dumb into eternity but even if a complete product is never made I've gotten way more than 15$/€ of worth out of playing it so far. I find it extremely satisfying to play. The rewards for exploring, the disorientation of the maps, the fighting mechanics interacting with the environment, the armor system, the ai being different and running away when about to get wrecked. Everything resonates with what I've always wanted out of an RPG.

I did.

I fucking love the armor system.


>Play arena
>Pick up all helmets as you go because they are all essentially upgrades the further you get
>Fuck up a swing
>See a counter coming
>Duck to protect relatively unarmored legs, torso and helmet has highest stats
>Big cloud of blood sprays
>NPC cut my fucking throat due to new helmet not covering between upper torso and neck, leaving a little slit

Shit is amazing.

It's not a matter of fun you fetus it's a matter of principles and not enabling developer's bullshit. Reminder that Evolve's preorder bullshit was ALSO an obvious indicator that you shouldn't be giving them their money.

Chain link coif is your friend. I honestly find it better than a helmet if the choice is between the two, simply because it covers a larger area.

Reddit is better for bootlicking you mean.

Well, that's nice. A double edged sword since it makes the higher tier that offered access to early builds of the game useless but nice nonetheless.

>It's not a matter of fun you fetus it's a matter of principles

It's video games. It's literally a matter of fun.

Go fuck yourself with your principles. A lot of early access games get shat on because they're another survivalcraft shit game that tries to rip off Minecrafts success. But Exanima is not that. In fact, it's a pretty darn unique game, and you'd know that if you had actually played it.

>It's not a matter of fun when buying entertainment

I have finished enough kickstarted games to know sometimes you gotta take a leap of faith to end up with something good. If you find it suspicious or expensive then simply do not pledge to anything. If retards lose their money on KS, is that a problem for you? Are you actually going to defend the retarded?

The majority on KS is shit but I've only been "scammed" by one or two so far. Both which cost something like 15€ each.

Go fuck yourself with your fanboyism, I'm not going to accept shitty business practices just because this one isn't a shit game to boot.

I can't remember if it's against the rules but would anyone be interested in seeing a casual stream of Exanima? I don't have any kind of aspirations to be an e-celeb or make money, just a comfy short stream for maybe an hour.

Why do you think day 1 dlc is a thing? It's because people like you buy it up every time and say "Okay well I'm only getting ripped off SOMETIMES" and so people like me who have never bought any get what would be perfectly great games that have shit stripped out of them to make more money instead. Your stupidity has an impact on me.

No one cares what you think, faggot. Fuck off and stop thinking just because you figured out how to post that what you say magically matters now. Either talk about the game or hide the thread. This isn't /biz/.

>video GAMES
>someone who plays a GAME for fun is a fanboy

Autism as its finest.

I didn't feel ripped off this time, user. I don't know what to tell you. In this case I feel that EA isn't shit, almost like it isn't ever just one thing but must be approached on a case by case basis.