Nintendo Switch is a horrible design

What's the point of detaching controllers? Literally no one is going to hand out that tiny little controller to their buddy to play a cheap ass 2 player mobile game with a little kick stand for the screen. NOT HAPPENING

Why didn't they just make the console one piece that docks and uses wireless controllers? You could use the same controllers if you want multiplayer, whether you're mobile with it or whether it's docked. All it would need is a microscopic cheap bluetooth antenna. It would've been cheaper to produce, no money wasted on R&D. Detaching the controllers when you want to dock it and attaching it again when you want to go mobile is the most cumbersome shit I've ever seen in a product. NO ONE will do it.

How retarded can they be? NO ONE is going to do what's in the picture.

Other urls found in this thread:

Can't the joycons stay on when docked? It's no big deal.

Don't buy it, then.

Yes but detaching the joycons is the whole point of the Switch, which is retarded because the same thing could have been accomplished with software alone.

I am going to play with the controller detached. It's way more comfortable than holding a solid heavy controller in your lap.

I realized this when I played with Wiimote and Nunchuck. I could rest my arms at my side or in any damn position I want while lying down or whatever and play just fine. It's really comfortable.

*bing bing wahoo*

But you could have done that with a wireless controller anyway and not some stupid Joycon detachable console gimmick.

Now I don't have to bring an extra controller to play mario kart with my friend on the go.

yeah there are only 2 things I don't like about it
>it's mobile rather than a dedicated console and wil be under powered compared to it's competition
>the detachable joycons will never be used outside of mario co-op and party games

Yes, but then you would need to bring an extra controller in addition to the Switch when you play outside your house. The whole point of the Switch is that it's both a portable and a home console.


The switch is already barely portable. You can't safely put it in your pocket and it clearly needs a carrying case. I don't really believe people are going to take this to a rooftop party and whip out the two micro joycon controllers to play with people while putting the console on a kickstand.

This way it's optional and can be used both ways so nobody has to buy an extra controller.


The added cost of the gimmick could've let you buy an extra controller for the same price anyway or have a more powerful console.

>detaching the joycons is the whole point of the Switch

I thought the whole point of the Switch was to have a home console and a portable one at the same time.


You are desperate moron.

>I thought the whole point of the Switch was to have a home console and a portable one at the same time.
you could have had that with wireless controllers and bluetooth+dock egardless

Yes, a small, flat, carrying case. How big do you think the Switch is? You're not carrying it in a separate, Switch-exclusive shoulder bag. Throw in a controller that isn't flat and you've got more clutter in your bag.

>I don't really believe people are going to take this to a rooftop party and whip out the two micro joycon controllers to play with people while putting the console on a kickstand.

Congrats, I doubt anyone in Nintendo actually thinks this or made the Switch with this in mind, either.



It is. OP's just a moron who somehow can't understand that having an added peripheral makes it less portable.

>"let's show that you can play it on a plane"
>"what about the obvious strain on the back since you need to be folded in two-'"
>"yes, a real genius idea"

>durr Switch is too big to be portable
>hurr it should come with full size bluetooth wireless controllers, because they fit in your pocket easily
You can stop breathing any time



You shouldn't play games in public in the first place, you raging autist


No one is going to give their buddy a small Joycon to play some crappy mobile multiplayer game though, that's my point. You could have the same portable console and then the docked console with wireless controllers. And if you actually did want to play multiplayer on the go, the wireless controllers still work for that.

>Congrats, I doubt anyone in Nintendo actually thinks this or made the Switch with this in mind, either.
What? It's part of all their marketing materials.

It is the same as playing with the nunchuck/Wiimote combo which no one had issues with. Literally the only difference from playing with a standard controller is that your hands can go anywhere you want them to instead of in front of you.

>And if you actually did want to play multiplayer on the go, the wireless controllers still work for that.

How are you not understanding that adding more gadgets reduces a product's portability? This is like scoffing at touchpads on laptops, when you could just be using a mouse, and completely missing the point. Are you purposely being dense?

>typing all this shit


Do you want a list of stuff people do in commercials that nobody really expects people to actually do? It's just a way to stress the fact that it actually is a portable that you can play anywhere and its multiplayer capabilities to anybody who is casually glancing the commercial.

People usually don't have orgasmic faces after eating a spoon of yogurt or start flying after drinking a Red Bull either.

>shilling for nintendo for free

>"Sir, I'm I'm trying to sleep..."

They were showcasing it's portability. Literally no one goes to any sort of party with a portable gaming device, expecting to wow his friends with it, unless it's a gathering of likeminded geeks, and no developer would expect this, either. You just don't understand anything, do you?

>mama Mia
>so long gay bowser
>mama luigi

>user, I'm trying to be nice but I wish we could go somewhere for two seconds without you nagging me to play your Nintendo.

