Ps4 pro 4k looks so g

>ps4 pro 4k looks so g...

Getting one for Christmas. Really hope mine ends up working fine. My friend had to take his first one back and replace it because of how fucked up it was.

Oh no you'll send it back and get a working unit. How horrifying.

He has every right to be bothered by a defunct product, moron. No one should deal with it, especially not the consumer.

>thread gets deleted just as not-CrowbCat is vehemently defending CrowbCat's honor
>this thread pops up a few minutes later

Kill yourself CrowbCuck

No one should have to deal with it, but considering the massive scale at which the manufacturing is being done and considering it's a lazy corporation trying to maximize profits it's really not a big deal that a minority of PS4 Pro owners have dealt with this (And can literally just get a working machine instead). It's not that big of a deal.

Reminder CrowbCat is a sanefagging SJW who gets triggered over insults.

PS4 Pro
"Made in Mexico"

>all that raw power
>expecting it to be totally silent

That's like buying a motorcycle and get annoyed that the engine makes a lot of sound when revving. If you don't like it get an electric moped instead.

whats the best way to get my chain tight on my R3? It's going slack for no reason user

unsubbed, and telling all my normie friends to do so as well.

d...did you not watch the video user? people can't even run games

>implying I know anything about motorcycles

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

>ricer shit

You better be a girl

It's more silent than the launch ps4 i had but i believe the normal ps4 eventually got versions that were less noisy.

All the other problems are 99% caused by developers being shit tier optimisers.

That's just salty haters pulling the cord off screen to make the PS4 look bad.


Dumb people who bought a PS4.
You do realize Sony is going to release another PS4 upgrade after the scorpio. Right?

Sony is surfing on the "4k content" bandwagon, even tho it is false advertising. Promoting the console as the most powerful console in the market.

Once the scorpio is released, do you really think sony is just going to let microsoft steal their thunder? Because the PS4 Pro is an incredibly weak system for a 400 dollars upgrade.

You don't have native 4k or 60fps. Even with games running at 1080p on the Pro.

The Pro it's just a slight improvement. You fucked up by wasting 400 dollars on a console that was dated even before it was released.


This is much louder than the problematic PS4s at launch. Not even close.

and for this purpose bought a $500 product?

jesus sonyggers are retarded

my PC shits on that and produces almost no sound

Get out of here sonyshill, ps4 pro has major problems and it doesn't matter if Sony can magically fix everything, it shouldn't have been broken in the first place.

That thing is louder than a fucking dreamcast.

The artifacting looks just like GPUs kicking the bucket.

I don't even own a PS4, bud, I'm just taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture instead of crying and moaning that my PS4 Pro isn't working out of the box. Have you really never dealt with manufacturing issues? How much of a NEET do you have to be to be so clueless?

You don't get to bring Frames

>my PC shits on that and produces almost no sound
Yeah with a full tower. Don't tell me that you have a tower with a form factor of PS4, these cost a fortune and generally not good because of the same issues PS4 has

>You do realize Sony is going to release another PS4 upgrade after the scorpio. Right?
More like the PS5.
Get ready for more remasters.

but that
pulling the cord dosent just stop a game but leave the console
i dont even


Every single Sony console has had these kind of wide spread """manufacturing issues""". PS2 was so defective by design Sony lost a class action lawsuit.

What do people who buy consoles actually expect though?

>we want something that tries to be powerful
>oh it also has to fit inside a hollowed out DVD player and only draw like 300w in total

This is what you get. There's a reason why desktop gaming PCs are the size they are, it's not just for shits and giggles.

>form factor

my PC could be twice as big as it currently is and I still would take that over such a noise pollution any time of the day


Fucking kys motorcycle cuck. That shit is annoying as fuck and South Park got it right when they called you faggots.

Honestly size and space isn't the issue. It's mostly a cost factor now, you could easily get ps4 to be a tricked out media player and be as powerful as a up to date modern PC. But the average person doesn't have +$900 to throw at a game console.

Nice try, cuck, but I dislike the Dude4 bro

We are not talking about your preference

Nice cherry picking

haha, everything popular sucks amirite my fellow Sup Forumsedditors?

I still don't understand, could you maybe make a food analogy to clarify?

>t. tech illiterate console fag

>Bought a slim cause I want exclusives without paying extra for pointless power
>No problems

Xbone still has better UI, but I dig the controller more than I thought I would.

>ou could easily get ps4 to be a tricked out media player and be as powerful as a up to date modern PC

No you can't

>crowbcat keeps shilling his videos on Sup Forums

This is literally CrowbFag.
Makes shitty videos cherry picking whatever he can to make everything look worse than it really is.

Can somebody link me to the thread where Crowbcat got BTFO? I feel like I'm missing some context here.

I bet those pcucks with high end pcs have to wear ear protection when they want to play just no to go deaf, right?


>He has every right to be bothered by a defunct product, moron. No one should deal with it, especially not the consumer

Xfags everyone

Watch an episode of any Gordon Ramsay show and you'll understand.

>consolekeks btfo once more

what else is new Sup Forums

Are you GENUINELY fucking retarded or just baiting for (you)'s?

No matter how you look at it, you should never be just fine and dandy with getting a product DOA. That's money and most importantly TIME wasted on getting that shit. Now you have to send it back and waste more time.

>Wow! why are you mad that the product you paid and waited for arrived broken, wow you're seriously are entitled and shouldn't demand items to be shipped correctly

Fucks wrong with you

man that sounds like a particle accelerator machine
sony gonna get into space travel soon?

>PS4 is using 7 year old technology at this point
>instead of a new GPU, the PS4 Pro is just using two of the exact same GPU which have been overclocked a bit
>CPU is the exact same outdated CPU but overclocked

This thing could double as a fucking space heater. People expected otherwise?

>All the other problems are 99% caused by developers being shit tier optimisers.
This is impossible, Sony should've designed the thing with a cooling system that doesn't sound like a jet engine when it's at full load.

This should not be the standard procedure, only a small number of PS4s should be like this

First of all, I'll be waiting over 1 month to get my PS4 back because RMA is dogshit
And how can you excuse this anyway on holiday season where it will take probably one month to ship your PS4 back.

NeoGAF was on full damage control yesterday.
It was funny seeing them usually praise Crowbcat for his videos but instantly turn on him the moment he makes something slightly negative about the PS.

PS4Pro exists because devices that can't output 4K aren't allowed to stream the japanese olympics

>Some retard finds 31 (count: 31) people who are having issues with their PS4 Pro
>This is somehow representative of a much larger problem and not just the nature of mass produced electronics

None of you reproduce.

I returned my PS4 pro because it made retard sounds and there weren't enough games for it

I just didn't go make a fucking YouTube video

Yep, All of this is orchestrated by one man. He's sitting with 100's of computers all shitposting all over the internet at the same time. Literally everyone likes the PS4PRO except this one person, who is responsible for every single negative comment.

>Expecting quality from consoles which are by definition cheaply made from mass-produced parts

Yeah, holy shit. Mass manufactured electronic goods tend to have a pretty "high" failure rate. Fucking take your shit back to the store and get a new one. If you're not in Amerifatstan most stores will even just give you a new one right away and they'll figure it out.

>It's the 32x, but worse

Will PS5 be the Saturn, then?