Oblivion > Skyrim

Friendly reminder that Oblivion has better


Prove me wrong.

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No one cares 360 baby.

I only play Elder Scrolls on PC.

I have to disagree with you when it comes to enemies and combat. Oblivion simply didn't have anything close to dragons, vampire lords,werewolves or shouts.

Everything true except combat. Not saying Skyrim 's is good, but it's just Oblivion's in slightly better.

But Skyrim has less of a variety in common mobs then Oblivion. Also shouts are glorified Magick.

No Skyrim gave away a lot of Oblivions Combat instead of improving it. Most notably the Unnarmed skill but also, underwater-fighting, mid-air attacks, and rolling/flips. It did expand slightly on shield bashing which was good, but it did not focus on the movement aspects.

And as further example this. It might seem like I'm cherrypicking, but I haven't forgoten Falmer or Dwemer, I just haven't gotten around to making those images yet.

I can't prove you wrong. You're right.

Friendly reminder that Morrowind has better


Prove me wrong.


What did it means by this?


tell us something new

All of Oblivion's undead enemies give me the heebie jeebies


nothing in skyrim is creepier than the liches in ayleid ruins. oblivion also had creepier dungeon music and everything was darker, hiding enemies in the shadows and behind false walls.

Let me guess Oblivion was babies first RPG?

Morrowind has an objectively better combat for the simple reason that this is an RPG first and and an action game second.

This isn't Oblivion where any old woman can pick up a warhammer and swing it around with as much efficiency as someone who's trained their entire lives with it. This is a game where your stats actually fucking mattered and you actually had ROLE TO PLAY.

Put at least a little thought into your character skills and you will virtually never miss after level 3 or so.

I have to agree.

>he's going all out

No shit, literally anyone who disagrees is an idiot, it's better than Morrowind as well.

Completely correct.

Oblivion has a superior environment and world

>swing warhammer into opponent's skull
>lolno you missed, you have to put points in stats you IDIOT
It's shit and you're shit for being such a worthless fucking fanboy that you defend it.

OP here, while I enjoy Morrowind and it's combat systyem, I think its biggest problem people have with it is presentation. The old woman is still using the warhammer just as well animation wise, the only thing to differentiate the skill is her missing all the time, despite her attacks connecting.

That in itself is another problem, missing is practically pure audio based. It looks like you hit the guy, and yet no damage is done and no blood splurts out as you apparently "missed". The only real indicator is audio, which doesn't match up with what you saw.

Another problem is agency with blocking, you can't manually choose to block.

you don't put points into stats, they stack up automatically as you use weapons and spells. RNG combat is supposed to replicate the tabletop RPG experience.

Yes you do you fucking idiot why are you trying to talk about a game you haven't played? What do you think the screen you get when you level up is for?

You level up attributes my man. You level skills through usage.

>Oblivon better than skyrim

Meant to say put points into attributes (which govern skills), and you level skills through usage.

Not that user, but to be fair, Bethesda has always been behind tech. Even their "new" engine is out of date in so many ways, not even speaking about their code in general.

Morrowind's engine didn't support that kind of physics based interaction between hitboxes (IE. collision detection) or it was lazily left out or probably a design choice to mimic dice rolls (See most CRPGS).

But when games like Jedi Outcast came out at the same time, it didn't have any reason to not use the latest tech and modernize RPGs.

Yes it is.

Oblivion was better in every way except graphics, physics, level-scaling enemies and maybe AI.

Once you remove the level scaling, it is, regarding every single aspect
>maybe AI
NPCS had their schedules gutted down to nothing in Skyrim, and the combat AI is crap in both games, so no

Wow I bet you're embarrassed about this post and that you feel like a stupid faggot, I'm sure you left the thread too. I hope you use Sup Forums X so that you'll get a popup of this post to remind you what a humongous fuckwit you are, retard

Just reinstalled Oblivion. What are some essential mods?


huge penis and boobs futanari mod


Yeah, Skyrim was really lazy in those regards, true. But I know for a fact that Oblivion's enemy AI is VERY primitive when compared to Skyrim's, even if their differences are minor in practice.

Oblivion Texture Overhaul
Character Overhaul
DarNified UI
Oblivion Unnoficial Patch
Realistic Leveling
Immersive First Person
Archery Rebalanced
No Psychic Guards

I always go with these for the best Vanilla Experience.

>not playing vanilla

Friendly reminder Oblivion is still shit.

You can make this an argument of semantics if you want, it doesn't make you any less retarded



Eh, they're about the same


I think Skyrim wins in this department

Both are shit


Both are good

Main story, no. Side quests, yes.