>How are you not understanding that adding more gadgets reduces a product's portability? This is like scoffing at touchpads on laptops, when you could just be using a mouse, and completely missing the point. Are you purposely being dense?
i understand it fine, but no one is going to give their freind a joycon to play it with a kickstand. so designing a console around that scenario is retarded. for that 1% of use cases, you couldve just used a wireless conrtoller. even letting you use wiimotes or whatever you want through software making it even cheaper for customers.

I think you have mental issues and need to kill yourself. Your complaint and suggestion is fucking stupid and contradictory.

Go away, don't come back to Sup Forums

No you don't understand, because
1) you're saying "I don't understand why anybody would do it, therefore nobody will do it"
2) you're still focusing on "two players with a Joycon each" scenario, which is only half of it. You can play with BOTH Joycons, either attached together or each in one hand, like with a regular controller. It is literally the scenario you personally advocate for, but somehow it's no good because you can also do something else.

you dont need to be that offended on nintendo's behalf. it's not like they're paying you.

The right controller has IR so I imagine it'll be used undocked. Remember shit like Wii bowling? It's just a smaller wiimote.

>1) you're saying "I don't understand why anybody would do it, therefore nobody will do it"
never said that
>2) you're still focusing on "two players with a Joycon each" scenario, which is only half of it. You can play with BOTH Joycons, either attached together or each in one hand, like with a regular controller.
i mentioned this. it requires you to attach, detach attach, detach, over and over again when you could just use a wireless controller instantly

Unfounded rumor. Also Wii Bowling used the accelerometer, not the IR. Also also, the Wiimote had an infrared reader and used the Wii Sensor Bar's infrared emitters to calculate its position. The Switch console patently doesn't have IR emitters on it (the Wii U pad does) nor was it shown to work with a Sensor Bar, so you wouldn't be able to use it.

not the guy your replying to but why is this such a big deal for you? you dont like the product, cool. but the fact that your so vehemently defending your opinion suggests that you think it matters.

did you make the thread? why did you make it? what were you hoping to achieve? someone to agree with you? and if so, why does that matter?

i dont understand.

>I don't have any friends to play with so I just assume nobody in the world want's to.

>never said that
>>designing a console around that scenario is retarded. for that 1% of use cases

>i mentioned this. it requires you to attach, detach attach, detach, over and over again when you could just use a wireless controller instantly
Why do you say "when you could just use a wireless controller instantly", as if the Switch prevented you from doing that?
You want to keep the Joycons constantly attached? Do so. Do you want a wireless controller instead of having to hold the console? Detach them and put them together, or hold them individually, and never put them back on. Do you want both? Either go back and forth, or just buy another controller like you would have to do with any other console.

You're complaining because you want to do something that the console allows you to do effortlessly. Also you complain about stuff you don't have to do but is there as an option, which brings us back to
>"I don't understand why anybody would do it, therefore nobody will do it"
"never said that"

This is what posting on the spectrum looks like.



see idk tho

maybe u don't kno what it's like 2 have frens

>house party
>talking to 7 and 5 Stacys
> that guy shows up
>whips out this industrial grade pushy repellant
>stacys evaporate
Switch owners should be bared from leaving their basements

You mean 'barred' . 'Bared' means exposed, revealed.

You got me. Typing and driving is hard senpai

>caring what strangers think

Really fires them neurological connections.
What are you, 12?

I'm gonna play Switch on the treadmill at the gym. with the two controllers detached like that.

Please pull over if you feel the need to shitpost so vigorously, Sup Forums isn't worth getting into an automobile accident over!

>He wrote 4 sentences.

Stay classy Sup Forums.


If I do crash at least it won't be as bad as the switch will


>The whole point of the Switch is that it's both a portable and a home console.

It might be marketed as that but let's not kid ourselves here, it's as much of a "home console" as plugging a smartphone into a TV is.

If the Switch flops, at least people won't die. Be safe, user.

>What's the point of detaching controllers?
one of them works as an IR pointer
they both have gyroscopes and accelerometers, so some games might take advantages of that Just like the wiimote.

Is that hard to understand?

>Why do you say "when you could just use a wireless controller instantly", as if the Switch prevented you from doing that?
because we live in reality and not in your land of make believe where nothing has trade offs. its more expensive to produce this piece of garbage just for a 1% use case scenario when you could use that money on some other aspect of the console, like maybe making the display not trash as it currently is. get it now little guy?

I agree.

nintendo needs to be euthanized please stop this damage

are you gonna answer my question or just keep going on about your opinions?

stupid question. you ask that about any OP of any thread on Sup Forums but you only do so here because you defend nintendo for free.

