Consider this thread off the list.

One of those games thats so short and inconsequential you start wondering if you even actually played it a week after you beat it

*sigh* fuck you or something I guess.......

>ending up flying into fucking space all in one day just to save one girl

shitty sound effect

Definition of hidden gem

This worth emulating?

This was my launch ps2 game
Fucking awesome


Wish square would do more modern setting videogames

Maybe if you weren't alive when it came out. It wasn't too well hidden in 2000

It's a short fun beat em up go for it if you want.

>The fucking robots in the third or fourth stage

I bought it in 2000 without knowing anything about it. And to this day, i haven't encountered any person in real life who has played it or even heard about it.

>beating the game for the third time
>suddenly a new final fight
I wasn't ready

>game can be completely in literally 20 minutes if you skip all the cutscenes

Still loved the shit out of it when it came out, though it hasn't aged well.

It was a decent launch title for the PS2 that didn't live up to Sony's hype. Sure, it didn't deserve to be shit on as much as it did, but it isn't that memorable either.

I think it's still pretty memorable due to it's top graphics, shading and juggling physcis back then, the character designs and fukcing over the top story


Oh man. I actually loved this game when it came out.

If you beat the game for the third time, the final boss will stand up again, get completely shirtless and use new moves. You can unlock this form by beating him.
Also the endings change depending on which character you use for certain fights.
Two characters have an epilog fight that unlocks two new characters for survival and versus.

I should play it again.

Tech demo that took 20 minutes to beat disguised as a full game that was sold full price?
And people complained about Ground Zeroes.

Square was doing that shit long before

I remember it being covered a lot in gaming magazines at the time. Touted as an exciting new departure from Square.

>I have never played but spout retarded memes and pictures of my mom

The versus mode in this was the best. I loved using kaldea, turning into a panther and gently pawing at everyones feet to knock them over.

I just want to uppercut heavy lifting robots again. Preferably to save a robot qt from my shapeshifting ex.




>mfw Duragon escaped the group attack

Yeeeah this game is hardly a gem. I generally love games that handle awkwardly. I love the shit out of Godhand, but I even gave this a try again a few weeks back and it was about as dull as I remembered. Not the worst thing I ever played, but there's so much better out there.

It's a shame too because of how nice it looked. I even recall OPM giving it a low score and lamenting its existence as "the beginning of a trend in gaming with enhanced visuals and gameplay that feels lacking". Can you believe it? Back in the day magazines used to give actual heartfelt reviews.

Certainly wasn't worth 50 bucks.