>Vanilla Experience

Better cities + open cities
Something to remove level scaling (OOO or Francesco's)
The Unofficial patch
No Psychic Guards
A LOD replacer to remove the muddy looking distant lands
And some mesh/textures replacers, depending on your specs (Oblivion is horribly optimized and can't use multiple cores)

Oblivion XP and OOO fix 90% of the problems it has.

Yes, not vanilla but vanilla experience. None of these mods drastically change the core of the game, nor do they add anything new. Nothing has been added, just improved.

It being expected doesn't mean it isn't bad. Morrowind should have had the system Oblivion tried to do, but less shit, where low stats, skills and fatigue meant lower damage instead of affecting whether or not you actually hit.

All of Oblivions towns have a uniqe architet and a literal Cathedral and Castle. Each town has its own guild hall. Outside a few unique towns, most of Skyrims are just small villages that reuse assets.
Skyrim by far has less variety that n Oblivion. Most of the time you are fighting either Bandits, Dragur, or Dragons.
SKyrim is you being the chosen one fated to fight a dragon. Oblivion is helping the Emperors last son stop a cult from bringing literal hell to the world.


What were you even arguing in the first place? I was just clarifying how the level up system worked cause a bunch of anons seemed confused.

See this.
user said you don't put points into stats even though you clearly do (with attributes). I don't think he has to be so hostile though over a small miscommunication.

Exactly my point. Bethesda missed a shot to revolutionize the RPG market before first-person RPGs became a bigger thing along with Oblivion, which was also lagging behind other devs in terms of gameplay and implementation.

And Bethesda continues to do so because their design choices are lazy and seems second-hand in everything except the IP itself.

I'm still curious to see if he'll reply with an actual argument. I still don't understand what he meant by
Like, is he arguing that it's bad because it's not straightforward enough...?

Sneaking Detection Reloaded
Crowded Cities
Crowded Roads
Populated Prisons
Natural Mare Retexture
SR Super Hotkeys
Better Dungeons
Alternative Start
Real Time Lockpicking Minigames
DS Less Predictable Respawn
Mig Miscellanea
HUD Status Bars
HGEC Body Replacer
Universal Skeleton
Universal Silent Voice

>oblivion ghosts
actually spooky

It's a shame they didn't have proper controller support for PC until Fallout 3. Open world games like this are more comfortable for me with a nice controller for long play sessions.

If your combat system creates a situation where what you see and what actually happens mechanically are two different things, you have made a shit system. If you want chance to hit don't make it a real time system where there is no visual distinction between a swing that hits and a swing that misses.

Y-you realize these are first person r-right user?

>this meme

It's more comfy for him so just let him do it my friend. It's not like this is a multiplayer FPS where the difference will matter.

Here is a comparison of the enemies between the games DLC. let it be known that several of the right have different appearances based on whether you are in Mania or Dementia.

I think if there was a dodge animation that would help a lot. Morrowind's combat definitely starts off worse than the other games but by the end game there is so much you can do in fights.

Thanks user for clarifying. This is an actual argument and not just greentext schlock. I see this as a pretty valid complaint, but more a complaint of the technology than anything.

The game lets you know very distinctly when you miss/hit not through visuals but through audio. Attacks/dodge sounds ring out louder than anything and take audio priority. They knew it could be difficult to tell the difference and what they couldn't make happen visually, they instead allowed to happen audibly because of obvious engine limitations.

>It's a shame they didn't have proper controller support for PC until Fallout 3

They still don't. Skyrim is just as bad to play with a keyboard, if not worse.

Don't get me wrong, I know using a keyboard is far more efficient for aiming and inventory management and all that, but sometimes I don't want an efficient experience. Sometimes I just want to chill out with my girlfriends on our couch and wander around the world doing stuff, and let's be honest Oblivion isn't a game that needs deadly precision anyway.

So which side are you implying is better? Cause both look good to me

Anyone else know how to fix that pixel wide blue line that pops up occasionally on the top and left of the screen? It really visible during anything screen shakey.

For DLC it's harder to discern whether one is better than another, as DLC is where they put the most creative juices. Personally I think both are pretty equal in this case, but it's nice to have it as a frame for discussion.


Plus, it gives you EXP for reading books for the first time. I must've spent like 2 hours in the Imperial City bookstore just reading through everything on the shelves when I just planned to skim through for the XP.

You also gain EXP for picking lock, exploring new locations, gaining fame/infamy, and stealing.

CTD and Memory patch ENBoost.

Oblivion can get poor performance on modern systems, but this workaround makes it so that it can run much better. Got 30-40 FPS without it, now it's more around 60 with it.

EngineBugFixes is also a nice one for eliminating potential CTDs.

Final fantasy XV is better.

Not OOO. Unofficial patches, Quest Award Leveler. That's about it.