Stuff like this doesn't have that big of a tradeoff. Most of the stuff they implemented is technology they already had, just in a different way. You could buy external peripherals that would allow an iPad to do what the Switch can.
Also the idea that they could have poured the money they would have saved by not making the console like this into another area of the console to improve it is way less realistic than the scenario you imply I'm believing into. Sure there are tradeoffs, but you can't get a screen that is 10% better just by paying 10% more.

Most of your arguments are just "I think I know how the rest of the world goes than you do", and whenever you have to address known facts you avoid the argument and act smug.

>you ask that about any OP of any thread on Sup Forums but you only do so here because you defend nintendo for free.
>you ask that about any OP of any thread on Sup Forums but you only do so here

that sentence doesnt make sense. i havent even said anything about nintendo or the console, thats not why im here. im simply asking why hes so adamant about stating his opinion to strangers on the internet. the same could be said about the people retorting him.

you can ask that*
sorry im playing vidya in between posting

not true at all. having custom detachable controllers on every console and custom electronics and hardware for each joypad and for everything to attach and detach physically together is a huge expense, not just for mass production but for r&d as well. they could have easily replaced that for a good display and just used wireless communication for the rare use case we agreed would rarely happen, all of which would be cheaper because theyre universal parts.

are you the person stating these opinions? if not, im not interested in your reply.

Do people not realize you can use a normal controller even when the switch is undocked? It was shown in the goddamn trailer you autists

If FIFA releases on this, it will sell gangbusters.

not likely. who the hell wants to buy nintendo to play fifa?

yes, which is why wasting money making detachable controllers the central gimmick of this thing is a huge waste, autist.

>usually dont start flying after red bull

All those European children who want to play football and FIFA or PES at the exact same time

Defeats the whole point of making it portable you mongoloid.

that fanbase is on playstation. kids like that get made fun of when they buy nintendo

what? it will have its portable controls and display just the same only not detachable. youre an idiot.

the detachable controllers fit to the controller grip which you use to play the game when the switch is docked

yea, we know. and thats fucking stupid. it would be easier, cheaper, and a better experience to just dock the console and then use a wireless controller.

I'm a nut for collecting console/computer peripherals, so the detachable joycons are actually a really big deal for me. One of the coolest things about the system

I'm excited to see what crazy sorts of things they come up with, and what kind of games will be made to supplement the concept

>I'm excited to see what crazy sorts of things they come up with, and what kind of games will be made to supplement the concept
The fuck is wrong with you? It's literally the wiimote+nunchuck concept again. It's not new and they're not going to do anything new with it.

>No one is going to give their buddy a small Joycon to play some crappy mobile multiplayer game

Why are you comparing console multiplayer games (NBA 2K, Mario Kart, Splatoon) to mobile games?

>people complain about tablet gaming because of the lack of an input solution
>people complain when Nintendo makes a product addressing that issue

Sunrise, sunset

Why has nobody mentioned the Pro controller in this thread?

OP's entire point is moot due to the existence of the Pro controller.

>have to buy an extra controller

Wii U had a pro controller too and it had terrible support. Basically no launch game supported it, not even NSMBU which only received support in a patch many months later. Many other prominent Wii U titles are either missing support or only support it as a second player+ controller

If it's sold separately and not supported de facto by all software, then it'll suffer the same fate. I don't know how the fuck you can sell a controller for a console that isn't supported by all software. Only Nintendo can be so idiotic, it's like part of their brand image

>implying they won't have a Pro controller SKU

Also even if there's no SKU, the OP is complaining about the inconvenience of the joycons when traditional controller schemes will exist.

The standard controller is fucking garbage.

which is why multiplats might as well not exist on it, from bad controls to low hardware specs (DQXI)

How the fuck are u going to play NBA with half a joycon

>low hardware specs (DQXI)
what does DQXI have to do with low hardware specs

the problem there is that the are no buttons on the pro controller that the gamepad doesn't have so there was always going to be pro support eventually unless the touch screen was vital, which it isn't for most games

i've never played NBA but what input does it need that 1 joycon doesn't have?

>Basically no launch game supported it
>Many other prominent Wii U titles are either missing support or only support it as a second player+ controller

I'm gonna call bull on that.

Only the most gimmicky games like Nintendo Land, Zombi U and Game & Wario required usage of Gamepad.

Quite a few titles support Pro controller out the gate as well, including:

CoD Black Ops 2
Sonic & Sega All Stars Racing Transformed
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge
Tank! Tank! Tank!
Warriors Orochi 3

>the problem there is that the are no buttons on the pro controller that the gamepad doesn't have so there was always going to be pro support
And yet the same logic didn't apply to the Wii U

Yeah, I thought it would too, but Nintendo is *that* stupid

Look at all those multiplayer only games.
Now consider that this list isn't all Wii U games.

The Wii U Pro controller was poorly supported. If you buy a Xbone or DS4 controller, you didn't have this problem about wondering if your games will support it or not.

Stop trying to revise history to fit your shilling agenda.